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I do get the point that the Sox/Yanks are a story, perhaps the top story in baseball, but it isn't the only story, and that's the point we're trying to make.

After thinking about this for a while, I think the problem isn't the Sox/Yanks, but more the "other" stuff appearing on Sportscenter lately. What was up with Billy Bob Thorten appearing on the Budweiser Hot Seat to promote the remake of the Bad News Bears? Tell me that didn't take away time for Devil Rays highlights. Also the advent of the Sportscenter "Recap" kills a good :60 that is pointless. What the hell, you fell asleep at the beginning of the show? This is supposed to be the "Worldwide Leader in Sports," and they can't do a good highlight anymore if it isn't a top story (i.e. the Yanks/Sox highlites). The Sportscenter Express is specifically what I'm thinking of, where it's - "Hey, here's one highlite, a single RBI single for this team, and the score, now on to the next..." I miss the old format where every game got not only full highlites, but the stat pannel as well...

Also, Baseball Tonight has suffered with the advent of the "trifecta," especially if there is a third show besides OTL on. I mean, who cares about football in mid-July? They don't report to camp for a couple of weeks, for crying out loud - put the show on the deuce, and give MLB more than 20 minutes a night!

damn skippy. somebodey give this man a job at espn

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dam you espn :cursing: and they dont show enoguh hockey! :cursing:

Thats the truth. :mad:

Why should they show something that they know won't get ratings? Why should they bother to do everything that is required for broadcasting a live, sporting event when they can just replay episodes of last years World Series of Poker and expect better ratings?

Also, Baseball Tonight has suffered with the advent of the "trifecta," especially if there is a third show besides OTL on. I mean, who cares about football in mid-July? They don't report to camp for a couple of weeks, for crying out loud - put the show on the deuce, and give MLB more than 20 minutes a night!

And actually, a lot of people care about football in July. Hell, people cared about the NFL in April when 34 million tuned into the Draft.


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And actually, a lot of people care about football in July. Hell, people cared about the NFL in April when 34 million tuned into the Draft.

Fine, if it deserves a nightly show, give it 30 minutes too. On the deuce. Or put NFL on ESPN and Baseball Tonight on the deuce. I don't care, just give me more than 20 minutes, and give me more highlites!


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I think we can all agree that ESPN is going straight to hell. Earlier in the baseball season we were in the middle of some good interleague matchups (although I hate interleague) and ESPN was raping the stupid NBA for all it was worth. I had to wait at least 30 minutes just to get some baseball highlights on sportscenter and then last Tuesday I flipped over there right after the MLB All-Star game and what were they talking about? Shaq and the F-ING Lakers! Who cares he's been gone for a year let it go. I thought they might have been covering the All-Star game but I guess I was way off for even thinking that. Ok that's my soapbox.

About the Cubs, Cards rivalry....It would probably get a lot more media attention if the Cubs would actually make the playoffs more than once every 10 years and when they do make the p-offs blame their losing on a poor fan.


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i'm starting to hate watching Cubs games on ESPN, but it's a very odd reason. I first noticed something weird going on during the Cubs-Dodgers game several weeks back: no, not Maddux wearing blue. commercials coming on. DURING the game :evil: and by the time they went off I'd missed most of the inning, and it happened two or three times that night. Yesterday, it happens again-commercials go on while the inning's still in progress, and I miss parts of the inning :cursing:

haven't noticed this happening while I'm watching any other team <_<


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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the problem i have the most is in the beginning of the season with the yanks and sox. They devote half of sportscenter for the yanks losing the 2nd game of the season. SC acts like one loss has screwed the whole season. it doesnt make sense. Like someone said earlier i want complete highlights for each team with a stat pannel that would make sportscenter way more enjoyable. thats all i gotta say

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Man, I love TSN. :flagcanada:

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I think we can all agree that ESPN is going straight to hell. Earlier in the baseball season we were in the middle of some good interleague matchups (although I hate interleague) and ESPN was raping the stupid NBA for all it was worth. I had to wait at least 30 minutes just to get some baseball highlights on sportscenter and then last Tuesday I flipped over there right after the MLB All-Star game and what were they talking about? Shaq and the F-ING Lakers! Who cares he's been gone for a year let it go. I thought they might have been covering the All-Star game but I guess I was way off for even thinking that. Ok that's my soapbox.

About the Cubs, Cards rivalry....It would probably get a lot more media attention if the Cubs would actually make the playoffs more than once every 10 years and when they do make the p-offs blame their losing on a poor fan.

that's why I record every 1am sportscenter on the DVR, then in the morning I can watch it, skip over commercials and all the stephen a. smith NBA talk, and most certainly all the damn talk about the yankees or lakers, then i delete it when I'm done. After all this the highlights and all the stuff I care about in the show takes about 15 minutes to watch. It's pretty cool i would recommend tivo or a DVR to anyone.



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