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New Jersey Devils


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Awesome work, Brendan. As a Devils fan, I can say that these are great. I'd definitely by one. I like the number font, socks, and most of all, striping pattern. The striping pattern really makes the jersey look nice.

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Two words: Green alt

Making the road helmet white couldn't hurt either, but overall they're pretty good. I especially like the shoulder yoke. It makes it somewhat similar to their current jerseys.

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Two words: Green alt


I mean, we all think of green when we think of Devils, but...

Not sure if you're aware of this, but the Devils did in fact have green in their color scheme instead of black until sometime in the early 1990's, so he was making a nostalgic reference, not just being totally random.

As for the concepts, very solid, striping is very Penguins-ish but since the colors are so different and you have the shoulder yoke you can get away with it. Nice work man.

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Two words: Green alt

Making the road helmet white couldn't hurt either, but overall they're pretty good. I especially like the shoulder yoke. It makes it somewhat similar to their current jerseys.


you aked for it so you got it.


thanks everyone for the comments so far. Keep them coming

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Not too crazy about the green alt. I would try to make it a little simpler. There's a whole lot of curves in it and it just ends up looking like Nashville. I would also move the numbers up the sleeves and add some white stripes, even just outlines, but they'll make this jersey "pop" a bit more.

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Not too crazy about the green alt. I would try to make it a little simpler. There's a whole lot of curves in it and it just ends up looking like Nashville. I would also move the numbers up the sleeves and add some white stripes, even just outlines, but they'll make this jersey "pop" a bit more.

i tried to make it curvey so it would go with the other jersey. I dont see the resemblance to nashville either. I dont nashville is curvey at all.


heres the green alternate but black i like it alot better

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Not too crazy about the green alt. I would try to make it a little simpler. There's a whole lot of curves in it and it just ends up looking like Nashville. I would also move the numbers up the sleeves and add some white stripes, even just outlines, but they'll make this jersey "pop" a bit more.

i tried to make it curvey so it would go with the other jersey. I dont see the resemblance to nashville either. I dont nashville is curvey at all.

What I meant was; there are too many elements and things in the jersey to keep track of. The new one is too busy, like Nashville. I don't mind curvy, but there are too many curves here.

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