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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. It's also an issue that very few - if any - players actually wear the Jets new uniform as intended, so it's hard to fairly judge. I think think they were the first team that I noticed had everyone wearing those silly T shirts
  2. What do the little badges on some members’ avatars mean? For example, Die Perske and LMU have them. Doesn’t seem to be tied to any particular user group that I can tell.
  3. They could pretty easily have made a "modern" version of those by making a green jersey on the Texans template, making the insert green but use white piping around it, with the "sleeve" part being white. Now that TV numbers aren't really a thing they could probably have done even more.
  4. I do. I think it's the only combo they have where everything looks like it was designed to go together vs mixing and matching pieces from different sets. For the gray pants to work with the navy top, they'd have to work green into the side stripe, but even then it wouldn't be better than the all navy. Most monochromes in the NFL suck, but some do work, and Seattle's is one of the best IMO.
  5. Why are you posting a jersey that could never be worn due to the modern template? The sleeveholes would be at the seem above the swoosh, yet the sleeve design is entirely below it.
  6. Dallas would never have left the NYG, WFT, and PHI, so Pittsburgh would be in some other division. When the merger happened, did the AFL teams keep their rosters and literally merge? Or was it more like the NFL granting expansion teams to certain AFL owners in their teams' cities?
  7. People can keep reporting things, or Chris could make an ad arrangement that's less disrespectful to the loyal users that have helped build his empire.
  8. I never said anything about a jet so I'm not sure who's arguing that.
  9. I've only spent limited time in SF, but I can't really imagine tons of people from the west side of the bridge trying to drive to Alameda county to see the A's. It would be one thing if there was good mass transit to get there, but I suspect that the geography of the bay kinda naturally creates two markets within one.
  10. When you try to blend eras, you usually end up representing neither. I'm totally fine with just a word, be it JETS, NY, or even NEW YORK. But the ball ruins it.
  11. It's a lousy helmet because it almost never matches the color of the uniform, and the logo (specifically the football) is bad. It would look better if it just said JETS without the ball (or just NY.)
  12. The unnecessary navy trim removes it from the "perfect" discussion. Too many outlines on the stripes and numbers - they forced the color in where it clearly didn't belong.
  13. Is that so? I don't recall hearing that before.
  14. Is it really an "MLB-endowed" right when the A's ceded it 30 years ago?
  15. With Oakland, isn't it as much about all the East Bay communities forming the market, with Oakland simply as the hub? It's all technically the SF Bay metro area, but having a team on that side of the bridge makes it easier for people from Berkeley, Fremont, and elsewhere to attend, no?
  16. That's fine for one game every other Sunday - not for 81 games on every day of the week. Pro basketball is probably the easiest sport to start up from the ground up - small roster, relatively-modest arena needs, great TV deal reduces the need for gate revenues, and overall, there's just less required. Pro football is next. You have much larger stadium/infrastructure worries, larger front office, larger... everything. But you are almost guaranteed to sell out (even if visiting fans), and you're making money without even selling tickets due to TV. Expenses are kindasorta capped. Then maybe hockey. Way more niche than basketball, and more gate is needed. Then baseball. Unless you're in a hotbed market - and any of those markets already have teams.
  17. Baseball is by far the hardest sport to start up in a new place. Besides the stadium cost, you need to try and fill it 81 times, and it's a non-capped league. It's not like football where every weekend is an event in most places and you can sell out in spite of yourself (even if just because of visiting team fans). I just don't see how MLB succeeds in Las Vegas or anywhere else. Nashville has a chance, if they build a small stadium like Pittsburgh's and put it somewhere accessible, but places like there that lack the public transportation are at a (self-inflicted) disadvantage. The Montreal A's is just a silly idea, though jerseys that read "Athlétiques" (or whatever the actual translation is) could be neat.
  18. There's a link to a story about the A's "exploring relocation" or getting a new stadium in every season-long mega thread since... well, since the forum started. There's nowhere for them to move to. There's not 26 MLB markets - let alone 27.
  19. Not sure rumors like that are even worth thinking about as long as the 1-helmet rule is in effect, and given that they've already voted on this year's changes (including one to the uniform code), there's no reason to think it's going away in 2021.
  20. After COVID-19, Should Reporters Remain Barred from Locker Rooms? Making the Case for ‘Yes’ https://www.crossingbroad.com/2021/05/after-covid-19-should-reporters-remain-barred-from-locker-rooms-making-the-case-for-yes.html I clicked on the headline expecting to vehemently disagree with the author, but I actually think he may be on to something. It's kinda weird that reporters are in a locker room and talking to dudes who just wrapped a towel around their balls or are seconds removed from some major-emotional moment. I'm not sure I'm down with a full-Zoom world (and that's not what he's suggesting) but I think it's fair to ask if locker-room access is really needed.
  21. Yeah, but at least the players have the choice as to what kind of base layer they wear, as opposed to either thick-ass old-school pants or something that's built-in but not necessarily what they want. They've basically took the old-school football pant and made it a series of customizable parts underneath a top shell. Too bad it looks like crap. I remember back in my day when I got my first "girdle" with the oversized hip pads and butt pad, and the super thick pants with the slots for the thigh and knee pad. I hated those so much, and would really have preferred if they had the biker-shorts with the pads in them like they do now. So I can appreciate the ability to tailor to your preferences... but it still looks like crap.
  22. I'm sure I'll be shown some example that shows me wrong, but there's no way any women's team would wear those pants.
  23. And the Phillies just-completed 4-game sweep of the Brewers, which netted them +5, is exactly why. Win by one... lose by a hundred.
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