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So this is the first concept I've ever made. I've reworked this concept countless times and I've finally decided that this is the winner. Also used Mr. Wonka's fabulous template (thank you kind sir) so I hope it really pops.


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In a bubble, this works well because of your effective use of colour, so kudos for that. But as a Sharks uniform it doesn't, if only because teal is so strongly associated with that team, and it's a shame to see it reduced to a tertiary accent colour on their primary uniform. Sharks fans aren't too keen on orange either, and again, while this is a good overall look in theory, toning down the amount of orange or getting rid of it altogether is probably the way to go.

I'd also like to add: for your first concept, you've presented it well with your use of a template, so kudos for that too.


PotD: 24/08/2017

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I think that this idea works much better for the road white than it does for the home black. I agree--teal should remain the primary color (or secondary when paired with black) and on the home jersey it is reduced to the tertiary color. I agree with Kewp80 on maybe changing the black to teal and re-working the striping to incorporate the black.

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I love the orange on the Sharks, but only as a trim. Not as a secondary color. Teal is the way to go for a colored jersey since it always been that way, even in the black dominated 90s. It would be almost going in the opposite direction if they did this today.


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I made the black jersey teal since you've all been asking for it. Personally, I still feel that the black jersey is better, probably because I'm so attached to it. It started out as a alternate that I made until I decided to make an away jersey to go with it. I still feel it would go well as an alternate.


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You should leave the orange off completely. There's too much going on here, it's too similar to the Ducks, and orange isn't a team color anyway.

Yes it is:


Ah, I thought it was just a supporting color for the eye in the logo. My bad.

It's _____________ and Toledo still sucks.

[insert time here]

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The yoke looks like it doesn't belong in this concept. Also I wouldn't add a drop shadow to the logo, as it doesn't seem like it's stitched one, if you've watched Dylan's videos he showed you how to add a bit of that embroided look. Apart from that I like the orange it complements the teal well. On the away jersey I think the teal would work better where the black is and vice versa


Twitter: @lestoplegault - Email: Christiantlegault@gmail.com Blog: http://legaultdesigns.blogspot.ca/

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The yoke looks like it doesn't belong in this concept. Also I wouldn't add a drop shadow to the logo, as it doesn't seem like it's stitched one, if you've watched Dylan's videos he showed you how to add a bit of that embroided look. Apart from that I like the orange it complements the teal well. On the away jersey I think the teal would work better where the black is and vice versa

Since I'm using Paint.NET with the .PSD plugin I'm not able to do the type of embroidery in Dylan's video. :( Without the drop shadow I feel it sinks too much in to the jersey.

I completely disagree with you on the yoke. Without it there would be too much negative space and I'm trying to go for something closer to the jerseys before last year. I took your advice and switched the black with teal, but not on the yoke. Trust me, it doesn't look good. I also think that it looks better on the original since the black is the darker color and doesn't mix with the orange as much...


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No yoke would be fine and if you don't like it add numbers

You obviously didn't read everything I said and ya I forgot the TV numbers on that jersey but it was just to show the switching of the colors. If you want to see the numbers than look at the other jersey.

BTW this is my concept so don't act that way

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I like with the teal. Looks good. I feel like the jerseys they have work this year since it's so simple. Simplicity can work sometimes, but I understand you wanting to keep yokes.

If ever you do take them off, shoulder patches or numbers would solve that.


Twitter: @lestoplegault - Email: Christiantlegault@gmail.com Blog: http://legaultdesigns.blogspot.ca/

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ooo boy. he's turning in to a young me. This may get interesting

You're still young you, you're only 13 and you still haven't read the whole thing.

BTW here you go...


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