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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. Eric Lindros' mommy and daddy vs the Flyers organeyezation (specifically Bobby Clarke) is one of the best sports feuds in history.
  2. The league is stupid (I guess hence the title of this thread). They should be committed to finding an owner in a market where the team can succeed and be truly profitable without milking the government for public subsidies every year just to cover payroll. Put the damned team in Des Moines for all I care.
  3. I've got nothing against a Houston Aeros team (provided their logos are nice), but the prospective return of the Nordiques makes me wet downstairs, as long as we don't get the dumb wolf logo. I'd even be down with a KC team (if they even still want one) over the Loserdale Coyotes. Is there any lease that they're bound to? Or once they pay up their taxes (how does it even get to this point?) are they free to just leave?
  4. If any team wants to get new stuff available for sale before the holidays, they'll have to use either mannequins or stand-ins as models. Or just show the new gear laying on a table or something.
  5. Hell, a couple of those are "right team, wrong hair" too!
  6. One issue with that is that with the way they attached to the shoulder pads they were often too far back or too close to the neck to actually accomplish that. I guess in my case it would have worked but if you look at many players, there's no way it would have. Example of both cases - I don't think the roll would assist either Lambert or Bosworth.
  7. Standard neck roll? I could never figure it out. Maybe just to look bigger? All I know was that as a lineman, it limited my ability to lift my head up when in 3-pt stance so I was just staring at grass and getting run over until I got rid of it. In Cox's case, I could see how that weird thing would cushion the blow to his head if he ever got knocked on his back and his head crashed against the turf. As a stand-up LB, it probably didn't limit him as much as it may have had he been on the line.
  8. Bonus points for a neckroll - possibly the least-necessary and most-restrictive piece of equipment I ever tried out when I played.
  9. The S and O are practically in their armpits. If you look at this photo, the entire word isn't 100% legible on either of the players. It's so long that parts of it are affected by folds in fabric no matter what (guy in middle) and even if there's not folds, the S and O are partially obscured by the player's arms (guy on right.) I'm sure there's photos where it looks fine, but I'd say that it's 50/50 at best.
  10. Giants should just go with the gray SF jerseys. They can put the city name on an alt or something. SAN FRANCISCO is too long for a jersey. Their ideal set is the cream homes, gray SF roads, orange '70s-script alts, and then a black SAN FRANCISCO alt (or not.) Dodgers ideal set is simple - white and gray with Dodgers script, red numbers, and no outline on the gray. No alt. No nonsense. I'm indifferent to their sleeve patches, though I don't care for simply slapping the LA on there.
  11. So..... about this. It's pretty annoying - can youse install the patch?
  12. There shouldn't be race-specific logos unless there's no way to avoid it (and I'm not sure how many of those cases actually exist.) I'm not sure the exact ratio, but it's very likely that >50% of the team will be black, and they're wearing a white guy with a jacked-up chin on their lid.
  13. Two words should not have a tail under them. A tail should belong to a single word. I think a better, albeit politically impossible solution, would be to change the name of Kansas City and Oklahoma City to something that's one word, or just drop the "city" (or rename to City of Kansas or something.) This is why I find the Dodgers alt-road to be superior to their Los Angeles version.
  14. That this new powder blue top is nearly identical to the old road one makes the white pants look like a mistake. I like everything else they did, but wearing light blue with their home pants has always been a mistake, but is now an indefensible one.
  15. Thanks for looking into it. According to this post, the fix was recently made available. "To apply the patch, please visit your admin CP, and select to install optional patches"
  16. I've noticed today that when browsing on desktop, when I click on the last post link (where it says the time that the last person posted) instead of it taking me to that post, it brings me to the first post of the topic, as if I haven't read any posts in that topic. Anyone else experiencing that? It doesn't seem to be consistent - I'd say it's doing it 50% of the time.
  17. It also seems somewhat unfair to the Texas residents who are negatively impacted by the legislation just because of where they are located. Much like admiral, I cry no tears for Texas.
  18. THe number one thing the PA cares about is $, and if the team can show that splitting time will increase revenue and lead to higher payroll, it would be malpractice to hold them back. They could also work out some kind of "inconvenience tax" or some insignificant bonus that they pay the players at the time of each move. Just enough so that the PA can say that they "won".
  19. Phillies were allowed to re-instate the "swirl" in their P logo in 1987 after it was shelved 15ish years earlier for looking too much like baseball seams.
  20. Cleveland will obviously have a new uniform. Not sure if the one they've shown is the final version or just a mockup.
  21. but at least in theory, this would give the players two state-of-the-art facilities to train and play in, whereas now, the players have to eat crap in the worst facility in MLB for 81 games. Splitting time between two home cities (and countries!) isn't ideal, but maybe it's worth the trade off for the players if they get to have the same amenities that their peers enjoy on a daily basis.
  22. he’s an “insider”, not a real journalist. He doesn’t cover news that matters. It’s common for guys to make deals with their sources to protect them in exchange for juicy stories later, or to “leak” things that help the team with their negotiating in exchange for more impactful info later. I don’t see any issue with the Schefter thing, and I’d be surprised if he wasn’t working with the teams. All it does is confirm that some of his confidential sources are high-ranking people - which I would have assumed anyway. he’s not a real journalist that’s asking Xi Jinping to approve and edit stories before running them in the Daily Planet.
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