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Everything posted by Cosmic

  1. Hershey draws almost NHL-sized crowds. If they lose the Bears, this whole thing is even worse off than I thought.
  2. I also thought St. John's was too far away... then I remembered that the ECHL has a team in Alaska.
  3. @Morgo is just used to every opinion he has being an unpopular opinion around here.
  4. I am very confused by this.
  5. We'd barely have room for the stars, either, if there were more Vermonts, Rhode Islands, and Delawares out west instead of Texas, Montana, California, etc.!
  6. TIL that when they first added stars to the US flag for Vermont and Kentucky, they also added stripes. The "star-spangled banner" that Francis Scott Key wrote about had 15 stars and 15 stripes. The next update went to 20 stars, but back to 13 stripes.
  7. I swear I've also had a couple of times recently where I click on the "next unread topic" at the bottom of the page, and it has taken me to page 1 of a topic I know I've read before.
  8. I love that white number trim was what passed for "snazzy" in 1973.
  9. Is there a reason 5,000 people are using Matt Foley as their avatar? Did Chris Farley die again?
  10. Is it common for players to bring their own batting helmets down to the minors with them? I didn't think they were that personal (but I don't know anything about baseball).
  11. Is it common for players to bring their own batting helmets down to the minors with them? I didn't think they were that personal (but I don't know anything about baseball).
  12. Is this the start of the two year countdown of Tavares-to-Toronto Watch?
  13. Sorry... meant to reply to this earlier. I pretty much agree with all your points; I think we just have a nomenclature disagreement. When I see the Pats' rings, I see an evolution poster like this: There is definitely a relationship between all of the rings, just not what I would call standardized the same way I would the Raiders' rings.
  14. Would you really compare the first ring with the most recent one, and say that they are "extremely standardized"? Similar elements, sure, the design changes pretty dramatically. The uniformity isn't even in the same league as the Raiders' rings IMO: (not that you don't know what they look like, but just for illustration purposes)
  15. Well-intended mess seems a fitting description. I never read more than a few things at Grantland, so maybe I'm off base, but I expected The Ringer to be mostly about sports. I didn't expect the top screenful of stories to be (as they were when I just checked it out) "Aloe Vera is a Lie", "You Haven't Lived if You Haven't Watched Lifeguard Rescue YouTube", and "The New Instagram Food Trend You Should Skip". Oh, and presented by Miller Lite for some reason. It seems like a lot of generic clickbait that you'd find at the bottom of, say, a CCSLC thread.
  16. This is a few years ago now, but the Sabres bought the Amerks for $5M. They weren't even for sale; $5M was the "can't walk away" price for a mid-drawing AHL team. That tells me there's probably not a ton of money to be made owning an AHL team, maybe with a few exceptions.
  17. The rating for game 5 was pretty good, even including the O6 Finals games on NBC. I'm sure the Pro Bowl pre-game show beat it handily, but it was pretty good for the NHL. Game 5 was equal to or better than every game in the Kings-Devils series, for instance. Edit: Due to in-post editing, it seemed like I said Kings-Devils was an O6 series. I know it's not, but Game 5 still holds up against other Finals games.
  18. I'd be fine with either color scheme for the Oilers, but I'd love to see them come up with a new primary logo. The old oil rig worker is a great shoulder patch, but I don't even think that would be a good crest.
  19. @sports-rings.com What changed in those 40 minutes? The professional pictures look exactly like I'd expect, given the previous ones.
  20. Quebec should seriously sue if they don't get their "deposit" back. It really seems like they'll do anything they can to keep a team from Quebec City.
  21. I'm sure that's true, but they would play seven more games against the Pacific division than they do now in the East. Seven. And that could be fewer 10 PM starts; I'm not sure how Arizona's time stubbornness works.
  22. Did Detroit actually do anything for their end of the deal? Other than be in the conference that makes the most geographic sense? I just don't see the sense in a team that chooses to start most of its home games at 7:30 complaining about road games that start at 8.
  23. Not that long ago, we were thought of as bizarro Gary, IN. Movin' on up!
  24. I totally agree with this for Toronto and Buffalo. I think it's very strange that we're in the "Atlantic" division. Geography, culture, etc. are Midwest, but I'd still keep them both in the East for hockey.
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