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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. Any word on who the victims of the 'city edition' sets will be in '22?
  2. I didn't realize they still used the 'equipment' mark. I thought that was exclusively a RBK thing.
  3. Phillies made the controversial decision to retire Roy Halladay's number 34, even though at least two other players have worn it since he retired. They were kinda backed into a corner since he didn't go into the HOF as a Blue Jay (not that he went in as a Phillie either) and when Bryce Harper signed, he turned down the number and said that they shouldn't give it out to anyone anymore.
  4. When I use the (improved) search feature, if there's multiple pages of search results, sometimes clicking on the next page produces the "you must wait x seconds before running another search", and there's no way to proceed other than waiting and starting the original search again. Even clicking back doesn't work.
  5. So many of those would look so nice if not for the gross logo creep. Also that K-USA hat is disgusting.
  6. That's an interesting take considering all that's transpired.
  7. but it's a single-entity league, so there are no franchises- or am I wrong about that? It was basically liquidated and reorganized as a brand new company. Kinda sorta how Toys R Us still exists but is totally different than the store we grew up with, just retains the name.
  8. What do the new owners actually retain other than the ip? It's not like there's franchises, or players that are signed, or really any tie to the former league other than the name and logo. Maybe some tackling dummies or blocking sleds. They're basically starting from scratch, just with a pre-made logo.
  9. I still don't know why people are saying "relaunch". It's like saying the 99 Browns were a relaunch, or the new Sonics were a relaunch. They're new entities that just happen to share a name.
  10. I used to like how the Cubs rarely made significant changes to their home uniform, but changed their road every couple of years. They new they couldn't be too creative at home, so they used the road to try new ideas. Some were hits, others were not. What they have now looks very professional and nice, but lacks a little character. I'd like to see them try a Chicago script - but it would need to have a tail or something else to distinguish it enough from their neighbor's version.
  11. The Ohtani thing also is another example of how the AL has a constant advantage over the NL, since he couldn't really play for an NL team (unless he plays other defensive positions.) He's a star that's basically only available to half the teams, just like DHs. The Phillies might be forced into trading one of their top hitters to an AL team because he sucks at first base, but he'd be welcomed with open arms in the AL.
  12. Thanks! I was sure it was the Giants, but couldn't find any visual evidence, so I figured it was a mandella thing (or whatever it's called). Probably because I was looking at the pre-RBK era, figuring it was exclusively a Nike thing.
  13. I look at it as three separate leagues that just happened to use the XFL name were / will be attempted. The lack of success of the previous two has nothing to do with the third.
  14. I wonder what the issue could be. Gonna try clearing cache on every device. Just now, I got logged out of desktop, logged in, and was then almost instantly logged out of phone. Signed back into phone and am now logged on in both places... but I bet I'm now signed out of my laptop. I get that this makes it sound that I'm connected to this forum 24hrs a day on a lot of devices, but it's not like that (though my posting history might indicate otherwise.) On another note, notifications started working all of a sudden, after not (ever) working... so that's good.
  15. That was correct, until Saturday. I logged in using my email address on my phone, and was (understandably) logged out on my laptop and desktop. I've since logged in to both with my email address (which is now what's saved), but am logged out any time I use a different device. For example, I was just browsing on my phone, and am posting this from my desktop (which was logged in, until I logged in to my phone), and I had to log in again, even though my email was saved. Is there a one-device limit now?
  16. Since Saturday, I need to re-log-in every time I use the forum on a different device. For example, if I'm posting from in phone, I have to log in on the phone. Then when I go to the laptop, I need to log in there. If I go back to phone, I need to log in again. It's not the bug where you just click the banner and you're good - I'm literally being logged off any time I use a different device. I use three devices, so that's a little annoying. Anything anyone can think of that would cause this? Note - up until Saturday, I hadn't had to log in using the email address for user name - I had just been logged in under my username forever. I got a new phone on Saturday, so that was the first time I needed to log in using my email address, and that's when this issue started.
  17. The notifications have never worked for me. I always miss mentions. I've checked my settings, and they're all good. I just clicked on the little bell icon thingy and tried to check notification history and it even says that there's been none. It's not a huge deal and I've lived with it forever, just wondering if there's some trick besides simply enabling them. @BBTV 'at'ing myself just to test again.
  18. Here's a post where he claims to have some domains. I don't know what usfl.info is, but I wonder if he somehow made a buck off of this.
  19. https://www.inquirer.com/eagles/usfl-fox-philadelphia-stars-spring-20210603.html
  20. Didn't a banned member here boast about buying a lot of USFL IP and maybe even the website name? I think most of you know who I'm referring to. While we're on the nostalgia-reboot kick, CAN I PLEASE GET A SECOND SEASON OF FIREFLY???
  21. Definitely don’t use it on Mobile. Avatars overlap things and you get into a horizontal scrolling situation in some cases.
  22. Check if it logged you out. When that happens, the ads will return until you click the banner and log back in. I haven't gotten the ads while logged in since subscribing, but the log-out bug can make them come back momentarily.
  23. https://www.athleticsnation.com/2012/4/18/2958535/territorial-rights-a-not-so-brief-history I'll concede that I only skimmed that because it's very long, but based on my minimal reading, it seems like there wasn't any territorial rights until the Giants were looking into moving to San Jose, so in order to "help out", the A's owner essentially created them and handed over the west and south bay to the Giants so they could sell San Jose as still their home market. The thing is, they did this legally with paperwork and everything, and the Giants now had a valuable asset that never previously existed, and they never gave it back even after not moving to SJ.
  24. yeah it's not the end of the world (that would be the new NFL number rule), but seems like something the Invision people would have either fixed or acknowledged.
  25. Yeah and it's really weird if you have the ad-free version normally, because you'll be browsing the forums, then all of a sudden 400 ads pop up out of nowhere because you've been logged out for a second.
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