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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. My issue with mobile is if there's a multi-page thread and I haven't kept up with it, there's no way for me to just jump to the last page. I have to click "next page" and wait for it to load over and over.
  2. I don't mind all of them. Jagr remains more productive than most because of his size, patience, stickhandling, & able to create space without speed. Guys like Iginla & Recchi, those are players I get tired of... chasing rings instead of playing for fun. Does anyone really play just for fun or the love of the game? Most if not all play for rings and make the most money they can make for themselves.The thing I love about Chip Kelly is that he got rid of players that did it for the money, and acquired players that love footballThis is silly. He got rid of players who were selfish or didn't fall in line. Don't think for a second they they're not all out there playing to make as much money as they can. Demarco Murray didn't take a penny less than he could've received to come here. Can't blame them at all though -that's the entire point of professional sports.
  3. Right... right. But then you could just read it and see what it's for. I realize the standardized logo may save someone .0005 seconds of brainwave action before they realize what the banner is for, but nonetheless the standardized logo looks terrible. The unique logos may conjure up, you know, actual memories. For example, a Pats fan could look at the banners and think: "Oh hey when I see the XXXVI logo up there, I remember Vinatieri sealing the incredible win" or "Oh wow, that XXXIX logo reminds me of Jacksonville, and our dynasty and Donovan McNabb vomiting." But hey, that's just me If they wanted to retroactively change the XXXIX logo to a silhouette of McNabb puking, I would support that. I just think it looks better wen you can clearly see that the team won multiple of the same thing, rather than something different each year. Literally looking at 4 Lombardi trophies looks a little more intimidating than four banners with unrelated logos. Just my opinion tho
  4. Banners looks so much better with the standardized logo. You can tell right at a glance that it's a Super Bowl banner, and at least there's consistency from year to year. With the older ones it looks like they won something different each year.
  5. My issue with Photobucket is that most corporate "safe browsing" or websense software blocks it because it's considered a "file sharing" site. Sucks because when anyone posts an image that's hosted there, nothing at all appears if I'm browsing from work (which I rarely do anymore anyway.) It's really bad on an architecture and urban development forum I frequent. I think a lot of forums have stopped recommending it as an image host. It's not alone - I'm pretty sure several others are blocked as well.
  6. Does that count the Ravens, who apparently didn't play in Cleveland? Or the Hornets, who were just inactive for a while and didn't actually move to New Orleans? I was wondering that myself. Officially, it should not. I guess. Right now it's 41 but maybe a few more years from now it can be 35. Or zero. Yeah who the heck knows where any team played anymore now that they can just make up history? He called the 1983 and 1993 series on radio. 2008 would be the only win he called. Interestingly, the rule was changed to allow local radio announcers to broadcast WS games was made in 1981 after Phillies fans flooded the commissioner's office with complaints over not being able to hear Kalas in '80.
  7. Does that count the Ravens, who apparently didn't play in Cleveland? Or the Hornets, who were just inactive for a while and didn't actually move to New Orleans?
  8. Is Canada considered a "large" country? Do they base that on population or geography?
  9. Not only is it the wrong uniform, it's the wrong face. Barely looks like him. I saw the hightlights from that game, and man do those baggy red uniforms just look unprofessional. Maybe I'm just used to seeing Hamels only in white or gray, but that really looked like a spring training game to me. I'm not against colored alternate uniforms, but seeing that game really made me think that maybe they should be reserved for the road. That alt pales in comparison to their normal white / blue home uniform. They need to pick a color and stick with it.
  10. They should also switch to blue belts and socks, and blue or black shoes with that uniform. It is horribly unbalanced as it stands, and not a good representation of the uniform it is supposed to emulate. Make those changes, and then change the font (their current cartoon font just doesn't look good with a dark outline) to an older-style block, and you've got a winner. Agreed on white > cream.
  11. NFL divisions don't really matter geographically. They have a week to get to the game, adjust, play the game, and get back. If you're a west-coast fan who hates 10/11AM games and your team is in a division with all eastern and central teams, it kind of matters. The opposite wouldn't matter as much.
  12. The Coyotes will skate on the frozen blood of the non-believers.
  13. San Jose Sharks had a unique birth. Not sure the NHL would announce to the world such a precedent though, axing teams so it could keep expansion $ on the table. Isn't this kind of the "cleveland deal"? NFL dissolves (or, "suspends operations" - whatever) the Browns, then "expands" to Baltimore (with the entire Browns roster and front office), then re-expands back to Cleveland with Browns 2.0. I can't recall if the Ravens had to pay an expansion or relo fee, or if Browns 2.0 had to pay an expansion or "re-activation" fee, but if so, then the precedent is set. Kinda. Sorta. Obviously the intent was totally different - the NFL's situation was more about 'preserving history', while the LOLNHL's would just be about money.
  14. Adding to the obscurity, that's also technically the only season that exact Eagles uniform ever existed, since it's the only year they wore twill numbers with that particular set. All authentics from that year look like knock-offs, because the numbers were slightly thinner than in previous seasons, and the 9s and 6s were different too. It's nearly impossible to tell a real from a fake since the reals look so fake.
  15. Curious why they scrapped silver all together in favor of black. It worked out for them, but seemed like an unnecessary mod since they revamped marks would've worked just fine in those colors.
  16. Since Dale Murphy was mentioned... I remember when the Phillies got him and I couldn't believe that we got another hall of fame player so soon after Schmidt retired (and one of his biggest rivals in the 80s no less). Oh how naive I was, not realizing that he was at the end, and it came a few years too early for him to be a lock HOFer (though I think you could argue a good case for him. )
  17. Can't you use tags with the link in them? Also found by choosing media from the "special bb code" drop down?
  18. He's right, though. Whenever I use Internet Explorer, I can't embed images or quote things without the site crashing. Google Chrome doesn't have any of these problems, I suggest using that What version? The rare times I browse via browser as opposed to in phone (right now for example) is when I'm at work and limited to IE9. I have no issues other than viewing or replying to posts that contain images hosted by photobucket since that's blocked. You may have something running on your PC that's interfering with things. IE should work fine.
  19. The Patriots did the same thing as soon as he was assigned 5 early in the off-season. His jersey (still displayed with a photoshopped '0' on it) is listed as a "special event item", with a later ship date. I'm assuming that's only because they haven't actually made any of them yet, but Ive never seen the "special event" designation for a jersey (or antyhing else for that matter) before.
  20. FWIW Tebow is listed as #11. They couldn't wait to start selling his jersey
  21. Triple the goal size, but add a second goalie. Now we're talking.
  22. Marsh and Tebow exchanging jerseys again, I see.When did the jets have a 5 that looked like that with the line coming down from the top right?
  23. I'd probably like the Cardinals uniforms a lot more now if this wasn't the first image (though in blue or white) that pops in to my head when I think of them. I wish teams like them and the Red Sox had kept their (now current) looks since their inceptions, instead of going with pullovers, sansabelts, and obnoxious stripes for a while.
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