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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. My ideal Eagles uniform tweak (meaning if we're assuming the midnight green jersey isn't going anywhere) is a silver helmet with green/black wings (either current style or previous), and silver (not gray) pants with similar striping to the current. I'd love for them to have a silver helmet. That being said, in and of itself, a black helmet could look great. I'm not sure what color scheme the wings would have - like would the outline be midnight green? Or would the filling be midnight green and silver, and the outline green? Or the old wings (basically pre-order the decals for 2023) but on a black helmet, like Rice used to wear? I hate alt helmets that aren't for throwbacks, and would vote strongly against introducing a black helmet, but given that it's likely coming whether anyone wants it or not, it will probably look good for what it is.
  2. Not sure what jersey they'd wear it with since 2023 is the first year they can wear a kelly green jersey (unless they secretly put in for it back when the world was ending in 2020, which is unlikely). It has to be black, right? Just not sure how the rules work - like can they wear a black alt helmet next year then switch it to kelly green in 2023 when they (presumably) have those jerseys ready to go? Or if they go black, would they be stuck with it for a few years? Who the hell knows in this wacky era of NFL fashion we're living in.
  3. I fully expect a name change to DG_WOAH in the near future.
  4. So now that we have all these neat reactions, is it time to get rid of the "leaderboard"? It's unnecessary anyway, but now "puke" or "thumbs down" etc are going to count towards leader status, which doesn't really make sense. I don't really see a need to track who "won the day" or accumulated the most likes since we started tracking that 10 years ago or so. Just doesn't really mean anything, and only serves to remind me how much of my life I've wasted spent here. Also speaking of leaderboard... WTF happened to @Gothamite and @the admiral?
  5. Two follow ups that I'm sure you've already noticed (and probably are just how the software works): 1. You can't really see the 'react' button anymore. It's there and becomes visible when you hover, but it's not as obvious as before. 2. Any way to aggregate the reactions right in the post? So instead of seeing my own "heart" on every one of Infrared's posts and then clicking on the number to see how everyone else reacted, could there be something like "2 likes, 5 whoas, 6 loves"? Like somehow see at a glance that 50 people hated something while one oddball loved it? That might take up too much space and not work on mobile though, so IDK.
  6. Whoa - didn't expect that. Let's see how it goes!!!
  7. Can we get more reactions besides just the "thumbs up"? Like "surprise", "heart", "angry face", and the ever controversial "thumbs down"? I know that there's been arguments made that the "thumbs down" might hurt people's feelings, but I think that having more reactions would actually have the opposite effect, in that if someone disagrees with a post, they'd simply do a 'thumbs down' rather than reply (unless they have a legitimate point of contention that's worth diving deeper into.) The other ones might also cut down on fluff posts, and... they're just fun. Hell - even the angry face is used mostly in jest than otherwise. I remember back when the thumbs-up was added, I thought it was silly and would never use it, but now that I'm conditioned to reactions on MS Teams and social media, I think there's place for more of them here. Thanks for your time and consideration. Looking forward to the day someone can "love" this post rather than just "like" it.
  8. The Cowboys have 99 uniform problems but their facemask ain't one.
  9. To each their own, but if I was to wear a sports team jacket, I'd never wear the Phillies one. Doesn't go with anything and really makes you stand out brightly. The Blue Jays one looks like something I wouldn't feel silly wearing, outside of the fact that it's a sports-team jacket.
  10. Mods, maybe re-open the WFT thread since we're within 48 hours and there will likely be legit leaks soon?
  11. Other than the swoosh, the Blue Jays looks great. The Phillies looks ridiculous. Bright red and royal blue don’t work when red is the main color.
  12. I don't think anyone's expecting any major surprises with the cabernet jersey, it's the white one that should be fueling all the speculation, since the leaks we've seen show black trim and a lack of canary.
  13. Yep. In most sports, the commish can act unilaterally on trivial matters like player discipline (if it is serious enough to make it to him, and if it's in the CBA), but that's really about it. That being said, any commissioner has a lot of influence with the owners, so they're likely to be in line with his recommendations, but all it would take is for a few of the more-influential owners to lobby the other owners to go in a different direction and install a new commissioner. No commissioner can act unilaterally when it comes to franchise relocations or expansion or anything of the sort. Now that being said, I think that's only actually happened once in my lifetime, and I think that was in MLB in the Fay Vincent era... but I might be misremembering that.
  14. Pretty sure Joel Embiid could demolish that entire team even if it was 8 vs 1.
  15. It's just a little too comical for my tastes. If they could somehow make it a little more... "mature" (for lack of a better word) I could dig it. I don't know how to do that - maybe make it a navy base and ge rid of the silver part? Or would that lose the flame effect? Or maybe make it a silver helmet and keep that decal as is?
  16. I've warmed to the Titans navy helmet. That's it. The rest is unadulterated trash. My usual test is "would Reggie White or John Elway look silly in that uniform and be embarrassed to put it on?" and the answer for the Titans is unequivocally yes.
  17. he's getting off on the attention his "hot takes" are creating. Don't indulge him.
  18. Mike Trout is not an all time great. I have nothing against him taking money to play in a place where nothing matters and there’s no pressure - I’d absolutely do that too. But winning matters, and if you’re not winning, it’s simply more important (and much harder) to play in certain cities to make a real impact. Mike Trout has completely empty stats, and much like our discussion re: Phillip Rivers, Mike Trout simply doesn’t matter in any way shape or form. that can certainly change between now and when he retires.
  19. Isn’t that @nitroseed’s that used to be borrowed / stolen all the time?
  20. Well St. Louis had an NHL team, and most of the other expansion 6 were in traditional hockey markets. I don't know much about the Oakland/SF situation and whether there was any appetite there or not. Either way, there's nothing wrong with giving something a shot, but much like Captain Picard in First Contact, sometimes the auto destruct sequence needs to be activated rather than continuing a futile resistance.
  21. Isn't it fact that Glendale had to lay off public employees in order to pay their subsidy to the Coyotes? There's absolutely zero rational defense for the existence of that team... or many others. I'm not a "NHL hockey only belongs in cold places" snob, but it certainly doesn't belong in Phoenix.
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