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For those who don't know the Vegas Golden Knights recently bought the San Antonio Rampage of the AHL. The Golden Knights will relocated the franchise to Henderson Nevada which is right next to Las Vegas. For more on the details about all of this click here


It is strongly rumored that the Franchise will be named the Henderson Silver Knights so I came up with some logo ideas of what it could look like. All of these logo ideas are just concepts I came up with and can still be refined if needed. Just wanted to see some opinions of what people like and what ones have potential.





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3 is the most "AHL" of them to me, so I'd go with that as the primary. 1 and 5 are too close to Vegas' primary logo, to the point where they look like bad knockoffs rather then a different team that's affiliated with the Golden Knights. 2 and 4 look fine, but also have a pretty generic feel to them.


3 would fit right at home alongside logos like the Checkers and Comets.

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2 hours ago, Ridleylash said:

3 is the most "AHL" of them to me, so I'd go with that as the primary. 1 and 5 are too close to Vegas' primary logo, to the point where they look like bad knockoffs rather then a different team that's affiliated with the Golden Knights. 2 and 4 look fine, but also have a pretty generic feel to them.


3 would fit right at home alongside logos like the Checkers and Comets.


Exact- the AHL has a very specific, very busy aesthetic, and 3 looks like a really good version of that.

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Based on previous comments I did an edit to two because most people felt that was the most AHL like. Just brightened it up and added red.

Plus I added an Alt. Shield Logo for the team. The logo below that is just a word mark I created but might need to work on the color scheme with that. 


I feel the Alt. Shield Logo may need some explaining. The overall shield is something a Knight would use plus that is the shape of the Vegas Golden Knights minus the helmet. 


  • On top you have an H with the S and K connecting it for Henderson Silver Knights. 
  • Next you have the Vegas Golden Knights alt. logo and a symbol of Vegas. Assuming the team will use the VGK main logo on the other shoulder that is why I choose this one. 
  • At the bottom you have a section of red and aqua stripes. The stripes represent the Area's first two minor league hockey team the Thunder (Aqua) and Wranglers (Red). 
  • Last you have the 7 hills of Henderson. An image displayed on the city seal. 





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I would make the red stroke around “silver knights” thicker, or take it off completely. Also, the dark grey outline section around those letters seems a lot thicker and clunkier than the rest, if there’s any way to trim that up I think the general shape of the logo would be more defined. I think you have to go back to the drawing board on that HSK design, it just doesn’t look very cohesive. The illustration for the knight is badass, definitely a lot of good stuff to work off of here.

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I agree with @sleuthpanther's suggestions, and I have a few more:


The HSK is kinda illegible and a standard SK lockup would work better.


I like the knight 3/4 profile, but the back of the helmet is a bit undefined and would benefit from a sharp corner.


Maybe the cape should be red, and the bottom shield outline could be silver instead.


Also, to add a bit more differentiation with Vegas, maybe the swords in the star logo could be replaced with pickaxes!


That said you've got a good start here with a good color scheme and a concept that's *just* distinct enough from Vegas.

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