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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. My point was more that he isn't bigger than the franchise and doesn't have the right to run the team and blame them for any failings in a way that someone like Brady can. He's been built up by some to be the "best QB in the league" and by a few as even the GOAT, and I feel at times is put on a pedestal that has people thinking that he is a multi-time champion, when the reality is that he hasn't earned it.
  2. So many of those would look so nice if not for the gross logo creep. Also that K-USA hat is disgusting.
  3. IDK... maybe a guy that's one exactly one Super Bowl and can't use the "but the Patriots" excuse isn't the best quarterback ever (like some claim) and shouldn't get to run the team. I think people have this image in their head of Rodgers being carried off the field time after time again and holding all these Lombardis, but the reality is that he has only taken his team to the top once - which plenty others have done - and hasn't had as lousy a supporting cast as it's been made out to be. I'm not saying Aaron Rodgers == Joe Flacco or Trent Dilfer (far from it), but he's pretty far from the Mt. Rushmore-esque figure he's portrayed as.
  4. So Carson Wentz is a non-vax idiot. Personal decision, difficult conversation, all that nonsense. Since his trade was for a conditional draft pick that goes from a #2 to a #1 based on playing time, if he has to miss games because he either tests positive or through contact, he could actually kick the Eagles in the balls by costing them a first-round pick even after he's gone.
  5. That's an interesting take considering all that's transpired.
  6. but it's a single-entity league, so there are no franchises- or am I wrong about that? It was basically liquidated and reorganized as a brand new company. Kinda sorta how Toys R Us still exists but is totally different than the store we grew up with, just retains the name.
  7. What do the new owners actually retain other than the ip? It's not like there's franchises, or players that are signed, or really any tie to the former league other than the name and logo. Maybe some tackling dummies or blocking sleds. They're basically starting from scratch, just with a pre-made logo.
  8. I still don't know why people are saying "relaunch". It's like saying the 99 Browns were a relaunch, or the new Sonics were a relaunch. They're new entities that just happen to share a name.
  9. Wonder if Tom Brady will go, or have some "previously-scheduled arrangement" or be rehabbing something.
  10. I used to like how the Cubs rarely made significant changes to their home uniform, but changed their road every couple of years. They new they couldn't be too creative at home, so they used the road to try new ideas. Some were hits, others were not. What they have now looks very professional and nice, but lacks a little character. I'd like to see them try a Chicago script - but it would need to have a tail or something else to distinguish it enough from their neighbor's version.
  11. It's not fair to compare the NFL and CFL. There's way more at stake with an NFL rebrand, as there's way more stakeholders, fans, partners of all types, etc. There's probably half as many people with a vested interest in the WFT team name (whether financial or emotional) than reside in the entire country of Canada. The fan bases are way different too, and there's even subtle cultural differences between the countries that make the WFT job more difficult than the Elks. Snyder is an idiot, and it didn't have to drag on this long, but saying "the Elks did it in x time so WFT should have been able to too" isn't fair. While it doesn't necessarily need to be more complicated, there's more at stake, more pressure to get it right, and more eyes on it.
  12. TBH, thinking back to one year ago makes me more emotional than I care to admit. It was a bad time for a lot of people everywhere, but it was a different experience for people that were literally in big urban centers watching it (or, participating in it) right outside their door. I kinda never want to talk about it again.
  13. I'm not sure where you live, but parts of several cities - including mine - were literally burnt to the ground. I live in a very dense part of a very dense city, and we had 6PM curfew and I was scared just to walk outside of my door because there was either fires, dynamite blowing up ATMs, brutality (much of it caused by gas-happy police), seemingly-random violence, oh... and fires. I'd be willing to bet that I was glued to this site 24/7 just to be distracted.
  14. The Ohtani thing also is another example of how the AL has a constant advantage over the NL, since he couldn't really play for an NL team (unless he plays other defensive positions.) He's a star that's basically only available to half the teams, just like DHs. The Phillies might be forced into trading one of their top hitters to an AL team because he sucks at first base, but he'd be welcomed with open arms in the AL.
  15. If anything, going with that placeholder showed restraint and maturity (which doesn't cancel out the previous decades of brazenness and immaturity).
  16. Since retail jerseys aren't that close to the on-field ones anyway, I wouldn't mind if they put TV numbers on the sleeves (retail only) just to have something there.
  17. In the last photo here (of Eagles Miles Sanders) even the TV announcers commented that he wouldn't have stumbled up if not for the undershirt. I think these photos are indisputable evidence that there's some hinderance. Maybe not for an offensive lineman, but for these guys. As for why the coaches don't say anything? I don't know - maybe football coaches aren't as smart as people make them out to be. They spend too much time trying to draw up plays to exploit mismatches when all they have to do is tell their players to dress like professionals. EDIT: that's actually not the photo of Miles Sanders getting tackled by his shirt, but same point. Do you have some kind of alert set up where you get notified every time I post so that you can follow it up with some dumb meme or some other thing? Seriously - you don't need to react to every post I make - especially those that don't concern you.
  18. If he didn't have the slob shirt, the Browns player would have whiffed completely. Because of the shirt, he's at the very least being slowed up a tad - possibly even taken down by it, since it doesn't appear to be a tear-away. If he tries a spin move, he'll end up like a mummy! Again, I don't expect much in the way of mature thought from the players, but shouldn't a coach be telling them how dumb it is? Wouldn't the marketing people be like "we didn't design the uniform to have a cummerbund, so stop wearing contrasting long shirts (not that it's contrasting in this particular example.
  19. If this isn't performance hindering, I don't know what is. Waiting to hear how it's not.
  20. it’s a sports UNIFORM forum, and these morons are altering the uniform to the point where what we see in unveilings is irrelevant because that’s not what’s on the field. If it doesn’t bother you then that’s fine, but if you’re upset that some people on this forum have issues with this, then this might not be the place for you. IMO they look like complete slobs and the fact that they intentionally hinder their performance shows their intellect.
  21. The solution for teams that insist on stripes is to run them vertically from the collar to sleeve cuff. Since TV numbers are no longer required, that space could be used for striping, similar to how Texas A&M did a few years ago:
  22. The 10 in that graphic looks more like the serif version of MLB block than it does varsity block like what the Giants use. The inside of the 0 has the little notches in the corners rather than having 90-degree corners. What's the source for that?
  23. Thanks! I was sure it was the Giants, but couldn't find any visual evidence, so I figured it was a mandella thing (or whatever it's called). Probably because I was looking at the pre-RBK era, figuring it was exclusively a Nike thing.
  24. I hadn't thought of that. Wouldn't it make more sense to have the double outlines on the white jersey since the star is blue-white-blue?
  25. I honestly don't understand your disagreement with me or your debating style. Nobody's giving them a pass.
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