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Fiedler has a 60% win percentage and one bad quarter and he is benched Feeley sucks and he keeps his job

pleasse please I really mean it All I want for Xmas is a new Head Coach no more Wannstedt please please please fire him.

No free year

No let him go now.



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Braden, Fiedler had 1 bad half in gusty wind

Feeley has now had 5 bad halfs

Come on.

Fiedler has never gotten the respect he deserves no he is not great but he does not suck he finds ways to win.

But that cluseless coach ugh

He better be gone

Wannstedt cannot be allowed back

I hate the fact im hearing he has a fre year no way.

He should have been fired last year.

A free year will just set this franchise back further.

They obvioulsy suck this year but after getting a good pick they can put it back toghether fast but if Wannstedt stays ithings will only get worse.



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Tank -- Feeley has had some bad quarters as a Dolphin -- Fiedler has had 4 bad years as a Dolphin.

And yes -- I'll give him credit, he does find ways to win... which would explain the Dolphins being a permanent fixture in the playoffs. :rolleyes:

Have they ever been to the playoffs under this guy?

Jay Fiedler is an awful QB -- his way of winning was handing the ball to Ricky 35 times a game. There's a reason the Dolphins have been trying so hard to find his replacement.

Atleast AJ Feeley has the excuse of being on complete opposite pages with his WR's due to inexperience of playing with eachother.

It's easy to 'find a way to win' when you've had a top 10 Defense for atleast the past two years, including the #3 defense in 2002 (They've probably been top 10 before that, but 2002 is the farthest the NFL.com stats go back to).


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Can you believe that there are STILL people who call the sports talk radio station in Philly and say that AJ Feeley is better than Donovan McNabb. :shocked:

Any time you have 2 former 3rd string eagles QBs fighting for the starting job, it may be time to reconsider your franchise's direction. I mean where are Jeff Kemp and Brad Goebel when you need them. How about Pat Ryan? Matt Cavanaugh? Anyone? :P

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

Dr. Kelso: My son is a big baseball fan. Not so much playing it, but more the designing and sewing of uniforms.

Tyler: That's neat.

Dr. Kelso: No, it's not.

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This reminds me of the mid-1990's Chiefs. Steve Bono became the annointed starter after Joe Montana left after 1994, and led the team to a 13-3 record in '95. His backup was Rich Gannon, who had almost completely been out of football a couple of years earlier, after stints with the Vikings and Redskins. Throughout the '95 and '96 seasons, whenever Gannon played, the team played a little better and smoother on offense, but Schottenheimer kept Bono in when he was healthy, and his excuse was that, at that point, Steve Bono had the highest winning percentage in NFL history among starting QB's. Apparantly playing his entire starting career with Super Bowl caliber defenses had nothing to do with this. After the team failed to make the playoffs in '96, it was clear that Bono was out. Instead of staying with Gannon, the Chiefs brought in Elvis Grbac, yet another San Fransico backup with little starting experience. Grbac sucked, and after the 1998 season, both quarterbacks contracts were up. Of course, Gannon had put up far superior numbers in a similar amount of games played, but he was older and couldn't scramble around forever. Grbac stayed, Gannon went to Oakland. Flash forward to 2002...While Rich Gannon is winning the MVP in Oakland and setting passing records all over the place, Elvis Grbac is being cut from the QB depleted Baltimore Ravens, and sitting at home in Cleveland watching on TV. That makes me sick!!!!!!!!!!!

I've decided to give up hope for all sports teams I follow

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speaking of the dolphins did anyone see the condition of the football firld last night? :evil: looked like a high school football field. pieces of astroturf in the west endzone, 2 inches of water in the infield, no thick lines marking the out of bounds, very crappy. not to mention the turf.

1997 | 2003

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Feely did very well with the Birds. i'd give him time.

He did well with the birds because his job was to not screw it up, it wasn't to win games and be a leader. So far, granted its been only 2.5 games, he hasn't shown the ability to win or make plays and thus far he has done little to earn the players respect. He has the arm and the talent, I think people need to remember he had 5 college starts and 5 pro starts going into this season. He needs to actually get legit game time and its up to the dolphins to see whether they are willing to give him the time.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

Dr. Kelso: My son is a big baseball fan. Not so much playing it, but more the designing and sewing of uniforms.

Tyler: That's neat.

Dr. Kelso: No, it's not.

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Feeley sucks I dont care what he did in Philly they had a better team around him.

Jay Fiedler didn't deserve to be benched, at least not for Feeley.



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You know what Tank, the Dolphins would still be 0-3 with Ricky and Fiedler, and still be the worst offense in the NFL.

That O-line they have is quite possibly the worst group of linemen I have ever seen in the NFL. It wouldn't matter who was throwing or running with the football. Feeley has been put through hell with that paper-thin O-line, and so would any QB.

And still, you'd think that Wannsedt would adapt to all the changes and try to put a new scheme together, experiment a little. You got 3 extremely capable targets to pass to (Chambers, Booker & McMichael), what do you have to lose? Wannstedt has failed to come up with anything new. He still runs that offence as if they still had Ricky and a decent O-line. His time is up. Fire him. Fire him and his offensive co-ordinator, whoever the hell he is.

I can't see those Dolphins winning against any team this year. Even Arizona.


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I thought I was the last Fiedler supporter left...

What were Feeley's stats at the half?

5-10 0 2 ???

InTheEnd: give us evidence for Fiedler's 4 bad years in Miami, please.

If the Coach would actually give him a vote of confidence, he could run his 2-minute drill (one of the best I've seen) without having to llok at the sidelines afraid to get the hook. I have never seen a QB with so little support from his coach

Owner of the Rochester Americans of the MLH

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do you realize that in Feeley's 4 years in Miami, plus the half he played this season (In which he had a 8.0 QB rating) -- Jay Fiedlers TD/INT ratio looks like this...

Touchdowns - 59

Interceptions - 57

Just about every TD he throws, he throws an INT. That's NOT good.

Do you Fiedler fans honestly think that's good? That's a little more than 14 interceptions per season, which doesn't seem too bad.

Comparing that to last season's QB Statistics, 13 QB's threw more than 14 Interceptions. However, 8 of those 13 QB's had over 500 attempts, 3 of them having over 550 attempts. Fiedlers career average is about 410 attempts, which kind of brings Justice to his 179 YPG average -- which is worse than 28 QB's in that statistical category. Considering hes had some very talented WR's... those numbers should be up, especially considering the fact that most defenses played to stop Ricky Williams the last 2 years.

I'm not saying Fiedler is the worst QB ever -- but you can't consider those numbers worthy of gaining a starting job year after year. Especially when there are talented young QB's out there.

Plus, go take a look at how Fiedler does in big games.

How can you guys say how Fiedlers stats are bad because of an awful O-Line... yet say that Feeley's stats are so bad because he's not any good?


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Now that's what I call a breakdown...

Although I can't dispute the stats put forth, there is such a thing as "intangibles" ad experience.

And Fiedler is used to deal with adversity (heck with this set of ears, you know he's been picked on as a kid...).

I don't see him as a choker, he may be unlucky, but I like his energy, his drive...

As for the TD/INT ratio, he's in good company. Here's a list of QBs who don't really have to worry about their job who could improve their ratio:

Harrington, Bledsoe, Carr, B.Johnson, Pennington, Maddox, Collins, Brees...

Still glad to see the support Jay is getting around here...


Owner of the Rochester Americans of the MLH

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I'll not doubt agree with you there. If that offense has a leader, it's probably Jay Fiedler.

And I don't mean to come off as saying Jay Fiedler is a god awful QB, worst ever, or anything of that sort and to be honest, Jay Fiedler does have some pretty good statistics. When I say he 'sucks', I pretty much mean he's not all that good compared to the quality of starting QB a team is usually looking for -- and based on his age and the fact that he is well outside his window for improvement, I don't really understand why he has a spot as an NFL Starter. If I were an NFL coach and Jay Fiedler were available as a back up QB -- I'd jump right on that opportunity.

As for the QB's you named -- 3 of them are pretty much in the twilight of their careers, one (Kerry Collins), is in a new offense that seems to fit him better, one just flat out isn't that good (Drew Brees) and has been blessed with god awful WR's, and the other 3 are young, and are still well within the ages for which they can expect to improve. In fact, those 3's offenses are still in rebuilding stages centered around them.

And on a sidenote to that point, Brad Johnson, at some point in this season will be replaced by Chris Simms. In fact, many believe it should be sooner, rather than later. Maddox is injured and by the time he is healthy again, I believe Roethlisberger (bad spelling) will have won the starting QB postion. And Drew Bledsoe really doesn't have a proven QB behind him to take his spot. The only one I can think of is their rookie whom I don't believe has grasped the system yet.

I just think it's time for Jay Fiedler to be a leader in the manner of helping out AJ Feeley as best as he can and rallying his team from the sidelines. In my opinion, that will eventually turn out to be more effective for the Dolphins.

But can you honestly tell me Jay Fiedler would be doing better with this god awful O-Line?


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It seems to me that the Miami QB situation is pretty much rearranging the chairs on the Titanic. With Williams off getting high around the world, Boston out for the year, and a coach who should have been fired years ago, this team was doomed from the start. I'd just suggest that they go for a high draft pick insead of trying to right a sinking ship.


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As a Dolphins Fan, I solely blame Wannstedt.

When they went out to get Ricky, I was very cautious in my celebration.

Any team who "puts all its eggs in the same basket" will have to answer questions sooner or later.

It once was all on Marino's shoulders, then on Ricky's, what's next?

Given that there are some key positions that may contribute more, but if there is ONE Sport wheer the whole team needs to show up for every game, it's football.

Wannstedt has what I cal the "Bart Simpson Syndrom" (or the Anti-Skinner Theory): do the same thing over and over again and expect different results...


Owner of the Rochester Americans of the MLH

Owner of the Toronto Frenchies of the GCFHL6

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Dolphins Suck, people. Get over it. You could have Jesus H. Christ calling the plays, you're gonna lose.

Ricky screwed you over royaly. It's a shame, but this is a wasted season for the 'Phins

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