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What NFL logos do you want brought back?


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CAROLINA PANTHERS- I want this logo returned because I don't believe that switching to the rap-style font was a good idea because it made the wordmark less legible. Also, the wordmark was fine and didn't need to be updated.


CHICAGO BEARS- I like this logo and do not think that the old logo that was used for many a decade needed to be updated and returned. This was fine and could have even replaced the ever boring "C" on the helmet.


NEW YORK GIANTS- I do not believe that going retro should have been permanent. The modern Giants are the GIANTS, not the "ny".


NEW YORK JETS- Once again, another team that should not have gone permanently retro. They should have only worn their throwbacks on Thanksgiving in tribute to Weeb. They had a nice look prior to their current uniforms that should never have been dropped, and the logo is modern even today.


SAN DIEGO CHARGERS- A good connection of past and present. Back in the powder blue days, the logo consisted of a horse on a shield. This was created for some anniversary, but was never adopted. I have no idea why it wasn't, for it would make a good heritage image. This is a way of taking the old horse and making it match the current uniforms. Also, without it, the Chargers are without a logo. If you want an identity, don't go with the lightning bolt, go with this. The Browns, Bengals and Rams aren't using their helmets anymore. Why should the Chargers?


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I did like the Bears logo and wouldn't mind seeing it return, just not on the uniform (those need to stay as-is). I definitely like the current Panthers wordmark more then their original one, so I have to disagree with you on that one.

Both NY logo/wordmarks are pretty devoid of character. I don't know if retro was the solution, but I don't think that the marks from the late 80's/early 90's are either.

I kinda like that Chargers logo, and agree that they need some sort of stand-alone logo, but my only thought is that one of their divisional rivals already uses a horse as their logo. Maybe some sort of sheild with a lightning bolt and something SD-specific would work better?

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I like the current chicago "bear" and it shouldn't be added to the uniform. So I say...leave it.

I like the current Pathers as well. I wouldn't call it a "rap font" When you said that I thought they changed it without me knowing to some graffiti tag stuff like eddie010 uses.

The new york teams are handcuffed by tradition, and its bad logo tradition.

Chargers, Like that logo alot. Avenger's right though, can't use a horse.

Packers also use the Stencil font like the Vikings did right? I'd like to see them return to the running back logo, but updated. Like the Lambeau Field Logo style. could be pretty tight. I'd never buy anything...cause....BEAR DOWN!



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Copied from this topic in reply to your post there:Vikings Script

On Panthers logo and script:

I always hated that original word mark and I think most Panther fans felt that way too. That's why they switched um. And the graffiti style font looks great in our end zones IMO. I think its an all around better script.

And I don't see it as a "rap" type script either. And it is clearly legible to me.... more so then the one you suggested bringing back.


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Both NY teams made huge leaps forward when they brought back old logos and uniforms. I don't know any Jets fans who prefer the 1980s logo and uniforms. All the Giants fans I know prefer the current ones. You can't say that it's all about what the teams wore when they were successful the way some people do about the Brewers "glove" logo - the Giants' Super Bowls were in the generic helmets, and the Jets stunk more in the throwbacks than they were successful.

I'd like to see the original version of the Charger shield brought back. I don't know why they couldn't use a horse - it's not like Denver only recently adopted that mascot. The Chargers have just as much claim to it.

I'd also like to see the Packers bring back the "Touchdown Runner" logo, updated, natch.

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the browns are actually using a brown block B inside a brown football outline with a brown/orange/brown horizontal stripe in the middle as their "primary."

i hate the panthers logo altogether. they got trumped by jacksonville from the get go. maybe if it was a whole cat or just a new design, i dunno, i hate it and both the wordmarks, and the colors and the uniforms too, but i do like them as a football team. go figure haha.

the bears, jets, and chargers should definitely return those logos, the bears not on the uniform though. i want to do a concept with that chargers logo because it is really good, and they need an update. maybe a little powder blue and some yellow pants?

the broncos should update the old D logo with the bronco in it. they could even use the current bronco, add some legs, and slap a good D on there. but of course they would have to change back to the royal blue first.

I still don't have a website, but I have a dribbble now! http://dribbble.com/andyharry

[The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent the position, strategy or opinions of adidas and/or its brands.]

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the broncos should update the old D logo with the bronco in it. they could even use the current bronco, add some legs, and slap a good D on there. but of course they would have to change back to the royal blue first.

Yuck.... they need to just keep it the way it is. It's clean, recognizable, and a great identity overall. Virtually any change, be it to the logo, uniforms, or colors, would be a step backwards.

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when the step forwars is just plain BAD, then its usually a good idea to take a few steps back. the orange crush and the bronco D meant so much to that city and was infinitely more recognizeable and better looking than the current bronco with bad color scheme and font.

i didnt see the steelers change a whole lot after their steel curtain dynasty in the 70s.

I still don't have a website, but I have a dribbble now! http://dribbble.com/andyharry

[The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent the position, strategy or opinions of adidas and/or its brands.]

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I know how much the orange crush era Broncos meant to the city, because I lived in Denver for my entire life (I literally live across the street from the stadium, and I actually drum for the Broncos on game days).

While there are still some old-timers clammoring for the old school orange and royal blue uniforms, the look has been completely embraced by my generation and younger (the ones that'll be buying tickets for years to come), while not alienating the older fans of the team. The most success the team ever had competitively was in the new duds, the Broncos consistantly are in the top third in the league for merchandise sales, and the team looks like it belongs in the 21st century like their stadium and the city that surrounds it.

As hard core as our fan-base is, the Broncos couldn't have asked for a better identity refreshening. It'll carry the team for another couple decades, when it'll be time to re-evaluate and re-design. The orange uniforms were dated and out of style, and they were classic examples of the ugliest era of sports uniform design we've ever seen. Sure there is some nostalgia involved, but I don't see how anyone, from a purely asthetic standpoint, coud put the old look and feel ahead of the new one. The NFL, Broncos, and Nike teamed up and did this one right.

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CAROLINA PANTHERS - The new font is better, if only barely.

CHICAGO BEARS - I like the bear head over the C. The only problem with this logo in particular is that the bear looks sleepy:


NEW YORK GIANTS - The new/old NY logo works better on the helmet than the GIANTS text.

NEW YORK JETS - I don't particularly care for either logo. However, their current helmet is one of the few white helmets (college or professional) that I actually find appealing.

SAN DIEGO CHARGERS - I like what they have now and don't really think they need to incorporate a throwback logo into the mix.

"If things have gone wrong, I'm talking to myself, and you've got a wet towel wrapped around your head."

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I know I am in the minority, but I prefer the Jets 1980s-early 90s logo by a long shot, especially with the black trim.

Disclaimer: If this comment is about an NBA uniform from 2017-2018 or later, do not constitute a lack of acknowledgement of the corporate logo to mean anything other than "the corporate logo is terrible and makes the uniform significantly worse."



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