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Everything posted by SFGiants58

  1. Chubbyemu made a video on a similar topic. Spoilered for CT scan image.
  2. No gosh-darn idea. They thought Jimmy G's wheels would fly off sooner rather than later (correctly so), so they decided to get a guy with franchise QB potential. However, said guy was too injury-prone to ever get anything close to a reasonable sample size and lost any chance of a return when a cheaper option emerged. I guess that's the reasoning. However, this is still a stupid team that hasn't signed Bosa. I fully expect this year to be a .500-ish campaign that ends in an NFC title loss.
  3. Because I'm developing a thing for the Gresley A4, I have an idea. A brighter royal blue with pale gold and dark red accents (in equal balance) might be what you're looking for here. Maybe don't use the Gill Sans on the nameplate, because Gill Sans really doesn't work for any gridiron football team.
  4. It's the Cowboys - they'll find a way to ruin him further than the Niners did. I don't really want to defend the Niners, but trading Lance makes sense. Injuries and being in a "win-now" mode made it pretty obvious that, despite the price they paid for him, he wasn't going to be their guy. Even if he didn't get injured, a team in "win-now" mode isn't going to take a guy with almost no sample size over QB's who have started more than five games. He was at a dead end on the Niners and the Cowboys are a good place to offload him. It's not like he's gonna be the missing piece for Dallas.
  5. The Edge debacle would eventually lead to an outright throwback revolution in the '10s and '20s. The Oilers, Penguins, Flames, Sabres, and Flyers all adopted vintage designs, while the Stars and Lightning (and maybe the Panthers) went down the retro-inspired route. The only team that reintroduced a "modern" design after the Edge debacle were the Avs, who made the smart move to simplify the overall design and ditch black helmets/breezers/numbers. The Ducks could also count, but they just moved from a dreary design to pumpkin puke panels.
  6. It looks fantastic as a colorway, but I don't think it'd look good with slate blue as the "base" instead of black or navy.
  7. It's giving me these vibes: Slate blue is too close to a bright orange lighting-wise, and red + orange is hard to pull off in any circumstance. You'd probably be looking at a faded version of the above jersey in terms of the aesthetic.
  8. Well, Harbaugh’s suspension was ridiculous, so it’s only fitting than Michigan respond with a ridiculous idea.
  9. The 2023 Angels season: if "the poop cruise from hell" was a baseball team. Also, Stephen Strasburg is retiring after not having played since last year. Good for him, and let's hope he gets all of his contract money.
  10. I prefer the Tiffany font and stripes they use now, but yeah white numbers look more “balanced” with the white helmet. Also, double outlines still suck.
  11. Up until recently, the biggest failure by Scott Adams.
  12. It's why "Who Pooped the Bed?" is among my favorite episodes of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. It's also the best episode of Sex in the City, if you look at it a certain way. But back to the Browns - their 50-yd/primary logo really should be a stylized representation of the helmet, two-bar mask and everything.
  13. IDK, Esqueleto is pretty funny. But yeah, some comedies fall off hard when they decide to have a plot.
  14. Ah yes, my mistake. Yeah, perhaps I was a little too hasty in bringing up Milwaukee's various demographic splits. Even though I was last in Milwaukee four years ago, it was kind of remarkable to see how much the People's Flag had penetrated spaces where there was no city flag before. Admittedly, I saw it most in the Lakefront/Third Ward/Brady Street/Fiserv Forum areas, but it wouldn't surprise me if it had penetrated into other districts after I moved. I may not be the most keen on it, but it does have some genuine resonance with people beyond a "merch symbol."
  15. It’s got a long way to go before it’s a Canuckjack or a Duckjack.
  16. Carson Wentz - washing out harder than the SS Great Eastern.
  17. Nice work! However, I would rather you use my later “Milwaukee” script.
  18. Agreed with Avant Garde, but I'd like to put in a good word for Lubalin Graph. Slab-serif fits with the Blackhawks for me, and Lubalin doesn't have the "overdone" feel of City. Speaking of fonts, the proprietary font the Suns have used for a decade now is awful. More than the white basketball, the terrible font drags this otherwise OK design down. It's too "jagged" to work well in this style. Something that called back to the 1968 font would've been welcome. A clean, largely sans-serif font (albeit less tall than the '68 one) would've flowed better here.
  19. You could’ve stopped there. City is one of my least favorite slab-serif fonts, especially in bolder weights.
  20. You forgot one: I missed The Painting.
  21. Should I bring up the Satanic Panic-fueled railroading of the West Memphis Three or is that not really relevant to the soicioeconomic analysis of Memphis and its suburbs?
  22. At least you're not wishing horrible injuries upon him, yet. Also, if anybody who underperforms in Philadelphia is a "soft coward," maybe it's the market and the fans that's the issue.
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