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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. Just because a team chooses to be dumb doesn't mean my point isn't valid. With Dallas, the navy is IMO their best look, despite the silly number outline and unnecessary sleeve star. Their color rush is stupid and shouldn't be worn, but I guess they need to move merch. Their white over silver green should be mostly a road set IMO. While I'd love for them to standardize their blues and silvers, it's kinda their thing, so I won't waste keypresses on it.
  2. I look at it as three separate leagues that just happened to use the XFL name were / will be attempted. The lack of success of the previous two has nothing to do with the third.
  3. I'm not sure what your point is and how that's a counter to the one that I made.
  4. Great work - as always - but I preferred the flat versions where there wasn't shadows/shading everywhere that cut into the design. The sleeves are a little hard to evaluate in the left and right views with all that going on.
  5. Of course it is! You wear your home and away most often (which is why, by definition, they're not 'alternates'). So if your best look isn't your home and away, by definition you're not looking your best all or even most of the time. And if your alternate is your best look, then it should be your primary.
  6. I wonder what the issue could be. Gonna try clearing cache on every device. Just now, I got logged out of desktop, logged in, and was then almost instantly logged out of phone. Signed back into phone and am now logged on in both places... but I bet I'm now signed out of my laptop. I get that this makes it sound that I'm connected to this forum 24hrs a day on a lot of devices, but it's not like that (though my posting history might indicate otherwise.) On another note, notifications started working all of a sudden, after not (ever) working... so that's good.
  7. Except that unless rules have changed, alts have to remain in the rotation for 5 years (whether worn or not), so they either just extended their timeframe for a full change by one year, or they cost themselves an alt with a new set (if they change after the minimum 5 years that started last year.)
  8. Except the Bengals actually do use the colors of their mascot. If they were purple or green or some other color, then it wouldn't matter at all. But since they're orange and black, the inverted-color stripes kinda stick out.
  9. Is there a slight gradient on the inner-most orange stripe? Or just a reflection? It's unquestionably a better uniform, but I'm still not down with orange stripes, and I think the pants stripes could be done much better than that.
  10. That was correct, until Saturday. I logged in using my email address on my phone, and was (understandably) logged out on my laptop and desktop. I've since logged in to both with my email address (which is now what's saved), but am logged out any time I use a different device. For example, I was just browsing on my phone, and am posting this from my desktop (which was logged in, until I logged in to my phone), and I had to log in again, even though my email was saved. Is there a one-device limit now?
  11. Since Saturday, I need to re-log-in every time I use the forum on a different device. For example, if I'm posting from in phone, I have to log in on the phone. Then when I go to the laptop, I need to log in there. If I go back to phone, I need to log in again. It's not the bug where you just click the banner and you're good - I'm literally being logged off any time I use a different device. I use three devices, so that's a little annoying. Anything anyone can think of that would cause this? Note - up until Saturday, I hadn't had to log in using the email address for user name - I had just been logged in under my username forever. I got a new phone on Saturday, so that was the first time I needed to log in using my email address, and that's when this issue started.
  12. I don't think that was a good alternate look. There's not enough gold in the rest of the uniform to balance the gold pants - they stuck out like a sore thumb. Regarding the point about why not go ahead with a different helmet color, it's because helmets are de facto logos. They're used in promotions all over the place, and are subbed in for the primary logo in many situations. The pants are relatively irrelevant from a brand perspective. Maybe even completely irrelevant.
  13. I think it's more this. Having a Joe Montana, Jerry Rice, et al is more important than any "system".
  14. I vividly remember the situation. They did want to wear both helmets - one home, and one road - and were denied. They were forced to take a (possibly rigged) fan vote and went with the blue.
  15. Usually the case. I don't see the Rams/Falcons comparison at all. Houston / Denver is much closer, since they only go with the occasional mono red / mono navy (basically like the Ravens mono black). If anything I'd put the Ravens ahead of the Texans since the former's mono black uses a color that's very consistent (and important) in their identity, while the Texans red is jarring every time it's worn. And now Denver mixes in it's throwback logo with the fauxback uniforms some times. All Baltimore does is bust out purple pants ever now and then.
  16. The notifications have never worked for me. I always miss mentions. I've checked my settings, and they're all good. I just clicked on the little bell icon thingy and tried to check notification history and it even says that there's been none. It's not a huge deal and I've lived with it forever, just wondering if there's some trick besides simply enabling them. @BBTV 'at'ing myself just to test again.
  17. Why do they "feel like the team to pull a stunt like that"? They've basically had the same look their entire history, with the exception of the new purple pants and the failed gold pants experiment. They're certainly not "traditional", but they're pretty consistent, and seem to be pretty content with their brand.
  18. The participants in those focus groups should be committed.
  19. why would it blow your mind? I wouldn’t expect anyone other than us dorks to truly understand it. regarding Eagles Kelly green: “An Eagles spokesman said the team is “excited about the possibilities and is beginning to look into its options, as the policy was just released. Any new developments will be announced at the appropriate time.” But sources with the team said the NFL deadline for uniform selection for the 2022 season has already passed, and the Eagles submitted their black alternate jersey. Any new helmet the team could wear would have to work with those uniforms, so barring a change from the league, fans won’t get to see the Birds in kelly green until 2023 at the soonest.”
  20. considering we’re a full season away from seeing what any teams do, and two full seasons away from seeing if teams unveil new throwbacks, it’s way too soon to say that you’re right (though you probably are). I expect some dumb needless alts in 2022, and then fewer of those and more throwbacks in 2023. the teams to watch out for are the ones that don’t need to change up their shells for their throwbacks, since they’ll basically have a 3rd helmet option to play with.
  21. Good info - but if it's only the Patriots and Cowboys, then it stands to reason that the others will have to wait until 2023, which is kind of a bummer. What's the Raiders "black"? I don't recall them ever having a black helmet in their past.
  22. The article said that the deadline for 2022 had passed and no new uniforms could be made for 2022 that haven't already been submitted. Not sure if that means "no change unless you've filed with the league for a change" or "no change unless you have your design submitted already". Coincidentally, the local news just mentioned this story as I am typing this. It said the Eagles were bringing back kelly green alts for 2022, but 1) if so, that means no black helmet, and 2) means they must have put in for the kelly green alt based on speculation. I don't think the news people really bothered to research a uniform story very much, so I think that the earliest we'll see a kelly green alt would be 2023. If that's the case, I expect a black helmet for 2022.
  23. If you read the full release, it implies that it has to be worn with an existing alt, color rush, or a throwback. So it seems like those are the four options. It also says no new uniforms for 2022 (unless already submitted), so don't expect much besides maybe a few alt helmets for existing alt / CR jerseys until 2023 (unless team has already submitted new uniforms for 2022.)
  24. Something else it mentions at the end: The deadline for 2022 uniform changes has passed, and apparently this doesn't change that fact. So a team can design an alt color helmet by July 31 of this year, but don't expect it to be worn with any new uniform next year - it would have to go along with their existing alts. So I imagine the earliest you'll see a throwback for Patriots, Bucs, or Eagles would be 2023.
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