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Prior Fractures Elbow


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I thought that maybe with Nomar coming back possibly by July, along with everyone else getting healthy eventually, and still being close to .500, that the Cubs would still have an outside chance at a run for the Wild Card. You can now kiss that goodbye with Prior on the shelf for who knows how long.


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On the bright side, Derrek Lee has yet to be diagnosed with a rare disease.

But give it time.

Let's just hope Lee doesn't get a freak injury, like throwing his back out while sneezing, like a certain player who is no longer with the team <_< , did last year.


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On the bright side, Derrek Lee has yet to be diagnosed with a rare disease.

But give it time.

Yeah he has, he wears it everyday he goes to work.


"It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the

press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of

speech. It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us

the freedom to demonstrate. And it is the soldier who salutes the

flag, serves beneath the flag, whose coffin is draped by the flag, and

who allows the protester to burn the flag."

Marine Chaplain Dennis Edward O' Brien

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On the bright side, Derrek Lee has yet to be diagnosed with a rare disease.

But give it time.

Let's just hope Lee doesn't get a freak injury, like throwing his back out while sneezing, like a certain player who is no longer with the team <_< , did last year.

don't forget remlinger hurt himself reclining in a chair last week

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Remember when I said that I believed the Cubs weren't cursed???


I now rescind that comment. They are cursed like the Saints.

Cursed? No. Unlucky? Yes.

I was just thinking the same thing.

There's a huge difference between being cursed and always sucking.


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Remember when I said that I believed the Cubs weren't cursed???


I now rescind that comment. They are cursed like the Saints.

Cursed? No. Unlucky? Yes.

I was just thinking the same thing.

There's a huge difference between being cursed and always sucking.

That's what I thought until yesterday. Now, if you may remember in the "Weird Injuries thread" I said that I didn't believe in the curse and it was just a lame ass excuse for sucking for a century. Well, less than half an hour after I said that, Mark Prior got hit upside that bad arm of his. Normally I'd say this is a coincidence, but this is the one time where I actually think that the curse may be for real.

Now the Saints? Yeah, they're not only cursed because they built the Superdome on a grave in the Voodoo Capital of U.S.A., but they've also sucked since they came of existence, so they got it double.



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Chicago loses another pitcher.

I dunno if this is good or bad news for the Cubs. LaTroy Hawkins just got dealt to the Giants for two pitchers (not sure if they're scrubs or prospects). He's had a horrid year so far, but has had superb seasons in the past. Sorry to see him go.

Let the fire sale begin!


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Well to me its bad moves on the part of the manager, and upper management.

This is a team that has depended on 3 pitchers for about 5 years now. Pretty much every year at least one of them goes down with an injury. Call it unlucky if you want, and yes some of the injurys are pure luck. But a majority of them could be from overwork. I don't care who you are, you shouldn't pitch 130 pitches in may. That's Dusty Baker.

This team has needed a closer for about 3 years. They thought LaTroy Hawkins could fill that roll. Well, Hawkins just can't pitch in the ninth inning. They've refused to see that fact time and time again. Instead of going after a closer in the off season, they continued to let their bullpen go down with injuries. A proven closer in the off season would have helped this team alot. That's Jim Hendry.

Then there's the offensive production. They let the majority of their offense go in the off season. They probably didn't have much of a choice. However, to replace 30% of your offense over the past 3 years, you get...Jeremy Burnitz? Had they offered the money they have to Beltran, they might have him in center, with patterson in left and burnitz in right. That's the tribune.

The only curse is that the Cubs have 3 boneheads making all the decisions at the same time.

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its for a minor leaguer and a converted starter just this year. I'd say bad news.

No not true. Jerome Williams and David Aardsma both have huge potential upsides. Ive seen Williams shine bright for the the Giants but ive also seen him be really bad, but i still think if he can ever become more consistant he will be one of the better pitchers in the bigs. Maybee not this year but soon. And Aardsma is also a very talented lifetime relief pitcher. One thing though, he is gonna get booed a ton though. Not because he sucks, but because his name replaces Hank Aaron's as first on the MLB players list. Accually i was very dissapointed that SF made this trade because of how horrid Hawkins has been. But i think it will eventually work out for both sides


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced β€œChris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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Aardsma. Darn him.

I hate Aardsma.

Because of him, Hank Aaron isn't the first person in the registry of every Major League player of all time anymore.

Insert Witty Signature Here.

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Aardsma. Darn him.

I hate Aardsma.

Because of him, Hank Aaron isn't the first person in the registry of every Major League player of all time anymore.

Hey it nhappened last year in Houston, when Aardsma made his debut and pretty much continued throughout the season at every road stop he pitched at.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced β€œChris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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Aardsma. Darn him.

I hate Aardsma.

Because of him, Hank Aaron isn't the first person in the registry of every Major League player of all time anymore.

Hey it nhappened last year in Houston, when Aardsma made his debut and pretty much continued throughout the season at every road stop he pitched at.

Yeah, I know. I booed the TV when they announced that Aaron had been dethroned on the Alphabetical list.

Insert Witty Signature Here.

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Jerome Williams has a great arm. And for the Cubs fans, break out those puka shells. That's Jerome's signature and a tribute to him mom who died a couple of years ago.

2004 San Jose Sharks 7th Man Fan of the Year

San Jose Gold Miners - 4x Lombardi Cup Champions

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