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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. It'll matter to some dbag defensive end that wants #10 and asks Eli to wear it before it's even required (then claims not to know who Eli was.)
  2. Actually, I didn't realize how average his record was - it's 117-117. Also, his Pro Football Reference HOF Monitor score has him pretty much tied with...
  3. He certainly was not ever elite, but he was the face of a "legacy" franchise for what - 14, 15 seasons? And won two Owls. As dopey and (usually) average as he is, that's a HOF career. I don't know how much he meant to Giants fans (since I'm not one of them) or to the franchise other than the obvious, so it's not for me to say whether number retirement is appropriate, but it certainly seems that way. and if she had two balls she'd be your grandfather.
  4. The Giants have nothing to do with any discussion about whether or not WFT is a good name. Literally nothing.
  5. What's that have to do with anything?
  6. Except both schools received written consent from the Packers to use those logos. I don't think there's an issue with the Ram logos, but it's not an accurate comparison.
  7. Here's a post where he claims to have some domains. I don't know what usfl.info is, but I wonder if he somehow made a buck off of this.
  8. https://www.inquirer.com/eagles/usfl-fox-philadelphia-stars-spring-20210603.html
  9. Didn't a banned member here boast about buying a lot of USFL IP and maybe even the website name? I think most of you know who I'm referring to. While we're on the nostalgia-reboot kick, CAN I PLEASE GET A SECOND SEASON OF FIREFLY???
  10. Definitely don’t use it on Mobile. Avatars overlap things and you get into a horizontal scrolling situation in some cases.
  11. Check if it logged you out. When that happens, the ads will return until you click the banner and log back in. I haven't gotten the ads while logged in since subscribing, but the log-out bug can make them come back momentarily.
  12. https://www.athleticsnation.com/2012/4/18/2958535/territorial-rights-a-not-so-brief-history I'll concede that I only skimmed that because it's very long, but based on my minimal reading, it seems like there wasn't any territorial rights until the Giants were looking into moving to San Jose, so in order to "help out", the A's owner essentially created them and handed over the west and south bay to the Giants so they could sell San Jose as still their home market. The thing is, they did this legally with paperwork and everything, and the Giants now had a valuable asset that never previously existed, and they never gave it back even after not moving to SJ.
  13. yeah it's not the end of the world (that would be the new NFL number rule), but seems like something the Invision people would have either fixed or acknowledged.
  14. Yeah and it's really weird if you have the ad-free version normally, because you'll be browsing the forums, then all of a sudden 400 ads pop up out of nowhere because you've been logged out for a second.
  15. Yeah same. I signed up figuring I was "overpaying" for May and I'm fine with that. No need for refund, but good on ya for figuring that out though.
  16. My friends and I go to a lot of baseball games after work, but I don't think we would if we couldn't (2 of us) take the subway straight down, (1 of us) walk an easy 2-mile walk), (1 of us) take the subway with a connection but still get from the NoLibs to stadiums in 20 mins. If I had to drive at all, even if it was relatively convenient, I'd go to far fewer games (if any at all), because I don't like having even one weak-ass beer and driving, let alone dealing with traffic. If it was a PiTA, there's no way I'd go to a game - probably even a WS game. I think the stadium location and logistical issues are certainly completely valid points to be made about why it's failed, but there's not any evidence that shows that investing in a new park would pay dividends. In conclusion, get rid of your cars.
  17. Then baseball can't succeed in the region until they put a stadium in a different location and embrace and pay for mass transit options to get people to-and-from games (and have the fans buy in to the mass-transit option). Being a major-league city is hard. It requires more than simply having population and a stadium. It might require a mind shift from the locals too. I think it's pretty safe to say that Floridians aren't willing to invest in "better for all" projects, so baseball just shouldn't be there.
  18. I think that's more on you than it is the logo. I don't see how it's any more/less knockoffable than any Yankees, Giants, or Mets mark.
  19. What is with the blackout around your words?
  20. When a team is in the actual world series and nobody locally comes, that's not the ballpark's fault. Even given all of it's legit faults, it's still the world series. For a lot of sports fans, attending a WS is a once-in-a-lifetime event, but they didn't care.
  21. Put it on the helmet and call it a day. Maybe the jet gimmick from above the wordmarks on the 80s helmet would work over the NY too.
  22. It's naïve to compare the New York brand to the Winnipeg brand. When you play in the most famous city in North America, your nickname or mascot should be secondary, and IMO is just something to have for merch purposes. Your brand should be that you play in New York. I think it was a mistake (though I understand why) when the Giants and Jets moved away from the NY branding in the '80s, and also when the Islanders moved to the cartoon fisherman logo. The New York brand has appeal internationally, and also nationally - I'm sure there's people that would wear a Jets shirt that was based on NY imagery rather than one that was clearly just the football team.
  23. If anything, if a team is looking to leave, I'd be less likely to commit my time and $ to them. I'll never forget the 2008 WS - it was cheaper to get tickets in Tampa and fly there than it was to go to a game here. I totally get that the market never got a fair chance due to the stadium deal - I'm not going to expect anyone to drive to a horribly-located dump on a work night just to sit through 4 hours of pitching changes and mound huddles. The thing is, none of the other metrics seem to make the case that the experiment would succeed even with a better / more convenient park. Certainly not enough to warrant a $2b public investment. The Florida MLB experiment has been a complete and total failure, and the sooner they can start undoing the Tampa part of it, the sooner they can start recouping some of the losses.
  24. I was on the phone with someone from my health insurance company and they were helping me find a provider. She said "this one is 5 miles away" and I was like "LOL lady, I'm not trying to take a train or fly to the dr... find something closer." Totally different culture when it comes to driving.
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