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Everything posted by CS85

  1. The newer NHL shield was a pathetic rebrand while the league tried desperately to rebuild its image after the lockout. Unfortunately in some ways they were ahead of the curve, as the NFL did the same cowardly sterilization of their branding a few years later. Thankfully the NHL had the good sense to let the Winter Classic/All Star Game logos continue to be unique and colorful. The orange NHL logo was unique among all of the Big Four, as it was somewhat industrial and businesslike in comparison to the red/white/blue of its kindred organizations. Now it's this dated steel mess with useless serifs and devoid of character. It's not even dated in the fun chrome WWF way. There are reasonable arguments for the now-nearly-15-year-old NHL rebrand looks better, resembles the Stanley Cup, etc, but meh. I want the old one back.
  2. I miss the NFL draft taking place during the day. It was so much more fun when you could make a day of it. I loved sitting in the garage with the draft on the radio and some beers in a cooler, taking putt swings into a jar on a sunny weekend. Now it's all a collossal event that the entire world hinges upon, and it takes place late at night. It's dead inside now, ruined by the insatiable lust for football.
  3. This sucks and I need not provide any evidence why. It is garbage.
  4. This happens several times a day. I just wait a few minutes and check again. Beats me.
  5. Whatever name I choose to buy hookers and cocaine with is nobody's damn business, Jimmy.
  6. No coincidence that those are the best in the league...just saying.
  7. Thoughts: The Battlehawks helmet has way too much going on. The rest of their uniform is solid, but the helmet is busy. If the wings/sword were sublimated or maybe chrome, I might be more keen to it, but at a glance it's a mess. The Vipers have the worst logo, but their uniforms weren't too bad in action. The Defenders and Guardians looked excellent. I still think the Guardians have the best look overall. The Dragons look terrific. They'd probably look a touch better if the orange spike on the helmet was thinner or gone. Houston's look is unique to the league, in that they look like something straight out of the 90s. I'm curious if their white unis would be better looking. LA Wildcats have a unique helmet stripe with the claws and whatnot, but otherwise their on-field stuff is as unstimulating as their name. Renegades aren't too bad, but they should use less black.
  8. The Guardians have the best look in the league and it's not even close. There's a lot of generic, create-a-team crap happening in this league that feels extremely hollow. It's too bad, but maybe daylight and game reps will help salvage some dignity.
  9. I do love me some cherry sodas, but yeah, it's a ubiquitous brand of keyboard switches that are in most mechanical keyboards in the market. This article has more details: https://www.hyperxgaming.com/us/keyboards/switches I have owned or own ... maybe 20-25 mechanical keyboards, which isn't that many in some circles. I've sold almost all of them, though. I keep a few switch testers at my desk at work just to amuse myself. I have a new tenkeyless on the way this week that has Cherry MX White switches which I'm very excited about. My work computer is a Keychron low profile Mac mech that uses a variation of Blues. I have a WASD with Browns at home that I really like too. Someday I'll have one with Greens and possibly Clears. If there are any fellow mechanical keyboard fetishists here, I'd be glad to bandy click-clack talk with you. Yeah I figured it would pretty damned jarring.
  10. It was never Shawn, I’m not from Chicago. I do enjoy and collect mechanical keyboards, though. So here we are.
  11. At the time, I thought these Sharks uniforms were easily the best in the NHL: In my defense, I was 17 and barely maintaining a C grade average at the time.
  12. Chose my handle when I was 20 years old. Chicago sports, Shawn Michaels, born in 1985. I didn't even think about how it would misrepresent me name-wise, but yeah, my name's Andy.
  13. I look forward to reading well done Bengals/Reds posts from your future handle of ClopClopHentaiFan94.
  14. It'd certainly be weird seeing you go by any other handle at this point, and considering people for the longest time thought my real name was Shawn, maybe you should reconsider altering your alias.
  15. This is what happens when you commision the same design firm to make all of your uniforms, and consult the WWE sales index for which wrestler's merch has moved the most in the last few years, and then Vince has to sign off on all of it. It's the samey generic bullcrap that he trots out every Monday and has for the last 15-odd years.
  16. I feel like ever number font has looked the same, more or less.
  17. If anything this GMG Union battle and now exodus will serve as something of a strainer, where the crinkled, gurgling Stick to Sports MAGA toadpeople can plant the flag at Deadspin, choking down the thoughtless blogvomit about how Mitch Trubisky sucks and how big Teddy Bridgewater's penis is. Busy day.
  18. I'd be surprised if there wasn't a snarky version of The Athletic with many of these cast off Deadspin, Sports On Earth, Onion/AV Club/etc writers to do their own thing. I'd subscribe, as I imagine would others.
  19. That is the first knockoff I've seen that was 1:1 created from an MSPaint mockup.
  20. Sounds like Sports Illustrated fired half their staff today and wants to convert to a crowd sourced super blog.
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