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Everything posted by monkeypower

  1. I wonder if it will bring a full rebrand or just swapping out "Tennessee" for "Knoxville". I really like their TS logo, so much so that I bought a hat a couple years ago, and I don't know if KS would flow the same.
  2. https://www.columbiarestaurant.com/ Sadly no, it's a Spanish restaurant with seven locations in Florida.
  3. Well the white jersey template is apparently back now.
  4. It's both. It is a new helmet logo, but it's an ad for Visit Nashville, Nashville's tourism board/department/whatever it's called. It's Visit Nashville's logo.
  5. Yeah, I liked those Pens jerseys too. But that number font sucked.
  6. Calgary isn't letting Glendale have all the arena fun. A twitter thread from Calgary's mayor, who was on city council when the arena deal was made and was elected mayor a couple months ago, says CSEC intends to pull the plug on the arena deal (over $9.7 million dollars according to her). Houston Flames baybee! The new arena deal wouldn't have them leaving the Saddledome for another four or five years anyways, and I don't think groundbreaking is close either, so I guess Edwards and CSEC are trying to see if they can squeeze some money out of/re-enter negotiations with a new mayor and city council.
  7. Oddly enough, much like the Sunbelt NHL teams, you'd have to compete with college university football for that dream as well.
  8. I took it to specifically mean the black alternates and not the removal of "black" as a concept from all the uniforms. I also assumed they would just have different black alternates next year because the black alternate is a part of Stamps branding and lore. There was also another person in the locker room at the same time as me talking with a Stamps employee of some kind and they were both lamenting the fact that they can't wear the black helmets anymore because of how cool they looked. I'm not one for public confrontation, especially for something as insignificant as that, but I almost said something above me giving them a quizzical look.
  9. Maybe for next season’s thread, but I’m in line at the Stampeders locker room sale and a lady came outside and told the front of the line that the black jerseys might be a good buy because they aren’t coming back next year.
  10. Hand up, I've started to come around a bit on the pedestal jerseys. The pedestal ruins it, but I don't think it's a bad jersey minus the pedestal (you know, just take out the most prominent feature). I first noticed the Flames selling this hat a couple years ago and that's the only current pedestal stuff around but I haven't noticed this year if it's still in the store at the Saddledome. It's still available online though for what that's worth.
  11. There was a NAHL team, owned by Lamar Hunt Jr.'s company, who moved to Kansas City (or technically a suburb) for the 2020-21 season and changed their name to the Scouts, with a new logo. However, they went dormant because of the Covid season in 20-21 and then also were going to be dormant for the 21-22 season as wll, but were sold and moved to Amarillo in time for the 21-22 season. So there was a return of the Scouts, but they failed worse than the original Scouts because at least the original Scouts played more than no games..
  12. Speaking of Fisherman, the Isles are selling these at UBS. I think this is a neat jersey to put back into circulation.
  13. I want to like the Pens home and aways, and I think I do, but I echo that the striping is all over the place. Then you got Saskatoon who somehow made the striping issues even worse.
  14. First look at the Roughnecks new look and the turf. The red being dropped was an interesting (and partially because of sponsorship reasons) choice, but I guess the jerseys are fine?
  15. https://www.tsn.ca/insider-trading-how-close-are-the-sens-to-returning-to-play-1.1723083
  16. Yeah... I don't think you have anything to worry about considering the five games they've worn them are the first five games on their third jersey schedule. They're only wearing them 12 times this season, it's just a very front loaded schedule though with nine of those 12 games being before Christmas.
  17. That's the vibe I got too from the left side of the image. I can't figure out the right side, but it also seems food related. I really don't think this is a permanent change, I'm thinking two food based "alternate identities", or whatever they're called nowadays.
  18. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has one (do you have a Substack or are you on Substack?) and the couple pieces I've seen have been good.
  19. Is he doing something illegal? I don't think we can suffice to say based on this. Is he a moron, trending towards scumbag, who is having risky and poorly communicated sexual encounters with girls he doesn't know that he shouldn't be having (probably because he's going through a midlife crisis while rich and famous and trying make up for being a goober for most of his life)? Yes. And 19 is way too young for him. I'm 25 and I think 19 is way too young. A series of events happened this past summer at my summer job, that I am not aware of the full story and probably never will be, that led to a 19 year-old coworker (who was closer to 18 than 20) kinda, sorta hitting me up and I was weirded out. I've made it known on here that I consume some Barstool content. It's basically just three things at this point, which aren't Portnoy related nor really Barstool-centric, plus following some personalities on Twitter. This discourse surrounding Barstool absolutely sucks and I hate it. It's the same thing every single time. The "blue checkmarks" retread the same anti-Portnoy and anti-Barstool stuff, even this article (which I guess is like two years in the making?) is pretty much that plus the sex stuff, and then people are like "I never liked Barstool anyways" or "Barstool = Bad" or some other vaguely related statement (like this stupid thing made it's way to hockey twitter and somebody was saying that the hockey writers who "vowed to do better" after the Kyle Beach story should follow this story and talk to NHL people who have been involved with Spittin Chiclets). Then the mouth breather Stoolies and Portnoy sycophants and some Barstool personalities do their part in "defending" the honour of El Pres and Barstool and reinforcing that people aren't entirely incorrect in viewing Stoolies and Barstool in the way they do. It's just the same old song and dance and nothing ever comes of it. But hey, it gets clicks and engagement on both sides, and everybody gets to tweet and then feel like they made a difference in the world, so it's worth going back to that well.
  20. No, the shoulder patches were a great addition.
  21. Continuing Ducks talk, they have warmups for Dia de Muertos night. Gibson also has a mask for it, though he did wear it for the first two periods of their last game on Halloween and switched to his usual one for the third. I don't know what that was about. The sugar skull in hockey helmet and sugar skull duck mask have been around for at least a couple of seasons now.
  22. I like the socks too. It's just that the striping is wrong. Yes, it was the home jersey for the 2006 playoffs and I would have to imagine that it had an impact on the 06-14 set. I dislike these jerseys immensely.
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