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Donahoe says Bills "throwback" in design phase


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It was reported yesterday on www.billsdaily.com that President and GM Tom Donohoe is currently working with designers on a Buffalo Bills throwback jersey to be worn next year, provided the leagure approves.

I consider the current Bills uniforms lacking in terms of consistency and overall design program.

Does anyone have any suggestions for the Bills and/or know any more about this?

fell free to post concepts.

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This is good news, only because it seems like a possible way for the Bills to phase out their horrible current uniforms. The Bills organization has to know that what they have now is awful, so when the throwbacks get a great response (which they will, because anything is better than what they have now), they can design an away version of the throwback and just use those.

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It was reported yesterday on www.billsdaily.com that President and GM Tom Donohoe is currently working with designers on a Buffalo Bills throwback jersey to be worn next year, provided the leagure approves. 

What do you need to design a throwback for? If you already wore it, you know what it should look like!

That being said anything better than the current set works for me. I still have the afterimage burned on my retina from the space-age glowing red side panels on their jerseys sticking out against the morbid blue.

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True. You shouldn't need to "design" a throwback. It already exists, which is why I see them doing something more modern with a throwback feel. (see the Falcons).

As mentioned above, I think they'll use this as a bsis for a new uniform set. They re-designed to usher in the "Drew Bledsoe era", and they'd be foolish not to ditch those (along with the past 4 years) and usher in the "JP Losman era".

Hopefully they'll ditch the side striping and do some simplifying of the colors/striping pattern. Personally, I'd like to see the current logo with a white buffalo and blue stripe on the red helmet OR a white helmet with red charging buffalo and blue striped logo. (with two white helmets and one grey in the division though, BLUE could be the new helmet color of choice...again use a white buffalo here with red stripe)

I'll post some concepts soon.

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  • 3 weeks later...

that link dosnt work anymore because i changed the adress of the image. here it is again for those who havnt seen it yet:


its a slight modernization of the 1962 bills uniforms.

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There once was a time when the AFC East was nothing but white helmets. I believe that is the story to why they went red in the first place.

I said that already. Mods, delete his post.

Welcome to DrunjFlix

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There once was a time when the AFC East was nothing but white helmets.  I believe that is the story to why they went red in the first place.

I said that already. Mods, delete his post.

The heck with deleting his post -- Mods, can we PLEASE send this thread to the graveyard?! :rolleyes::P

I feel the same as SmoothieX -- i found it interesting that they're 'designing' a throwback jersey.


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