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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. Any word on who the victims of the 'city edition' sets will be in '22?
  2. were those for sale all over Fanatics, NFL Shop, and in every retail store in the area?
  3. That's why I think a 3rd WFT year could help. Some of those folk will die, others will have more time for their blood to stop boiling, maybe (unlikely) a few will mature, and some might become (*sigh*) "woke" themselves. Then bring on the crappy name.
  4. While this is NCAA, at least is shows I’m not the only one that thinks the long undershirts look ridiculous and shouldn’t be allowed
  5. I wonder if a third season as WFT might be useful to separate the team even more from its former brand even more, and to let even more time go by so as to make what happened stale even to the die-hard fans of the old name so that when a new one comes it will be celebrated as something new, rather than viewed as a replacement for something that some fans are still connected to. Plus, it would serve as even more evidence that simply WFT works (or that it can't work) as a potential permanent name.
  6. Depending on where you live, stadium beer doesn't cost that much more than a bar beer. FWIW, the food options and quality (at the non-generic hotdog/chicken finger stands) at Citizens Bank Park are excellent. It's one of the only parks where you're allowed to bring outside food and unopened n/a beverages in, and I usually do pick up stuff on my walk to the park, but if I'm rushed and can't stop, I'm rarely disappointed with what I find myself getting there.
  7. Really sleazy that they marketed his jersey to people when there was such a low chance of him ever playing in a game. I hope anyone that bought one did so knowing that it was a long shot or just because they're a fan of him personally and would buy anything with his name.
  8. I'm assuming due to the number font that the Patriots never got new practice gear after their uniform change, but the gray pants look fine and no reason they couldn't be worn in a game:
  9. But weren't nearly all uniforms of that era the same? The Eagles was simply a plain-green jersey with sleeve logo and numbers. Many others were just generically-striped jerseys that could all be interchanged for one another. That doesn't mean they were bad tho. Same goes for the NHL of the '80s - most of the sweaters had the same generic rounded-yoke cut with the yoke being colored on the white version of the jersey. Both NFL and NHL were paint-by-numbers for quite a while... but I don't think that either of those eras was necessarily bad.
  10. That's a great point too. I used to work at the stadium so I'd always see the pre-game warmups when the guys were in their position groups, and all the TEs were 80s, all the OTs were 70s, the DLs were 90s, LBs were mostly 50s, etc. It was like those were the identifying marks of their "club". "Yo 55... get out of here - this is a 90s only club". That has nothing to do with the game day aesthetic or the topic at hand, but it was a cool side-effect of the number rule that's lost. Football and baseball are the sports with the most order. Basketball and hockey players are all over the court/ice, but football and baseball players are mostly in set formations. Baseball players aren't really near each other, but football players are in some cases 6" apart from one another, and it was just cool to see the 50s behind the 90s. I'll concede that also has nothing to do with the topic at hand, but the people that don't care need to also acknowledge that there's plenty of people that do.
  11. I didn't realize they still used the 'equipment' mark. I thought that was exclusively a RBK thing.
  12. Because it changes the aesthetic of the game that's been in place for decades, if not more than half a century. Growing up, all my favorite players were LBs, and >90% of them wore 50s (with a couple weird 90s from the 3-4 guys). QBs should be in 7, 12, or numbers in that range. I should be able to look at a guy and know what position he's playing. Is some of it just "that's the way it's always been so dagnabbit it shouldn't change"? Sure. Should I hate players for acting within the confines of the rule? Probably not - the rule allows them to change. But do I think this changes the aesthetic of the game just as much as doing away with numbers altogether and wearing giant logos on the front (or making some other huge fundamental change)? Yep. I always appreciated that the pro game looked 'professional' (socks, number rules, tucked-in-ish jerseys, etc) vs the sloppy college and high school game, and now there's no difference. They might as well be playing rec-league football now. That, and players are proving to be dumber than at any previous point in the game's history, hence my dig at their math skills.
  13. If they do, just imagine the part of LT being played by some douchebag wearing number 4, because his two favorite numbers are 2 and 3, and since they're taken by defensive linemen, he added them up and his math resulted in 4.
  14. I would play it off as if I was writing in the style of a moronic double-covid no-vax two-SB-predicting-but-won't-win-any QB, but that's giving him too much credit. Posting in his style would likely be something like "afsdlsd dslhfdslkjsdflk dslkfdlhasfdhdsfsdkl dshadsasdlkdfslhsdfal duh dfsjlkahhlsss"
  15. But he's going to win two super bowls and get two numbers retired! He's an absolute moron. I'm not sure how any organization could trust someone with such limited capacity to play the most important position for their billion-dollar team.
  16. Phillies made the controversial decision to retire Roy Halladay's number 34, even though at least two other players have worn it since he retired. They were kinda backed into a corner since he didn't go into the HOF as a Blue Jay (not that he went in as a Phillie either) and when Bryce Harper signed, he turned down the number and said that they shouldn't give it out to anyone anymore.
  17. Ironically, I get a kick out of rednecks that are always yelling at actors who voice liberal viewpoints and tell them to "shut up and act", and yet here I am, telling these idiots to (basically) "shut up and dribble". While I'll never understand their point of view, I get the frustration of hearing people that you're somewhat emotionally-invested in say things that you consider ridiculous. I guess the difference is that listening to the sports idiots can prolong a global pandemic and get you killed, while listening to an actor might get you a liberal president or get you to go on a scientology pilgrimage.
  18. 90% of these players are guys with zero education that literally get hit in the head daily and subject themselves to concussions for a living. At this point, if an NFL football player can put together three complete grammatically-correct sentences in a row and not rape or abuse women, I'm impressed. Let's not pretend these people are anything more than what they are. Covid pushed me over the edge with athletes. Frankly I was beyond shocked to see the Eagles were over 90%. The slightly-less moronic players in green should give a talk to the completely-idiotic clowns across the street in red. Just shut up, play your game on Sunday, then go home and play your video games. Stop saying stupid things and beating women and other people.
  19. When I use the (improved) search feature, if there's multiple pages of search results, sometimes clicking on the next page produces the "you must wait x seconds before running another search", and there's no way to proceed other than waiting and starting the original search again. Even clicking back doesn't work.
  20. Carson Wentz out up to 3 months, so Eagles get screwed out of a 1st round pick. And it’s apparently an old injury - how does that not show up on any examinations?
  21. Donovan McNabb hasn't been mentioned in one of these threads in nearly a decade, so you're absolutely trying to bait. Anyway, he is a moron, and I'll make a board bet anyone that he will never win a SB as a starting QB with Baltimore. I'll go a calendar year with any avatar and member title (within forum rules) that anyone who takes up this bet wants me to use. If/when he's either demoted or moved to another team, then I win and get to choose the avatar and title of whoever is in on it.
  22. I never mentioned anything about Donovan McNabb or compared the MiB to him. I still don't see how Donovan McNabb has anything to do with this discussion, unless you think you're baiting me.
  23. Not sure how Donovan McNabb has anything to do with the moron in Baltimore. Please enlighten me.
  24. Their glaring weakness is a QB who's concerned with getting multiple jerseys retired. He will never win a Super Bowl as a starting QB for the Ravens.
  25. Carson Wentz can beer bong my diarrhea. Now his stupid, fragile, weak, intellectually-deficient ass is killing the Eagles by injuring his stupid foot and potentially missing significant time. Guess he didn't pray hard enough before practice.
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