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Everything posted by JayMac

  1. I always liked the short-lived logo scorebugs that Fox used from 2010 to 2012 (?).
  2. I'm sure this is quite a popular opinion but I would have loved to have seen the Seahawks in the Super Bowl with their 76-01 uniform. The gray endzone with the old 'Seahawks' wordmark in blue would have been amazing. Another one is that as much as I loved the loose fitting kits in soccer in the 90s, I like the more form fitting ones of the past 10 years. Also, as much I love anything retro (especially the 80s or 90s), the throwback (or, fauxback) soccer kits with the sublimated patterns are terrible.
  3. It was showing the MLB changes topic as "hot" and this one has some activity too, so I thought a team was unveiling a new uniform set or a new Angels stadium was being built. Nope, just multiple pages on what city/state/area to use for the Angels in both threads.
  4. If Bettman is still the commissioner (and as long as he is breathing, he will be), we should account for a lockout or 3 in the next 15 years.
  5. Since you are in the Philadelphia area, I have to ask...do they still have those Cordell and Cordell divorce ads on local sports radio? I haven't listened to sports radio in years now.
  6. Albuquerque, Oklahoma City, Boise, Honolulu, and Birmingham all need teams before a return to Quebec can even be discussed.
  7. I'm not a Marvel fan nor a Star Wars fan. I do enjoy older Disney movies but I have physical copies of the ones I like. Therefore, Disney would have to pay me monthly for me to get Disney+.
  8. Good move. Brian Boucher is very good.
  9. It reminds me of a 45 year old Charlie Hough wearing teal in 1993.
  10. Franzke and LA >>>> Tom McCarthy and John Kruk or Ben Davis
  11. I guess when you have the ridiculous amounts of money to spend on two lavish homes and a small Island, you are looking for the quickest way to piss away some of it. A good way to do that is to buy a failing NHL franchise.
  12. This has been their business plan for the last 20+ years.
  13. I'm with Vet. I'm trying to avenge the loss that my then 30 year old grandfather had to endure. Long live the Philadelphia Athletics!
  14. "We're not doing the Montreal thing." End of press conference.
  15. Being born and raised in the Philadelphia area, I feel I have earned the right to critique the usage of 'jawn'. These jawns are stupid but I also kind of like them.
  16. I couldn't stand that set. They ditched the navy blue, which had been there for over 40 years at the time, to go with a bland brick red, gold, and black color scheme. Also, as you had mentioned, that font on the uniform did not serve the Astros name very well.
  17. I like the Phillies look but I'd be lying if I said I like the font that they use. It is too bubbly and looks incredibly dated to me. I am also not a fan of the road look. That looks dated as well.
  18. I'm a PSU alum so I'm conditioned to not like Pitt, but that is a beautiful color scheme. I'm glad they have returned to it.
  19. I'm going to be 37 in a month and a half and I was carded on the casino floor in Atlantic City a couple weeks ago. It's funny how some of us age well and others don't.
  20. The man looks like he is getting ready to retire...at his 9 to 5 job. He looks like he is pushing 60.
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