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Proposal - Loyola Marymount Basketball


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Perhaps one of the more historical members of the West Coast Conference could use a radical upgrade? Here's what I have in mind.



Comments and critique would be most welcomed.

P.S. Yes, I know they're different than what you're expecting to see.


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Not bad. The gradient works on the roads because both colors are dark. You need to lighten it up a bit on the home, it gets a little distracting up by the neck. Reminds me of a soccer kit.

The shorts striping is different. I think the angle of the side stripes would have to be narrow by the arms and flare out by the time it gets to the lower leg hem of the shorts, otherwise you might not have room for the wordmark on the jersey. Right now, I don't think the stripe would line up right, at least not from the angle you have.

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I like bringing back the "Loyola Marymount" script from the days of Hank and Bo, but the shorts striping and the vertical stripes are just too progressive for my tastes. LMU really should be more tradition oriented. I'd prefer to see strictly vertical side striping, and hopefully the leaping lion logo on the side of the shorts.


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