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NHL Roshambo!

Roger Clemente

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I figure because this is so close to being complete, I shall lay down what I'm considering the rules.

Because the NHL schedule now has a setup where a team from one conference does not face a team from another conference at all this season, those two divisions that match up with each other in that way will be matched up as far as messaging goes.

What I am hoping is that the five members of each division appoint a leader and a deputy. The leader of that division will be the person that every home team of the division they never face will send their votes to.

Here's an example:

The Central and Northeast Divisions never face each other at all this season. Whoever is nominated the "leader" (or "deputy" is the leader is unavailable) of the Northeast division will be the person that the Central Division members will send their picks to, but only during their home games. If the Central Division member is playing a road game against a member of, say, the Pacific division, they would send their pick to the appointed leader of the Atlantic Division (because the Atlantic and Pacific never face each other).

Here is the breakdown:

- If the game is being held at a Pacific Division site, the picks of the both teams will be messaged or mailed to the appointed leader of the Atlantic Division.

- If the game is being held at a Northeast Division site, the picks of the both teams will be messaged or mailed to the appointed leader of the Southeast Division.

- If the game is being held at a Central Division site, the picks of the both teams will be messaged or mailed to the appointed leader of the Northeast Division.

- If the game is being held at a Atlantic Division site, the picks of the both teams will be messaged or mailed to the appointed leader of the Pacific Division.

- If the game is being held at a Southeast Division site, the picks of the both teams will be messaged or mailed to the appointed leader of the Northwest Division.

- If the game is being held at a Northeast Division site, the picks of the both teams will be messaged or mailed to the appointed leader of the Central Division.

Once both picks have been received, the person who has the picks will post them and declare a victor if so. If it is a tie, the same two have to send him new picks again. If a winner is declared on the second hand, it counts as an Overtime Win. If it takes three or more hands to decide a victor, it is a Shootout Win.

Standings will be updated once each day's games are decided. I'm hoping to get this off the ground before the real NHL season starts. If we also continue during the Olympic break, we could have this done before the real NHL season ends.

Before we can begin though, I need a few things to happen first...

1. Dallas and Nashville need players.

2. Each division's members will have to appoint a leader amongst the five of them. A deputy should also be decided upon in the case a leader is unavailable. We also must come up with a proxy system on how players are gonna play if they are unavailable during any significant amount of time.

3. If anyone disagrees with the system I have created here, I need you to speak up now and give notice to the points that need fixing as well as what you feel would be a good way to fix it.

Any questions or comments? Post 'em here.

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

Follow me on Twitter if you care: @Animal_Clans.

My opinion may or may not be the same as yours. The choice is up to you.

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It sounds sort of confusing when you first read it, but then you realize it really isn't bad. It sounds very cool to me.

We also must come up with a proxy system on how players are gonna play if they are unavailable during any significant amount of time.

I am trying to think of a good way to do this if someone is unavailable. It might have to be, if you do not pick within the amount of time, then you lose, but then i dont know what you would do of both people did not pick. there is probably a better way but i cant think of one right now.

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- If the game is being held at a Southeast Division site, the picks of the both teams will be messaged or mailed to the appointed leader of the Northeast Division.

I'm assuming you meant Northwest?

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- If the game is being held at a Southeast Division site, the picks of the both teams will be messaged or mailed to the appointed leader of the Northeast Division.

I'm assuming you meant Northwest?


--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

Follow me on Twitter if you care: @Animal_Clans.

My opinion may or may not be the same as yours. The choice is up to you.

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Is there going to be a seperate forum set-up for this little party? RC do you need a webapage made up to put standings...??

I would be willing to volunteer to make a page that would show the standings AND ROSHAMBO logos that people make up like mine and the avalanche...


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Is there going to be a seperate forum set-up for this little party? RC do you need a webapage made up to put standings...??

I would be willing to volunteer to make a page that would show the standings AND ROSHAMBO logos that people make up like mine and the avalanche...

That would be cool. Feel free to do it if you wish. If not, that's okay.

A new forum is likely to be necessary, seeing as how each season may require up to 1,230 posts, which would rapidly pollute this forum!

I do also want to keep track of how many times each player uses Rock, Paper and Scissors throughout the season. As a season-ending standings tie-breaker after wins and head-to-head wins settle nothing, I'd like to calculate who has used all three most equally and whoever's cumulative difference of all three is lowest wins.

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

Follow me on Twitter if you care: @Animal_Clans.

My opinion may or may not be the same as yours. The choice is up to you.

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