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Everything posted by Cujo

  1. TNF won't fire her. A suspension seems like a long-shot. But this is pretty wild to just admit faking stories it's NBD. But ya, her credibility is likely damaged forever.
  2. DEAD WRONG. The Browns gave up 3 first round picks (on top of 4 or 5 other picks) and broke off the largest check to any player in league history, ALL GUARANTEED. And this is to a guy who allegedly assaulted 25+ women. As for on-the-field, Watson is a liability and has delivered on one good half of football since he arrived. The Browns' 6-3 record reflects their defense playing at a high level and back-up QBs and RBs getting the job done. I really don't see them missing a step without Watson. As for Russ, he's turned a corner now that Hackett is gone and he's has had a couple months to finally get in sync with Payton's system. He's definitely not the player he was in Seattle, but some of that isn't his fault when he was QBing under the worst head coach in league history. While that trade was a definite Seahawks W, it's nowhere near as wasteful and catastrophic as the Watson deal. Q: Would you allow your girlfriend or sister in a locked room with Watson?
  3. The first major graphics overhaul I can recall for a Super Bowl was CBS for Super Bowl 26. They kept this package up until their deal with the NFL ended two years later.
  4. Who's the next QB down from Collins? Vinnie Testaverde?
  5. Josh Allen's career is starting to mirror Kerry Collins
  6. Having courtside announcers shout at players to take 3s to win bets for them is dangerous and extremely pathetic at the same time.
  7. The guy who drew these up must've been obsessed with Mortal Kombat
  8. To give an their next potential head coach a trial run as interim.
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