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Everything posted by SFGiants58

  1. It’s got a long way to go before it’s a Canuckjack or a Duckjack.
  2. Carson Wentz - washing out harder than the SS Great Eastern.
  3. Nice work! However, I would rather you use my later “Milwaukee” script.
  4. Agreed with Avant Garde, but I'd like to put in a good word for Lubalin Graph. Slab-serif fits with the Blackhawks for me, and Lubalin doesn't have the "overdone" feel of City. Speaking of fonts, the proprietary font the Suns have used for a decade now is awful. More than the white basketball, the terrible font drags this otherwise OK design down. It's too "jagged" to work well in this style. Something that called back to the 1968 font would've been welcome. A clean, largely sans-serif font (albeit less tall than the '68 one) would've flowed better here.
  5. You could’ve stopped there. City is one of my least favorite slab-serif fonts, especially in bolder weights.
  6. You forgot one: I missed The Painting.
  7. Should I bring up the Satanic Panic-fueled railroading of the West Memphis Three or is that not really relevant to the soicioeconomic analysis of Memphis and its suburbs?
  8. At least you're not wishing horrible injuries upon him, yet. Also, if anybody who underperforms in Philadelphia is a "soft coward," maybe it's the market and the fans that's the issue.
  9. I once was a big defender of the set, but ever since I moved to Denver it just feels so tired. The team's performance of late hasn't helped, but seeing those jerseys and that logo all over the place have really attuned me to their flaws. The orange shade is too faded, the jersey design clearly doesn't work with an orange base (and the white uniform has always felt dull), and the logo's aesthetic has been copied to the point of overexposure. It was a revolutionary uniform for the time and incredibly important to the team's history. However, it's long-past time to move on to something new. The white helmet doesn't really work with the all-orange set, but at least it gets the team a little bit further away from a navy base.
  10. Dave Krieg was a passable quarterback, and Steve Largent got into Canton.
  11. Meanwhile, the Giants are committed to being a "few points above or below .500" team and will likely not add the starting pitching help they need.
  12. His intro picture looks like Hide the Pain Harold/Internet Historian. So much pain hidden behind that smile. He's probably gonna implode even more.
  13. More importantly - it was a Dan Snyder idea. Anything that came from him would be thoroughly rejected by the fans. If you want to wash away the stink of Snyder completely, the name has to go too. Also, that Oilers throwback is really ruined by not moving the TV numbers to the shoulders. Consistent stripes should be consistent widths if you want to do them right.
  14. Agreed - if it was pure Busorama without any of the cartoon junk on top of it, it'd work much better. Ever since the Big A stopped being the scoreboard, I've largely seen it as irrelevant to the brand. It's as relevant to the brand as the steamboat chimneys at GAPB, IMHO. My favorite cap logo of the Angels basically tells the Big A to piss off: Had Disney ownership moved the Big A back into the stadium, we'd be singing a different tune with its brand relevance. However, as long as it sits in the parking lot, it's irrelevant.
  15. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you make the observation that most royal/kelly teams (outside of the modern Canucks) looked moribund and lost a lot? Whalers when they were green-heavy, the latter half of the pre-Cuban Mavs, the '90s Seahawks, etc.?
  16. The font was "almost" to a good point. It's ITC Busorama-adjacent with some flare serifs. However, what the Angels really should be using is ITC Busorama straight-up. It captures that "Hollywood" vibe of the '97-'01 set, but doesn't have the more gimmicky elements of that look. If only ITC made a digital version that had all the alternate characters.
  17. The Seahawks were completely absent in the ‘90s Seattle sports zeitgeist. Nobody on a national level remembers Cortez Kennedy the way they do for Ken Griffey Jr. or Gary Payton (but they should). Also, the Seahawks almost went to LA in the ‘90s, IIRC.
  18. That’s the difference in lighting and photographic medium (135mm film vs digital).
  19. Comparing the Seahawks' retro outfits to their modern ones is like comparing the two blue liveries of the Gresley A4 (LNER Garter Blue and BR Express Passenger Blue): Both are good liveries, but one has brighter colors and an overall more "cheerful" appearance. The other, more modern take, has a darker and busier look that still feels right. It's totally reasonable to prefer one over the other - and to seek a proper hybrid of the two (brighter blue for the Seahawks and less detailing overall, the later blue A4 with a brighter base and valences restored, etc.). Besides, both the Seahawks and the A4 have worn outfits/liveries very inappropriate for them: Absolutely - but Denver returning to that faded-y orange screwed up the look. Seattle thankfully hasn't messed up their colors like that.
  20. Nice work! My suggestion would be to avoid double outlines, just to improve legibility. Double outlines on Old English, as I learned the hard way, can wreak havoc on the legibility.
  21. This is why I hate working with digital editions of classic fonts that don’t have all of the alternate characters/ligatures. ITC Serif Gothic is one of the biggest offenders here. Do tell about the different logos, please!
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