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    Formally Known As LLFHockey
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    The Burbs of Buffalo, NY
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  1. While that's definitely the case no designer would use it today, it doesn't mean any modern design or font would be a better fit than the one they have now.
  2. It's really interesting as someone who works for an apparel brand that does a heavy amount of throwback merchandise 90s have been way back. And you are right on the money on the 25 year cycle. What causes that trend is the kids of that generation start to make adult money and want to buy stuff that they thought was cool from their childhood. If you asked me 10 years ago about the 90s era in sports I would say it was loud and very expressive but I don't know if I would be clamoring to have any of those identities back full time. Now especially in the NHL we are seeing a resurgence back into that era especially after the past 5 years of heavy minimalistic sports design. Which brings me to my fear of the 25 year trend for the next 10 years because I really feel like the early 2000s might be the worst professional sports have ever looked.
  3. I'll play a bit of devils advocate. Their number font first introduced in the 90s, and follows the late 90s and early 2000s trend of custom fonts that you would argue has only progressed through time into now. Other than the traditional block I would compare their custom font to the likes of the Lions, Patriots, Falcons, Bengals, Broncos, Chargers, Dolphins, and Eagles during that time. I'd argue that they were outdated towards the mid 2010s when Nike first took over. During this time we got more of a shift in fonts to be larger, bolder, and dropping the drop shadows. Since then a majority of these teams have updated their specific custom font or dropped it for a new one. However not playing devils advocate anymore, my real take on their font is that it holds the test of time. I think if they followed suit like the rest of those teams and updated in the late 2010s and early 2020s we would be complaining about another Nike"fide" team with gimmicky uniforms and number font. I would have agreed that it felt outdated if you asked me 6 years ago which I get sound contradictory. However I feel like they somehow they passed the outdated phase into nostalgic and unique to the Ravens identity.
  4. I never understood the Vikings comparison, like yes the two teams have "similar" color schemes but they are very different. I would compare the new helmet to the AAF Atlanta Legends before I would compare them to the Vikings. Its like comparing the Vegas Golden Knights and Penguins, because they both use some variety of a "gold" and "black"
  5. This man is gunning for the record. Love the dedication
  6. Doubt you get Bills in all blue that early in the season. Week 1-3 can still be around 80-90 degrees in Buffalo I expect them to be in all-white
  7. The world we live in is that the consumer is asking for something that will guarantee sales. I don't think it is always a bad thing. The Sabres wouldn't have royal uniforms without them, a ton of the throwbacks were all requested by the consumers in fact I don't think the reintroduction of a second helmet or third happens without fans asking for them back. Name one business that doesn't listen to their consumer base...
  8. Ladies and Gentlemen.... we back By far my favorite thread on this site
  9. I think that is exactly what that is. Would'n't be surprised that the designer on this just messed with the text a bit.
  10. I didn't know I was annoying you my apologies I was just debating my take. One of the things that annoys me is the instant negativity to all new things among these boards and I would like to at least a little leeway to a team trying to expand their brand. At the end of the day it's not that serious, just some uniforms. Agree to disagree
  11. And neither are the Texans. I'm really just saying the whole "They look so unprofessional" line is just an excuse to say you would rather the design play it more safe and you don't like the look. And the examples you give I still don't think there's a team that is overtly being ridiculous in their design choices. I would agree with you on the Jags 2012 look and the Commanders but that's about it.
  12. This might be the best counter-argument I've been given. You got me, there are inconsistencies. I'd also argue just because they released 4 "different" uniforms doesn't mean they aren't all connected in some way, shape, or form. You can still tell that they are the Texans, the Home and Color Rush are basically the same but colored differently and the Away and Alternate are the same but colored differently. I'd also still argue that having separate options that are all connected in some way doesn't make it unprofessional. I'll come back when you are all begging for a certain pair of pants to be paired with whatever they planned on top.
  13. And the Eagles have had giant bird wings on their helmets forever. Just because it doesn't look good, pointing at the Titans, doesn't make it any less professional. It's a sports league meant to entertain. Just because its not the 60s anymore and every team isn't wearing some variety of stripes doesn't mean a team can't branch out to explore new ways to express their brand.
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