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Everything posted by monkeypower

  1. Does anybody know what the deal is with these new recycled jerseys? Is it a case of Adidas only sending out the new jerseys when new ones are needed or are the Ducks just taking a bold anti-recycling stance and not using the jerseys because only one Duck had a jersey with the little tag on it.
  2. Kind of an interesting piece of merch, or at least I think so, the Ducks released some new merchandise for the season which includes a sweater featuring the Mighty Ducks logo with an eggplant triangle, which I don't think I've ever seen before. (spoilered for size) Maybe it's just the fact that that was never an actual version of the logo and green and grey triangles are what we know as the Mighty Ducks logos, but I think it looks weird.
  3. Update, Ducks now have UCI Health on their helmets.
  4. (double post, but different topic) I didn't think I saw this discussed earlier, but crisis avoided. I saw this Icethetics tweet earlier today and then went to the team's website to confirm. Despite what rumors went around, the Oilers did not promote the navy alternate to primary. Their website has an alternate jersey schedule up for the navy.
  5. I don't like how different the sleeve stripes and the hem stripes are on that Kings jersey because I find it looks like they're competing. With something like the Ducks orange alts, the Kraken jerseys and the Coyotes old jerseys, the sleeves and hem are different, but the arm striping is the basis of the uniform and the hem is just simple striping, so it's fairly obvious which is supposed to draw the eye. This Kings jersey is hard to tell which set of striping is the basis for the uniform because the striping is so different, plus the sleeves give off a black-based jersey while the hem looks like a silver-based jersey, yet both so prominent so neither set of striping seems to be the focus. Based on those other jerseys, I would guess that the socks would match the sleeves, but I don't know. If you aren't going to match the hem stripes to the sleeve stripes, I don't think the hem striping should be such a huge piece of the jersey.
  6. Here's that Hitmen jersey. They've worn it for both of the Sunday games, the only two home games they've had this season, and the Twitter account referred to them as the third jersey, so yeesh... A third jersey that is going to be worn for half the home games (we're at 2/17 right now) that should be a one-off. Per the ongoing discussion, it's also sublimated. It seems all of these junior hockey "specialty" jerseys are now sublimated and all made by the same company, Catstitch, who will put the CCM logo on the jersey. I get it, it's cheaper for junior teams to get these one-off's or single year jerseys in sublimated form if they're only going to be used for one year/limited time.
  7. Blue Bombers wearing helmet decal designed by an Anishinaabe artist in tonight's game. Both the Bombers and Elks are going to wear orange jerseys for the warmup and they'll be auctioned off after.
  8. Yeah, there's a handful of teams that don't have helmet ads right now and have gone back to team logos. More than a handful actually I would say. I don't know if there's any stock to put into this since it's still the preseason and maybe some of the teams are working out new deals with sponsors, but I don't know why sponsors wouldn't want their ad on the helmet and why the teams wouldn't want the money even if it is preseason.
  9. French Canadian isn't a race. It's an ethnicity, but it's not a race. Finish quoting the internet there, "A race is a grouping of humans based on shared physical or social qualities into categories generally viewed as distinct by society. The term was first used to refer to speakers of a common language and then to denote national affiliations... By the 17th century the term began to refer to physical (phenotypical) traits." So like only living pre-1600s maybe makes what he said racist. I don't even remember what the original post said at this point, but it definitely wasn't racist. Like Mingjai said, it's ethnocentrism or offensive based on national origin or maybe even xenophobic, but not racist. Even on a dumb sports logos forum such as this, we can't be going around misusing the term "racism" because it cheapens the sentiment when we, the collective we, need to properly identify and call out racism.
  10. This is so dumb that it happened. It's 2021. Edmonton, Cleveland and Washington (and Portland in their own league to an extent) have been major news. PA got in trouble seven years ago for trying to use that logo as the mascot. How did it get this far?
  11. The white and silver outlines are raised.
  12. The Prince Albert Raiders have some new, extremely needed, home and away uniforms. Though it is weird that they appear to have brightened up the logo outline to the old yellow while still keeping the new gold on the jerseys. Oh and what's this? A new alternate, that's pretty cool but it's a throwback? I mean, I was a fan of that old Pirate logo but it seems weird to throwback to that already... oh no... The worst part is that they tried to bring that dude back as the mascot a couple years ago and got heat for it then, so they made changes to the mascot costume. With Edmonton, Cleveland and the WFT and the fact they already got popped for trying to use this guy a couple years ago, I don't know what they were thinking.
  13. It's weird seeing both of these and see how yellow was originally intended, I guess, to be a larger part of the colours than it ended up being. I don't really like the extra use of yellow, especially not the numbers and NOB in the closer to reality prototype. I think it was the right move to just have it as strictly a logo accent colour. Also the right move to not go with the smaller duck mask, looks way worse. Kind of neat to see how the crossed sticks-duck head logo was apparently something they worked with pretty early. I've always wondered how true the Eisner Fraternity rumor surrounding the logo (and the name) I saw on the internet many moons ago was, and I don't know if the earlier concept logo lends credence to it or not. Yeah, it's definitely giving off Disneyland Cast Member vibes.
  14. Not a video game, a cartoon. When I first saw the font in that second picture (that I quoted above), I recognized it but couldn't place where I had seen it used. Now I remember. Cartoon Network used (uses?) that same font in their "On Now" and "Next" bumpers.
  15. I do feel that the Hurricanes have started to lose some of that luster in the eyes of the online hockey world this offseason though with the DeAngelo signing and the team's public face during the Kotkaniemi offersheet saga. I think the Hurricanes have started to fly too close to the sun in the eyes of a lot of online people and they're turning into that kid you went to elementary school with that was emboldened by making everyone laugh once or twice in the beginning and then just won't let the bit die.
  16. Couple others from around the Junior ranks. Speedy Creek's new alternates The quasi-expansion Blackfalds Bulldogs of the AJ rocking the non-contrasting numbers with the contrasting namebars. The Estevan Bruins of the SJ have a new yellow jersey (and an ever increasing branding inconsistency with four different spoked-B's in use now). Don't know if it's a home or an alternate.
  17. Katie Nolan used to be in the Barstool orbit but I think she burned that bridge once she moved to ESPN and got involved with the goings-on in Stamford. (I think she might have been with the ESPN crowd that got the PMT show cancelled after one or two episode, not that the show was that great anyways) She's got to be going to the Ringer or whatever Lebatard has going on?
  18. The identity is kind of neat and I (think I) like the head lamp hat, but I find the reveal video funny and how it talks about the canaries. The video is talking about them as like soldiers going to war or the miners themselves and making the heroic sacrifice. The birds didn't have a choice in the matter or any thoughts about the situation, they're birds who placed in cages in mines. (This isn't coming at this from an animal mistreatment/abuse perspective, more a personification thing)
  19. It's not really the templated thing for that specific scenario. It's more that all the teams had the same template and yet Nike said the sleeve graphic for the US was inspired by bald eagle feathers. So since all the teams were wearing the same jersey, does all the teams jerseys were inspired by bald eagle feathers? The famous Korean symbol of the bald eagle?
  20. I remember when these were released that the NikeSpeak for the USA jerseys was that the sleeve graphic was inspired by bald eagle feathers. Just don't pay too close attention to the fact that all the teams had the same template.
  21. All the NHL teams have been tweeting out pictures of the new Adidas jerseys and the Blackhawks logo with the new crest style almost looks like felt.
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