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Everything posted by monkeypower

  1. I don't really have an issue with the pinstripe and the black stripe, but I do agree that they didn't think too much about the corresponding white version of the jersey when they created it, because they didn't have to at the time. My issue with the white jersey is that it creates a colour balance issue where the top of the jersey is black and then the bottom is orange. I also don't understand why the logo has that black outline because the script Ducks didn't jersey logo didn't and the logo on it's own doesn't appear to have the black outline in other on-white/non-black background applications. The home socks are wrong too. They attempted to do a Mighty Ducks thing in flipping the jersey striping, but didn't flip the gold and white stripes. The white socks are at least the right order (and complete the Mighty Ducks sock look by being the same direction of the jersey stripes).
  2. I saw enough Ducks away games during that era to say that those white jerseys weren't "perfect" nor had a "perfect balance". That gold would often get lost in the white body from a distance and they were so drab. Heck, the homes were even more drab. It's the same thing with the Penguins of that era where the black and those pale gold shades just weren't able to come together well. I think the promotion of orange has been a great move to inject some life into the brand, though the way they promoted orange wasn't the best because the jerseys suck. It's what I said earlier, those 06-14 Ducks jerseys are an enigma. They look like they should work, but don't. They don't look like a "bad" hockey jersey, but they are.
  3. The New Hampshire Fisher Cats are going to be the Manchester Chicken Tenders for a game, but the flavour of hat they will wearing will be decided by pre-orders. Looking up the restaurant, the hat flavours are the three the restaurant serves. Didn't know that the chicken strip was invented in New Hampshire. Also, the Midland RockHounds look to have a new logo coming. I say logo because it says "A new look for RockHounds baseball", figure if they were changing the name it would have said "Midland baseball" instead.
  4. It's longer than five years actually. It's been a shoulder patch, in an oval, since 2010 and has only not been in use for four (06/07-09/10) of the Ducks 28 seasons (including this season right now). It was gone with the change in 2006 and then brought back as the shoulder patch on the then-alternate-now-home jerseys in 2010. However, I would say the prominent reemergence of the logo didn't happen until a couple seasons later during the Ducks 20th anniversary in 2013-14. Prior to that season, I don't think the logo ever really existed all that much outside of the shoulder patch on that alternate jersey. It started, obviously, with them wearing the Mighty Ducks jerseys again and having retro merchandise for the anniversary, but then the retro merchandise never left and the new version of the Mighty Ducks logo became more of a full fledged alternate logo, appearing on more merchandise and in more general branding efforts, as the alternate jersey was promoted to primary the following season. Then the orange alternate was introduced the season after that in 2015-16. Remember, the current set is the Ducks second EDGE design. I've always found their original EDGE jerseys to be a bit of an enigma. It made the 2007 set worse, but they weren't a bad "hockey jersey" and are much less of an "EDGE jersey" than what they have now. However, I don't really know, outside of replacing the script with the webbed-D (which is what that jersey striping angle follows), how to go about fixing those 2007/original EDGE jerseys.
  5. Just looking it up now, from what I gather, the logo is one of those Sharks collaborations with a local tattoo artist and a clothing store but wasn't an actual jersey. The jersey is a custom the guy made using that logo.
  6. Haven't the Sharks done a handful of warm-up jerseys with local artists/stores over recent years? Is it not one of those?
  7. It's not even if the Maple Leafs were the Hogtown Maple Leafs, it would be if they were the Hogtown Hockey Club with their logo being a hog of some kind. I wasn't saying the name was dumb because I didn't know where the name came from. I'm saying it's dumb because it is a naming convention that isn't seen on this side of the pond in a league that doesn't have any other names in that naming convention playing a sport that's probably the most North American sport there is. The name sticks out like a sore thumb. They could easily be the Fort Worth Panthers and it accomplishes the same thing. Keep the same logo, the same colours, the same everything. Heck, even keep "Panther City" around as a hashtag or a home rally cry or a merchandise option or something like that.
  8. I like the Ghost Pirates. However, they have an insane amount of logos. Something about the ghost pirate holding his stick in a different way in the roundel and the sans-roundel than in the primary logo bothers me. Weird minor change to make that adds unnecessary inconsistency to the brand. I think I get why they felt they had to, because the stick position in the alternate logos would be covered up by the wordmark in the primary, but just use the primary ghost as the alternate or use the alternate ghost in the primary and adjust the wordmark placement. Also peep the use of the Haunted Mansion font in that graphic above and in some of the announcement decorations. The OG Haunted Mansion in Disneyland is New Orleans/Southern antebellum themed, is right next to Pirates of the Caribbean and obviously has ghosts in it, so I guess that font makes a bit of branding sense.
  9. For as much as I like the M hat, I'm extremely anti-different home and away hats so I can't stand for that.
  10. Still the best the Twins have ever looked. Though as much as I love the M hat, I would make the TC hat the primary and make the M hat the alternate.
  11. Because Disney doesn't own that logo anymore (which is kind of where I was going with my post and is kind of not an argument for your point). The only NHL rights I assume the Disney+ show got were to the Wild because some of the kids are wearing Wild stuff and there were posters on the bedroom wall (I don't know how getting rights for wearing sports teams items works in movies and tv). I don't buy that, sorry. Yes, the logo was designed for the NHL team, but it's not so clear cut. Eisner wore a D-5 Ducks jersey from the first movie to the announcement for the team and the team in the movies wore the NHL uniforms for the first and second movies. While the duck goalie mask and sticks logo was designed for the NHL team there's very clearly some strong corporate synergy going on between the movies and team branding, and there was from day one until the day Disney sold the team. Denying that very clear fact because of a fear that some other fan will make fun of your team from "coming from a Disney movie" is dumb. They're going to do that anyway. Lean into it, don't deny the obvious. Oh, I wasn't trying to "[deny] that very clear fact because of a fear that some other fan will make fun of your team from "coming from a Disney movie"". If you've known my posting on the boards, or continued to read my post there where I also mention Eisner wearing the D-5 jersey, I've never denied the Disney connection and I've never been against the Disney connection and that's not what I was going for in that post. I was more commenting about how the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim logo and brand are so tied into the movie franchise, and rightfully so, but the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim logo and brand were not something from the original movie and were added to the later movies because of the NHL team. Yes it was synergy on Disney's part to include the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim jerseys in the movie franchise, but it was Disney putting their NHL team in their movie and not putting their movie in their NHL team. The Mighty Ducks of Anaheim jerseys were only one of four jerseys the team wore over the movie series, but it is the one that is most representative of the series because of the NHL team and Disney synergy. The original movie influenced the NHL team who went in a different direction for their NHL team specific branding and in turn that NHL team specific branding influenced the following movies and tv series and then the resulting, partially retroactive, branding of the entire movie/tv universe (the MDCU?) as a whole. I was trying to make a point about this larger discussion on how saying the "Mighty Ducks logo is the logo from the movie" is true, but it's surface level. There's a deeper and more interesting branding conversation to be had about the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim and the MDCU, especially when you include the canon of the MDCU. While there is some true to this about the arrested development stuff, I think saying that people who like the Mighty Ducks logo are putting a "pop culture logo up on a pedestal" and "gushing about the Mighty Ducks logo because it was in a movie they liked when we were all ten" is a really jaded take (perhaps an eggplant and jaded take). I also don't think you can argue against a logo being iconic because you don't like how it became iconic. I would also argue that any of the other NHL teams would wish they had a fraction of the cultural cache and merchandising sales that the Mighty Ducks did during that time. Like I was getting at, there is some separation between the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim and the MDCU and I think most people can and are conceptualizing that separation. You even say it yourself, which I do agree with, in that there are a sizable amount of young people who only know the Mighty Ducks logo as the Ducks old logo (which is what that logo is if it was never included in D2 or D3). The images going through the minds of people clamouring for the return of the Mighty Ducks, at least from what I have seen, are images of Paul and Teemu, Guy Hebert, the 2003 Stanley Cup run and Getzlaf and Perry being drafted together in the eggplant and jade, not Goldberg scoring the game winning goal in the Junior Goodwill Games. However, in spite of everything I am arguing about the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim brand existing on its own, that separation between the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim and the MDCU will never fully be a clean break, at least not for another generation or so (depending on what the Ducks do branding wise because, given the story of the first season of the Disney+ series, the MCDU appears to be moving away from the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim look, which makes sense given the canon of the MDCU and because they don't own the logo anymore).
  12. I definitely agree that the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim logo is one of the most well known hockey, if not sports, logos in history. The thing is is that Mighty Ducks of Anaheim logo never came from the movie franchise. The logo is intrinsically tied into the movie franchise because of the NHL team, but it didn't appear in the movie franchise until after the NHL team started. The logo is only tied into the movie franchise because of the use of the NHL Mighty Ducks jerseys later on in the series. The NHL Mighty Ducks brand and logo were created for the NHL team. Nothing remotely similar to the NHL Mighty Ducks logo nor brand appears in the first Mighty Ducks movie. The fact that the existence of the team is tied into that first movie notwithstanding, the lone branding connection back in 1993 between the NHL team and the movie franchise was in team name only, plus Eisner wearing a jersey from the movie during the name announcement. The NHL Mighty Ducks jersey doesn't appear in the movies until the end of D2 and then in parts of D3. There is also a thing at the end of D3 where the school's team name changes from Warriors to Mighty Ducks, but in the black/red/gold of the school colours. I haven't watched the movies in a while, so maybe I'll have to again just to find out the screen time of the NHL Mighty Ducks jerseys in the franchise. What's weird is that the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim exist within the Mighty Ducks movie universe and is still named after the D-5 Ducks, because Paul Kariya appears in D3 as a member of the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim and I seem to recall Charlie trying to hit on a girl in D3 by saying there's an NHL team named after his team. However, the NHL Ducks are never referenced in the Disney+ series, just the Wild, so there's no indication if the team also dropped Mighty in the movie universe. People forget that the impetus for the plot is that Gordan Bombay, a high powered lawyer, gets arrested for a DUI and is sentenced to community service, which he serves by coaching a hockey team made up of 11 and 12 year olds. Like I said, I haven't seen the movies in a while, but I think I would tend to agree with your assessment. D1 did have a lot of the "rag-tag 90s children's sports movie" story beats, but D2 was definitely more "typically Disney human-cartoon sort of kids' movie".
  13. The Argonauts have always used an A and I always attributed it to that as them being the "Argonaut Rowing/Football Club" in their early history, so "Argonauts" was always more of a focus than "Toronto".
  14. Per the Ducks, if (by all the accounts) the owners are big fans of the current colour scheme and have an attachment to their Webbed-D logo, and I'm just spitballing here, what about pulling a Calgary Hitmen circa-2009 to present where the home and away jerseys are the same (you know, minus the colour switch) but the logo placements are different? The full logo is the crest on the white jersey and the shoulder patch for the black jerseys and then vice versa for the mask logo. Have the Webbed-D logo as the main crest for the black jerseys with the modern colour Mighty Ducks logo as the shoulder patch and the switch them on the white jerseys. I think that works best with the Mighty Ducks logo already being outlined in black and if the Ducks insist on having that dumb black outline around the logo on the current white jerseys. As I type this out, I don't think it's a good option for the Ducks (because it's not like the Mighty Ducks logo is an alternate logo, devoid of its own history, that the Ducks created 12 years ago by modifying a pre-existing alternate logo that was created by simply focusing on the most striking part of their primary logo that had been a part of their primary logo ever since the team started) and if anything makes the whole situation worse by not fulling committing to one logo set, but it is an option that's out there.
  15. We're just differing on the semantics of "colour balance" because I don't see flipping the primary colour or changing the colour hierarchy being "colour balance". Colour balance, to me, is the balance of colours and their respective usage on a jersey, or logo, in the vacuum of that specific jersey, or logo, and how the amount and placement of the different used colours impact the look of the jersey, not taking a pre-existing jersey and flipping the colours. In my sense, I think you can complain about colour balance on a Reverse Retro because colour balance isn't Blue Canadiens when they're red or Purple Coyotes when they're green or Grey Sharks when they're white, it's how the colours are applied on the Grey Sharks. Regardless, the point of the Reverse Retros wasn't to throw "colour balance" off, it was to do throwback jerseys with a twist. For most, that twist ending up being changing the colour hierarchy. There's a decent amount of people, Ducks fans and otherwise, who prefer the webbed-D.
  16. Also, not for nothing (because it is really nothing), but in an Athletic fan Q&A out today, Zegras said he prefers the Mighty Ducks logo over the Webbed-D.
  17. Nobody seems to have a problem with the Blackhawks logo barely having any red and that's why I wasn't talking about the Blackhawks logo. I was referring to the discussion from like a page or two back about how that old Sharks logo has barely any teal on it. I also didn't say in my post if I had a problem or not with that Sharks logo having little teal. And the whole point of the RR wasn't to throw colour balance off.
  18. I think this picture really highlights the lack of teal in the logo, being on a grey jersey with the teal and black fighting for secondary status.
  19. That fixed one still has the issue I was talking about with the inner black outline.
  20. I feel both the Sharks logos have the same problems as the Calgary Hitmen logo does where the amount of outlines and placement/layering of said outlines really obfuscate the "containment", so to speak, of the triangle and the logo as a whole. (Logos spoilered for space but you need to see them for what I'm saying). The figure in all the logos, the sharks and the hitman, are supposed to be coming out of their respective triangles, but the outlining puts the figure somehow both "outside" and "inside" of the triangle at the same time because the layering is all over the place. The Hitmen logo is worse with it because the most exterior outlines surround the entire logo and there is no distinction between one of those outlines and the outline of the hitman's arms, but you can still see it in the old Sharks logo where the shark is "above" the white interior of the logo and then the little black outline and the teal outline of the triangle but is "beneath" the remaining black/grey/black of the triangle. It implies that the shark is between a white/black/teal background void and a black/grey/black triangle or that the shark has somehow wriggled its way in between the black/teal part of the triangle and broken the triangle so it is coming out beneath the black/grey/black. Then the shadowing in the top corner of the new Sharks logo makes it so you can't tell anything, which I guess fixes the problem because the shark is always seen as above all of the colours that make up the triangle. However, the teal seen behind the dorsal fin kind of implies that the shark is above the triangle because the light source in the logo is illuminating the shark's body and not the triangle. (I really hope this makes sense)
  21. It's also not like an MLS situation where the sport they play is Euro-centric so they're imitating that style of naming conventions (partially in an attempt to gain some acceptance from the Euro-centric base of the sport at large). It's also also not like the MLS where any other team isn't using the North American standard of naming.
  22. It's TD Canada Trust in Canada and TD Bank in the States. The logo for TD Canada Trust (or just TD as it's referred to) is just the TD in the green block logo, so that's why the Canucks only have the block. The TD Bank logo is the is the TD in the green block logo plus the word "Bank", which is why the Bruins have that.
  23. Does anybody know what the deal is with these new recycled jerseys? Is it a case of Adidas only sending out the new jerseys when new ones are needed or are the Ducks just taking a bold anti-recycling stance and not using the jerseys because only one Duck had a jersey with the little tag on it.
  24. Kind of an interesting piece of merch, or at least I think so, the Ducks released some new merchandise for the season which includes a sweater featuring the Mighty Ducks logo with an eggplant triangle, which I don't think I've ever seen before. (spoilered for size) Maybe it's just the fact that that was never an actual version of the logo and green and grey triangles are what we know as the Mighty Ducks logos, but I think it looks weird.
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