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Wolverines Concepts


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Man I hate to criticise any logo design because, well I wouldn't know where to start designing a logo, but why would a team called the Wolverines have a Polar Bear on there logo?? *goes back behind rock he came from*

apparently the Hardin County Wolverines want it, mr. smarty pants.


Doesn't answer my question though! As good as the logo is, it looks like a polar bear to me!


2011/12 WFL Champions

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Man I hate to criticise any logo design because, well I wouldn't know where to start designing a logo, but why would a team called the Wolverines have a Polar Bear on there logo?? *goes back behind rock he came from*

apparently the Hardin County Wolverines want it, mr. smarty pants.


Doesn't answer my question though! As good as the logo is, it looks like a polar bear to me!

Though the wolverine is actually like a large weasel, I think, it's head does resemble a small bear. You might be getting the polar bear vibe because the colour of the body is a light gray. If it were a little darker, you probably wouldn't see the polar bear resemblance.

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And I'm not entirely sure how you are ignoring the huge tail, or the brow, or the striping....

but thats just me! :P

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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Man I hate to criticise any logo design because, well I wouldn't know where to start designing a logo, but why would a team called the Wolverines have a Polar Bear on there logo?? *goes back behind rock he came from*

Look, it all boils down to what the client likes. The Hardin County Wolverines obviously like this logo design.

For example, I personally don't think that it represents the best work that the designers have ever come up with - either as individuals or in combination with other artists. I've really liked some of their other work; this particular logo... not so much. That said, the client is who these artists had to impress, and they obviously did so.

For that, as well as drawing more attention to the design efforts of the artists who call the CCSLB community home, they deserve a hearty round of congratulations.

Brian in Boston

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nice article newsenterprise...hey you got my name right! :P (JR originally told them my name was Greg MacCullough, the name of the infamous GMac, that would have been swell)

Either way im glad to be a part of the winning design for this team, hopefully it will bring the board some ell needed recognition, and soon we'll rule the world of sports logo design :D

Thanks to Gravito and JR for letting me jump into their duo, ive never felt more comfortable working with someone on a design, hopefully there will be more to come!

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