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Very thin sports books!


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Oh, wow... I'd like to share some of my favorite "Very Thin Books" with everyone, but they're not about sports. That doesn't seem to be much of a problem here, though.

Truly Witty Comebacks Made At the Expense of James Craven by Cyclopsis Joe, Icecap79, InTheEnd88, jkrdevil, joshuamings, jpslapshot22, J. Quincy King, lmupepbander, paynomind, quadival, RichardWitham, Roger Clemente, United Waffles, zer0dotcom, et. al.

How To Successfully Maintain One's Dignity While Baiting James Craven Into Either Voluntarily Leaving the Boards or Behaving So Inappropriately that He's Banned From the CCSLB Community by Cyclopsis Joe, IceCap79, InTheEnd88, jkrdevil, joshuamings, jpslapshot22, J. Quincy King, lmupepbander, paynomind, quadival, RichardWitham, Roger Clemente, United Waffles, zer0dotcom, et. al.

Taking the High Road: The Times I've Successfully Ignored the Baiting Techniques of My Fellow CCSLB Members by James Craven

A Guide to Establishing Discipline and Maintaining Civility in a Timely Manner on the Chris Creamer Sports Logos Page by Chris Creamer and the CCSLB Moderators

The Number of Times I've Been Overwhelmed by the Intelligence, Maturity and Class Exhibited by Certain Members of the CCSLB Community (Yes... You Know Who You Are) by Brian in Boston

Seriously... are any of you capable of growing up? Your behavior's pathetic.

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A Guide to Establishing Discipline and Maintaining Civility in a Timely Manner on the Chris Creamer Sports Logos Page by Chris Creamer and the CCSLB Moderators

Oh it's so easy to judge from the sidelines isn't it?

Remember what happened last time I tried to discipline everyone else for ganging up on one member? You and some other guys all ran off to start your own board.

Do I want that to happen again? No.

Do I want to discipline someone just because other people like to pick on him? No, not again.

I have taken some measures, trust me... one such incident occured about 15 minutes ago... some users thought it would be hilarious to post an actual photo of James as their avatar -- yeah I know, real appropriate, and I took care of it.

Instead of insulting me, why not try to help me?!


Chris Creamer
Founder/Editor, SportsLogos.Net


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Thanks, Brian in Boston. The people you mentioned are on my list - you know the one - and I think it's about time you straighened up and flew right, otherwise you may the victim of something worse than "The List".

I try to do one simple thing here, and I can't draw diddily jack, okay? If I think a concept isn't good, I'll admit it. I'm frank, earnest and forthcoming. Criticism is a two-way street, and it doesn't always turn off onto a dead end road. So, now it's time to discard that list I always talk about, and get back to what we are supposed to do, exchange ideas and coments without bashing on one guy or something else.

And BTW, I can't pick up girls. Some of you are right on the money on some things!

"I better go take a long walk off a short pier or something."

Some people on this bolard have told me to do just that.

My "Ron Mexico" alias is "Jon Tobago".

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With all due respect, BiB, I can't really see any of those books moving off the shelves. ^_^

Thanks, Brian in Boston. The people you mentioned are on my list - you know the one - and I think it's about time you straighened up and flew right, otherwise you may the victim of something worse than "The List".

So as co-author of two of those books... I'm on the list, now?! :woot:


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First and foremost, once I've posted on the matter, I'm no longer on "the sidelines". As I've done in the past, I've taken the none-too-popular route of pointing out insufferable behavior to the folks responsible for it. No doubt, I'll now be subjected to such slings and arrows as, "Why don't you learn to have a sense of humor," and "Who died and made you the one to determine what constitutes proper board behavior?".

I didn't run off to start up my own board, Chris. I took a much-needed respite from the lack of civility that had reared its ugly head out here. Now, it seems to be starting all over again.

As for disciplining someone "just because other people like to pick on him", I think that you've got it backwards. By the standards of this board, what has James Craven really done wrong? Maybe the time has long since passed for disciplining those who persecute this guy.

Or, better yet, lay down the law to EVERYBODY with regard to what will be tolerated.

Bottom line? Your name is on this board and this "community". I'd think that you'd want it to be the best - and most inviting - place that it can be.

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Well, Brian, if you're obviously so annoyed by it, why add to it with this post? It makes you out to be a hypocrite.

Hypocrite? Me? But I was just joining in your fun little "game". Oh, wait... let me guess: it's only fun when everybody gangs up on James Craven? The minute I chose to "zing" everybody, I stepped over the line, right?

It's called sarcasm. Let me explain it to you.

I used the book title format that everyone else had been employing to illustrate just how juvenile everyone's little "game" had become. In other words, I did it for the sake of effect. Unfortunately for illustrative purposes, it appears that I may have erred in choosing to engage in the "game" using an intellect that exceeds that of the average elementary school student. The irony inherent within the titles of my books may well have gone over your collective heads.

Then again, maybe you're entirely aware of just why I posted what I did: to hold a mirror up to the juvenile behavior engaged in by you and your fellow "authors". In fact, that's the reason my post generated the charge of "hypocrisy" from you. It cut close to the bone.

Bottom line? This thread should have been locked a LONG time ago. Hopefully, now it will be.

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Are you making threats against people now? Saying someone might be a victim of something worse than the "list"? What are you implying?

What is the simple thing you're trying to do here? No one is going to say anything about your lack of artistic ability. There are hundreds of people here who don't draw or come up with concepts as all. That was never a prerequisite of joining this forum. The only quality one should possess is an interest in sports logos and uniforms. If you have one, then congratulations.

Do you want to know the main thing about you that caught the attention of most of the members? Your criticism. You have been unduly harsh towards many of the concepts posted here. It's one thing to not like something. But you go out of your way to insult the creation and the artist without backing anything up. What's wrong about the uniform or logo? How would you fix it? It's called common courtesy. Being civilized. Do you like it if someone walks up to you, calls you a dickhead for no reason, then walks away? You'd like to know why he or she thinks about you that way, right?

You have also tried to be the board's policeman or babysitter on numerous occasions. A thread should be closed because you asked it to be? Let the mods do their jobs. They don't need constant reminders to shut down a thread.

I admit, I haven't exaclty been a deterrent in this situation. I have PM-ed you, and I have tried to give you the benefit of the doubt. That you did contribute positively to this board. You do post newsworthy stories on occasion. But lately, every thread has some reference by you to your list, or a horrible attempt at a lame joke. You even open much older threads, for some big need for attention. Look at me, I read this thread!!

But now, every comment that doesn't "agree" with you, and that person is a member of the list. Just grow up already.

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1) Saying someone might be a victim of something worse than the "list"? What are you implying?

2) Just grow up already.

1) You know what, jpslapshot? There's no need to over-react on my account. I'm a "big boy"... more than capable of taking care of myself. I'm the one who may be the "victim of something worse than 'The List'", so how about you let me worry about it, okay?

Geesh... do you guys ever give it a rest? "What are you implying?" Priceless.

2) Precisely. "Physician, heal thyself."

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Before this is even locked, I'm finally gonna get something off my chest. I may be in the same "grouping" as the rest of the people on "The List", but I damn well don't share the same opinions. I do not have a problem with JamesCraven most of the time. There are a few times that he may have crossed the line, and sometimes it may be a fun game, but enoughs enough. JC has not done anything to warrent a banning or anything, and this controversy, if you may, has brought thread upon (apon?) thread off-topic and into closure. JC is not innocent here, with his list and all, he has fueled the fire, but sometimes I don't blame him. He seems to almost laugh this thing off sometimes, and hey, I respect him for that.

I'm not saying that the members of the list are a much of jackasses, hells no. I probably respect them a hell lot more than most people that I only know from online. I just think that now, its turned into a war, and maybe thats what it was made out to be. When it started, it was pretty funny with all of the sigs and avatars, but now, I've said it before, we are arguing over a stupid LIST. A list! Its not going to kill us. The list will not sprout arms and take a gun and shoot us all.

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I'll make a shout right here...

That is a topic that pretended to give everyone pleasant humor!

If you have any personal stuff with other member of the forum, please fix it away from this topic.

I don't want to see this topic going to the Graveyard.

I always come here to this forum as a daily distension, if I find any "personal" attack, I ignore that because never, never an Internet discussion is too important as the human miseries I always saw everyday where I live.

So, kids, let's behave, let's make us laugh of facts or people outside this forum (of course trying to not hurt any sensitivity).



It's great to be young and a Giant! - Larry Doyle

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If you have any personal stuff with other member of the forum, please fix it away from this topic.

I don't want to see this topic going to the Graveyard.

So, kids, let's behave, let's make us laugh of facts or people outside this forum (of course trying to not hurt any sensitivity).


In response to Swiss' plea, let's return this thread to the topic he intended.

Exceeding Expectations: A Guide to Putting Your Best Foot Forward Over the First Nine Games of the 2004 NFL Season by Mike Holmgren and the Coaching Staff and Roster of the Seattle Seahawks

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Truly Witty Comebacks Made At the Expense of James Craven by Cyclopsis Joe, Icecap79, InTheEnd88, jkrdevil, joshuamings, jpslapshot22, J. Quincy King, lmupepbander, paynomind, quadival, RichardWitham, Roger Clemente, United Waffles, zer0dotcom, et. al.

How To Successfully Maintain One's Dignity While Baiting James Craven Into Either Voluntarily Leaving the Boards or Behaving So Inappropriately that He's Banned From the CCSLB Community by Cyclopsis Joe, IceCap79, InTheEnd88, jkrdevil, joshuamings, jpslapshot22, J. Quincy King, lmupepbander, paynomind, quadival, RichardWitham, Roger Clemente, United Waffles, zer0dotcom, et. al.

Hey Brian, I'm impressed you found the time to place our member names in alphabetical order.

The Hawaian guide to snowboarding

I saw, I came, I left.

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As for disciplining someone "just because other people like to pick on him", I think that you've got it backwards. By the standards of this board, what has James Craven really done wrong? Maybe the time has long since passed for disciplining those who persecute this guy.

I never said he did anything wrong, I said "should I discipline him just because other people like to pick on him"? and the answer is "of course not"... I was weighing my options.

- Discipline many and have a mass exodous to another board again?

- Discipline one who doesn't deserve it to appease a majority?

And you ARE on the sidelines because you are not an administrator. Just assuming I'm not doing anything or that I'm simply ignoring the matter is completely way off course. As I mentioned, I've had to edit lots of avatars and signatures over the past few weeks, I've had to edit and close a lot of threads and posts in that same period.

So... what else am I supposed to do? If people want to be idiots, they'll be idiots.


Chris Creamer
Founder/Editor, SportsLogos.Net


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