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Everything posted by TBGKon

  1. Burn to Boise State, unless this is just staus quo for the time being until the Pac 10/Big XII/Big Ten dominoes fall...
  2. This is on Scout's main page this morning, which looks to be more like something I could see happening. http://cfn.scout.com/2/968955.html
  3. I've been reading alot about this in the past few months on a USF Bulls forum I visit. This could be the first of many dominoes to fall.
  4. That my friend makes too much sense, thus it probably will never happen.
  5. and he's wearing a warm-up jersey... three strikes... That's the jersey they give to any special guest throwing out the first pitch.
  6. I'll say.. 1. Oakland (2011) 2. Tampa Bay (2012) 3. Florida (???) The Marlins have to vacate Dolphin Stadium by 2010 at the latest, so I assume that if they do not show progress very soon, that Huizenga will not be willing to work with them on any kind of extension.
  7. Although Tropicana Field is entering it's 11th season for MLB in 2008, it was built far earlier than that. The Trop was initially began construction in 1986, with the intention to lure a relocated franchise. It was finished in 1990, still without any tenants. It took until 1993 to get a tenant, in this was the Tampa Bay Lightning NHL team. The stadium was renovated to accommodate the arena-style setting and the Lightning remained there until 1996 when they moved to their new arena in downtown Tampa. The Rays were awarded as a franchise in 1995 and began play in 1998, and have been the tenants ever since. As you can see, the Trop is clearly past due, being that contruction began in 1986, that means the design plans for the Trop were about that old. The Trop is outdated among current trends and is past it's prime, even though the team is 11 years old next year
  8. The ballpark is actually next to Tampa Bay itself, not the gulf. The field is oriented to the northeast in the city of St. Petersburg.
  9. I know I have it at home, but what is the name of the Kansas Jayhawk basketball jersey font?
  10. I think you have to post 2 posts in other members threads until you are able to post your own thread. This is in place to thwart spammers from posting their own thread immediately
  11. Could I possibly get a blank version of the official template for sportslogos.net's baseball BP jersey template for use in Paint? (Linked below) Link to what I'm interested in
  12. not sure if i missed it, but where can i get this hockey template and is it available in Paint? hockey template i am interested in
  13. anyone have a clue with whats going on with my problem?
  14. ok heres a good one, I use Paint. I have recently tried to paste gordie_delini's MLS templates into Paint, but it seems that they all come up with a black background. I tried pasting other images, like a logo from Chris' site and it worked fine. Anyone have any clue whats going on?
  15. thx man, it will come in handy
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