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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. But that's tax revenue that could otherwise be put back into the community or used to provide services to residents. Either way, locals always pay.
  2. How the hell does getting hit by a strike not get reversed? The Astros were the better team, but goddam are they unlikable faces for all the shady stuff they consistently try to pull in literally every game of this series. Honestly I'd cheer my team on even if they were scummy guys, but it's really hard to understand anyone getting behind this Houston team. The dilapidated corpse of Dusty Baker gets a ring - but honestly it's a crap organization with lousy-fair-weather fans that gave up their tickets for next-to-nothing, but they do have cool uniforms and good branding. Championships shouldn't go to places like that.
  3. I had never heard of the guy so I DID MY OWN RESEARCH (lol) and read up on the stuff from when he was 14. The kid he assaulted tested positive for HIV as a result of one of the pranks? If that's true, then despite his age, how did he not face serious charges? I know HIV isn't the death sentence it was 40 years ago, but if the victim were to eventually die of something related to the HIV, could Miller be retroactively charged with murder? Note - this article is a little confusing in that it says that the victim "tested for HIV" - not "tested positive for HIV" - so I'm not sure what exactly it's saying (if it's not positive, why mention it at all?) https://nypost.com/2022/11/05/boston-bruins-sign-mitchell-miller-despite-conviction-of-assault-on-black-classmate/
  4. In what way? As far as throwbacks go, it's basically identical to the original.
  5. They were my favorite team when I was younger, and Canseco was my favorite player. Will never forget him being the first 40/40 player, and marked out when I opened a pack of '86 Donruss and got his rookie card (which I think had a value of >$100 at one point.) Ricky picking up the base and holding it over his head, Eckersley, (former Phillie) Dave Stewart, the Bash Bros, hell - even Walt Weiss was cool. obviously this was all in a pre-internet world, so we had no idea what was really going on with any of these guys, but yeah - the A's were legit the coolest team in baseball from around '87-'92. I was crushed when I woke up one morning and saw on the news that Gibson had beaten them in '88 (couldn't stay up to watch end of game), was thrilled in '89, then in shock when the Reds worked them in '90.
  6. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cki56_Sj1Yz/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_campaign=embed_video_watch_again Not sure how to embed the video, but it didn't end well for an idiot that decided to run from one end of the field to the other the other night. He was apparently a former high-school high jumper, but underestimated the height of the wall. Either way, it sucks to not only get hit right in the head by a $15 bottle of beer, but to be called a bum on top of it.
  7. Among other things, the Lions suffer from playing under sterile 5,000k light inside of a giant soulless depressing warehouse. They really need more white on their uniforms to counteract the dullness of their home environment. They would also benefit from the dazzle fabric of the pre-Nike era, but that's obviously not coming back any time soon. Take the Sanders-era jersey, drop the TV numbers, and run the stripes vertically. Then you have a traditional uniform with enough white to (*sigh*) "pop", and they could even throw the old horizontal lion on the sleeves and create sort of a throwback to this era. Hell - maybe even go with this striping pattern on the sleeve. Either way, MORE WHITE.
  8. Right... so it couldn't be much worse. Would be a better argument if they were drawing fans.
  9. Someone said this was the tip of the iceberg. That's probably correct. We're only two years removed from Desean Jackson (thinking he was) quoting Hitler on Instagram and doing the whole "anyone who thinks I'm anti-Semitic is taking it the wrong way." Some really good posts on the topic by Ice Cap, DG, Buc, Admiral, etc. Not going to get into the topic too much because it does toe the blurry line, but I appreciate the insights provided by those posters. Link to the Desean article which includes the initial post, incase anyone forgot. https://www.phillyvoice.com/eagles-desean-jackson-anti-semitic-instagram-farrakhan-hitler-quotes/
  10. It might be both. The pic on the left makes it look like both glasses and mask, and the pic on the right clearly shows that the mask itself is shaped that way. I can't see how that style of mask (talking about the modern one in the OP) would provide any benefit over the standard cage style. It looks like it would actually obstruct more of the goalie's vision.
  11. The problem I had with the Texans helmet is that the finish on it made it clash against the jerseys. They're both red, but they're definitely not the same color, if that makes sense. I think the helmet and jersey each look great on their own, but look awkward when paired. Maybe a matte finish would work better.
  12. "Schwarberfest" is a new promotion unlike any they've done before for a specific player or team. Basically, "Hoagiefest" (discounted hoagies) runs through the summer, and since he hit something like 21 HR in June then kinda cooled off just a bit, they decided to "bring back June" by offering the Hoagiefest deals again but directly tied to Schwarber. It's hokey, but whatever. It saves people a buck or two.
  13. Yes. When I was around 6, I had a mesh-back Phillies cap that was red. On TV, it sometimes looked like they had separate home and road caps, but I don't think that was the case. But there was definitely inconsistencies. I've posted this before, but I cannot stress enough how great this site is as a database of game-worn uniforms and the history of manufacturer changes and other quirks. This goes through all the color changes over time: https://mlbcollectors.com/PHIjerseys2.php
  14. There were inconsistencies for sure, and due to the nature of TV technology of the time and grainy news prints, it wasn’t always clear. But I’ve seen game-worn ones from that era, and those are very similar to the darker shade of the throwback. But they used different manufacturers and there were definitely variations in shade. The one and only time I ever saw a powder blue jersey on a fan when I was a little kid (you simply could not buy them), I was surprised how dark the blue was vs what I saw on tv. especially since the home uniform from the early 80s era had red pinstripes just like todays (though woven vs printed).
  15. I was basically the same age and had basically the same opinion. At that point I think they were the last team with the powder blue, and my thought was that now they looked like every other team in gray. There's a lot of nostalgia for those uniforms, but honestly speaking just for myself and my friend group, at the time they were considered very boring and uninspired. I think some of that had to do with 1) the cuts at the time, 2) that they were worn at the Vet and no uniform looked really good when worn there, and 3) it's the only uniform we ever knew so we were so used to it that on the rare occasion they had Nostalgia Day (now "throwback day") it was a huge deal. Now, looking back on it, I love the gray/maroon combo and look at the powder blue as gimmicky. I don't think it should be worn at home, but it's also not something I get worked up about. What I do get worked up about is that they're wearing a version that never actually existed. The non-squiggle P didn't exist with buttons in the timeframe they're claiming to be honoring (early '80s). They obviously can't go with zippers, so I'd prefer the full swirl-P be used with the unbroken racing stripe (add the missing piece to the belt tunnel.)
  16. There has to be an ownership group that wants it, and the appetite to either privately fund a stadium (lol) or for the public to finance it (also lol). I don't follow PNW sports, but I haven't heard of anyone pursuing anything in Portland like they are in Nashville where there's already either an ownership group or at least a lobbying group with some plan in place (feasible or not) to bring a team there.
  17. Regarding the cat scratch thing, why would you want to look like your mascot attacked you before the game? You're supposed to be the predator, not the prey.
  18. Not sure what you mean. The game is already on Prime, but it also has to be broadcast on OTA TV in the local markets. EDIT: never mind, it'll be broadcast on ABC.
  19. I’m pretty sure the local simulcast of Houston/Philadelphia TNF was supposed to be on FOX, but now the World Series will be on FOX during that time slot. Obviously this hasn’t happened before - I wonder what the plan is. Pretty sure the TNF simulcast has to be on OTA TV, so I assume the WS moves to FS1 (which would suck in the event it’s a clinching game)? Unless I’m wrong that TNF was going to be on FOX, but that’s what I’ve read.
  20. I think they're going to have to honor people's parking money for tomorrow, but they don't do receipts anymore and everything's cashless so I'm not sure how that works. Of course, it got called 30 seconds after I tapped my subway card - but I'm only out $2.25. Lots of folks are out a lot more. The funny thing is that game 5 of the world series between Houston and Philadelphia will be competing directly against TNF between... Houston and Philadelphia. That's a ratings disaster for both leagues.
  21. It's supposed to rain all night in Phila, though whether it's "light showers" or "you're going to die" is up for debate. But it's been in the forecast all day, without variance. Yet, MLB is waiting until 6:30PM to make a decision on the game. Meanwhile, everyone's already paid for parking and gone through whatever they had to go through to get down there. I'm about to hit the subway myself - just trying to give myself as much time as possible for the inevitable cancellation announcement. I get that it's a really big deal to postpone a WS game. The implications, both from a competitive standpoint as well as a TV standpoint are huge - but this should be a no brainer, and it's really the fans that get hosed. From a competitive standpoint, I think a cancellation benefits the Phillies. But, then game 5 will be up against the Eagles/Texans game, and everyone that went there for the football/baseball combo is screwed. And if it goes to game 7, that's now on Sunday, up against the NFL. I completely hate stadiums like Marlins park, Minute Made Park, etc, where it doesn't feel like an outside stadium even with the roof open, but every new stadium should have some kind of covering, whether like Safeco's or maybe even just some shoddy tarp. I don't know - there's engineers that are smarter than me that can figure this out.
  22. Sure you can, unless you’re hiring the actual mastermind behind the operation - and they’re not, because those guys rarely become available. Everyone hires Patriots assistants and none have succeeded. Being affiliated with success does not necessarily make one successful.
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