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Everything posted by monkeypower

  1. Dropping the mountain from the logo is an improvement. Somebody made a remark in a Twitter response and I'm going conspiracy here. As part of the this, the Roughnecks announced a sponsorship with WestJet. They couldn't in good consciousness go full out and change the team colours to teal and blue because that would be widely reviled, so they went with the turf because it's just turf. But whose airline branding also uses the red and black used by the Roughnecks?
  2. Dropping the red. They also removed the mountain from the logo, which I think is a good move. The jerseys are just the (soon to be) old Arizona Coyotes jerseys. Also the fact that the Roughnecks wordmark isn't centred in the chest stripe of the alternate jersey seems like a mistake. Also a new sponsorship with WestJet that includes a sponsored field coloured in WestJet's teal and blue, which is what they were referring to about "the first of it's kind in the NLL" or whatever.
  3. I was just making a joke about it being an NFT...
  4. So it is a rebrand then. Interesting. This new tweet says 10 am, but the website countdown is definitely for 3:52 pm. Something never seen before is foreboding to me if it's related to the rebrand. The NLL has had some wild identities, so something never before seen doesn't give me good vibes. However, since the release says it's a two-part announcement and it's the year of Our Lord 2021, it might just be an NFT.
  5. The Roughnecks put out a release yesterday saying that they had a two-part major announcement to make Wednesday. I missed the article, so I don't know what it says, and now when you go to their website, an under construction splash screen shows up with a countdown timer set to Wednesday at 3:52 pm MT (which seems like an odd time choice, unless it's set up for a press conference at 4:00?). The Twitter responses feel it could be a rebranding. Apparently the jerseys have been on sale for most of this past year and some guy responded to the Roughnecks announcement tweet with his tweet from November of last year saying he had knowledge the Roughnecks were going to rebrand for 2021.
  6. No, I don't think so, that's just a Stamps black jersey thing. The black jerseys have the horse logo on the back of the neck where the New Era logo usually is, a hold over from the Reebok days (when this version of the Stamps black jersey was unveiled, remember it was part of the Reebok "Signature Series" rollout in 2013 and 2014) when Reebok had its logo on the sleeves and the black jerseys still had the crossed guns logo on the shoulders. When Adidas took over, they put the Adidas logo on the back of the neck of all CFL jerseys except for the Stamps black jerseys where the horse logo placement stayed the same and the Adidas logo went on the sleeves instead. The gun logo was covered during the 2016 season and then removed for 2017, still with Adidas, but the horse logo was kept on the neck leaving the shoulders blank. Then when New Era took over, all the logo placements stayed the same as they were with Adidas. FWIW, I was at the game and the barbed wire was impossible to make out from the stands so it didn't really look all that trashy because you couldn't make out what it was. It just looked like a thin chrome line that reflected in the sun. If someone didn't know beforehand that it was barbed wire, they would have no idea. (I don't know if that makes it better or worse that it wasn't able to be seen)
  7. The Dallas one was a belt buckle, that's pretty Texas. Though you are right about Boston's the year before. However, that is because the logo was a shamrock since it was held at Notre Dame. Plus the Blackhawks were the designated home team, so it makes sense not having a Boston themed logo (though the shamrock is kind of a symbol of Boston, or at least some Bostonians would claim it as such).
  8. I think it's a fine enough jersey and I'm not getting a lot of the extreme distaste the jersey is getting online, it's fine. I don't like the floating chest stripe though, especially paired with a shoulder yoke. Either remove the chest stripe or move the stripe to be a part of/ be the the shoulder yoke, similar to Chicago's black and white ones from the Notre Dame outdoor game. That would also fix the little baby captain's C issue from the Spurgeon pics.
  9. I always thought it was the moon for that reason, that you can see the star. I also always took the red sky to be signifying night for whatever reason, I can't explain it, it just gives off a night vibe in the logo. Combine that with yellow moon and it just seemed to be colour choices that weren't based in reality, they were just matching the team colours they picked (but the moon can sort of be yellow-ish too sometimes, right?). It definitely makes more sense colourwise to be the yellow sun and red sky either being the setting or rising of the sun, but I never see it that way.
  10. Maybe, but whenever the Wild colours have come up, it's always been referred to "wheat" and not "gold". So saying how they used to use gold conjured up a different image for me, especially with the use of "athletic gold"/yellow in their logos. TruColor lists a "Harvest Gold" which is the yellow in the logo and then a "Minnesota Wheat" which is the wheat. There is an alternate colour under "Embroidery Usage" called "Gold Metallic" which is the shiny fabric. I don't think the Wild ever intended for the Minnesota Wheat and Gold Metallic to be two different colours, along with a third similar colour in the Harvest Gold of the logo, it's just that they went with the shiny fabric in the early jerseys while the logo crest had colours closer to the print version. I think it might just be the different fabrics and a lighting thing. The picture you posted seems fairly washed out. This picture is from the 2003 playoffs, two years before the jersey in your picture, and you can see the moon being a different colour than the striping and different from the crest outline. It's not nearly as yellow as in print, but it's a different colour than the striping. It appears the shiny fabric went away with the switch to EDGE and now the wheat crest outline is the same as the wheat striping. You can see the texture and colouring of the moon in this picture. Looking through pictures right now, the yellowness varies from picture to picture depending on lighting (and probably picture touching up as well). I don't know if the logo colours have changed over the years or if it has just been the fabric changes on the jerseys. It doesn't really look like it based on the pictures, but I wouldn't know entirely for sure.
  11. ...they've never used gold anywhere, much less everywhere else, outside of the logo(s) at any point in their history. The jerseys have always used wheat, it just used to be metallic. Unless we're talking "gold" in the sense that the wheat striping used to be metallic and not "gold" as in Vegas or Athletic Gold or the yellow used in the sun of the logo.
  12. I've always viewed the NOB and the numbers as different entities. Sure, it's cool when the NOB and the numbers follow the same outlining, but for a lot, it just doesn't work and I don't think has to for legibility's sake. As long as the NOB isn't some sort of huge deviation from the number font, I think it's fine if it's a simple single-outline or a basic one colour non-outline thing. My caveat being that if a team is going to go with a different NOB colour than what is used as the number colour on the dark jerseys, as the old Flames, the only acceptable colour for that is white.
  13. If you've got a secondary colour to use, going non-outline stinks. I'll always maintain that Dallas looks like a beer league screen print job.
  14. It's just not a one size fits all approach. It depends on how many colours the team has, what those colours are, the number font, the design of the jersey, etc. What works for one team isn't necessarily going to work for the next and then definitely won't for the team after that.
  15. I mean to say that they're both "French", but it's not the same exact language. There are differences as language evolves and places grow up, so to speak, especially when that language is in two different countries separated by a large body of water. Just like how I would imagine the French of Ivory Coast, err Côte d'Ivoire, is going to be different than in Québec and in France. (I don't know that for a fact, I'm just assuming).
  16. I was going to say... there's not really much of a Quebec-(modern and current)France connection. Heck, Québécois/French Canadian French isn't even the same language as France French.
  17. We're just throwing out things here now? What does that even mean? Find me a an 2009 identity from exurban high school on the edge of a cornfield that is similar to the Ducks. Find me an exurban high school on the edge of a cornfield for that matter. I guess I might take that creativity over someone here saying something that has lost all meaning, or never really had a meaning in the first place, like "generic".
  18. After this long, and the success the Ducks have had in the non-Mighty era, I don't think it'll ever fully happen. This is from the Athletic when Ducks writer Eric Stephens (at least I presume it was Stephens) did a Q&A a couple weeks ago. Includes a shoutout to the mothership. Per Icethetics Jersey Watch 2021, there was nothing from/for the Ducks for this upcoming season.
  19. Go to their website, the Kachina is plastered everywhere. The only places on the homepage of the site where it's the Howling Head are on the standings to the side, which may be hardwired to NHL.com, and then in the Arizona Coyotes Foundation logo, which is something that would be changed later. Look at the branding of the rookie tournament they are hosting. The Kachina doesn't appear to be a matter of if, it's when.
  20. ? (unless you're talking about when the Flames bought the Hitmen back in 1997) The pink stuff is fairly popular when it comes out and their are still people with the originals (both Starburst and Jason logo-ed version), but I don't think it's a case of giving the people what they want as with the Flames. People like the pink, but it's not like the Flames retro or the Mighty Ducks (which as a fan of both teams, I find many similarities between the Ducks branding situation and the Hitmen branding situation) where it flies off the shelves and the fans have been clamouring for a return to pink. I think most people are "fine" to "happy" with the current colours. Where the Ducks similarities come in. Black, copper and red. They have a bit of a colour balance issue on some merch and graphics here the copper and red seem to battle it out for the secondary colour and the red wins out more often than not, whereas I feel, looking at the jerseys throughout their history, that the copper is the secondary. But yes, going with pink would be a lane the Hitmen would alone occupy.
  21. The Hitmen have never really been an alternate jersey team. They had one alternate during the early to mid-00's that lasted a couple years and then they've had four anniversary jerseys (one throwback, three non-throwback) of which two lasted a couple years as an alternate past the anniversary (the throwback and one of the non-throwbacks) and then the jersey they wore for the outdoor game back in 2011 also lasted a season or two after as well. So in their 26 years, they've only had one alternate jersey that was strictly an alternate.
  22. Yeah, that's my thought process. It's fine for a one-off kind of thing, but to ostensibly make it the alternate jersey, which the Hitmen don't currently have one, is a lot. The Hitmen usually play a decent amount of Sunday matinees and in recent years have been marketing them as "Sunday Funday" games, for more families to come to a game that's not starting at 7 pm. The release says those jerseys will be worn for the Sunday Funday home games, which according to the schedule is 17 out of 34 games (side note: that seems to be way more Sunday games than usual). Maybe it might not survive the jersey colour flip and maybe not all the Sunday games are Sunday Fundays (but I think they are), but right now according to the release, those are going to be worn for 50%(!) of the home games.
  23. The Hitmen unveiled what they're calling their "Great Neighbour Jersey" that they are going to be wearing for Sunday games. The text on the jersey are the neighbourhoods of Calgary, the bottom of the jersey has the skyline and then different Calgary landmarks/imagery. The patterns of the numbers and the sleeve striping, as mentioned in the tweet, come from the two local First Nations who the Hitmen has done more stuff with in recent years. I mean... I guess?
  24. Pretty much this. They got the reach and the young audience (and the advertiser connections?) for something like the MLB to throw a Tuesday night Rays-Royals game on. Also, I don't think very few people outside of the internet a) know much about Barstool one way or the other or) give a concerted hoot about Barstool one way or the other. Also Also, the MLB has games on ESPN, Facebook and YouTube, who all have just the most squeakiest, cleanest histories and definitely haven't done worse things than Barstool with more actual real life impacts.
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