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NBA Dress Code


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The NBA has relased a new Dress code banning such thing as big chains, baggy clothes and Timberlands for players coming to league functions including games, all I have to ask whats the big dela this is their job if they worked in an office they would not dress like this why cant the acceot the NBA's rules which will only benefit the league.




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The NBA has relased a new Dress code banning such thing as big chains, baggy clothes and Timberlands for players coming to league functions including games, all I have to ask whats the big dela this is their job if they worked in an office they would not dress like this why cant the acceot the NBA's rules which will only benefit the league.


Hahahaha "It's racist to stop everyone wearing lots of jewelry".

Oh, you mean he was serious?

When people don't understand what actually constitutes racism, there's more opportunity for racism to fester.

It's a shame some people don't just dress appropriately for the business they are employed for.

If he was working at Burger King and they told him to take off the chains he'd do it.

And it wouldn't be racist there either.

If he doesn't like the dress code, go do something else where there are no dress codes.

Oh, and I've got a site.

Footy Jumpers Dot Com

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Well, most of the NBA players own suits cause most of them have been in court at one time or another... and with their money, they can wear some pretty sharp suits. These guys have to realize they are professionals now, they must act like it, and dress like it.

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Well, most of the NBA players own suits cause most of them have been in court at one time or another...

Wow. That joke is so not old by now. Nice job with the generalizations, folks. I'm sure Tim Duncan has raped several women in his career. The same with Grant Hill. I'm positive that I once saw Grant shooting up and busting a cap in somebody's rear end. Besides, as we all know, anyone who wears a throwback jersey and jewlery is obviously going to hurt your children. That's just a fact.

'Cause Black people are scaaary.

Let's cut through the crap. No white folks are dressing like this in the league, except for that poser, Jason Williams. Aside from him, the only people dressing like this in the NBA are black. The league is saying that dressing like this, dressing in the hip-hop culture is wrong.

Shooting a person is wrong. Sexually assaulting a person is wrong. Dress, aside from Nazi or KKK uniforms, is not wrong. What is on the outside does not represent what is on the inside.

The NBA is trying to appeal 'red state' America. Guess what, Stern, buddy? They aren't gonna watch. They're going to view your players the way they'll always view your players, and there's nothing you can do about that. In my opinion, I wouldn't want the ratings of people who hate your players, anyway. Instead of trying to appease the ignorant, how about trying to appease the people who actually WANT to watch your product? And, by the way? You have one of the worst television deals in the history of pro sports. How about working on that?

And, Phil Jackson? Nice job going from rebel of the sixties to exactly what you were fighting against forty years later. That's not hypocritical.

And, finally, and this isn't directed at anyone in particular on the board:

If you think NBA players are thugs, DON'T WATCH. Don't talk about the league, don't follow the league. Don't watch, don't read about, don't think about the league. Do yourself and the NBA a favor and just get out. How about that? If you're so offended by the 'blackness' and 'thugness' of the NBA stop following it. If you think you're in danger of being mugged by an NBA player (who, by the way, has enough money to buy and sell your ignorant behind), then don't watch. If you think you're going to get attacked at a game, something which only happened once and isn't likely to happen again, don't watch.

Period. Get the fluff out, and watch another horrifically bad episode of 7th Heaven. At least there, you won't have to worry about your wife and kids.

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Someone's trying to take the title of "The Angry Black Man."

The National Basketball association is a PRO sport, Professional. You have to look the part. If you're going to the grocery store, watching a movie, or playing with yourself..you can wear your damn throwbacks and plop, but when you're on the sidelines, look professional.

It's nothing against a culture and it's not racist. It's merely saying: "Act pro, look pro."

Besides..the NBA has bigger problems..there's still one canadian team left.


I don't speak for democrats, democrats don't speak for me.

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I don't see what all the uproar is over this.

When an NBA player is on the sidelines, guess what? Even tho they ain't playin', THEY'RE AT THEIR PLACE OF WORK!

EVERY place most people work have a fluffing dress code. I can't exactly show up to work wearing a throwback jersey and a pair of jeans....it'd be nice to do something like that b/c it's rather comfy, but I can't. I mean I could, but then I'd be looking for a new job.

Common sense...look the damn part of being a pro and move along.

People whining over this REALLY need to get their heads out of their asses.


Housatonic U. Dragons (NCFA Basketball): 16-6 (8-4 Conf.)--National Runner-Up

Jersey State U. (NCFA Football): Inaugural Year - 2006

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New England Marauders RFC (RLI): 6-0-7 (6th place)

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New York Americans (SHL): Inaugural Season - 2006-07

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Sorry. I probably lost it a little. Truthfully, I don't think the DRESS CODE itself is racist. It makes sense, in terms of the league being a business, and I think the players will look better dressing sharply.

I think the impetus behind it is what smells of race and culture bashing. That's just my personal opinion. Ratings are down, and they have been for three years (though I will always maintain that a lot of that has to do with ABC). But it's more than that. It's the articles, its the innuendos. It's going to every sports website you can find and finding some ignorant fool thrashing the NBA, it's players, the hip hop culture and going as far as they can without actually insulting blacks or young people. That's what infuriates me.

The NBA, like I said, is trying to appease the people who hate it. That's just ridiculous. Don't give flowers to someone who's allergic. Instead of trying to get TV ratings from Lincoln, Nebraska, the NBA should try and get TV ratings from places who's people aren't necessarily going to be cowering in fear and reaching for the cherry banaca when confronted directly by one of its players.

It's not even just people outside of the league. Phil Jackson referred to dressing in a throwback jersey and jewelry, etc, as prison garb. Prison garb? What the hell? I was rooting for the Lakers from a TV ratings standpoint, but I wouldn't mind seeing the zen master (who coaches such a classy, rape-accused player, after all) lose quite a few after that. That is one of the most offensive statements I've ever heard. It's ignorant, generalistic and just inherently wrong. If I dress in a throwback jersey and jewelery does that automatically make me a criminal? No! It means I had money. It means I had enough money to afford those damn expensive things, that's what it means.

People seem to think that if you look and talk a certain way, then you are a certain way. The same way it would be wrong for me to assume that a person from Alabama would attempt to lynch me, it's wrong for someone to assume that someone from the NBA would attempt to mug them.

And, finally, Kobe Bryant dresses pretty damn well, huh? He's not a thug at all. Right?

(PS, did you notice my broad generalization of Lincoln, Nebraska? That was awesome, huh? Read enough NBA columns, and you learn something about broad generalizations.)

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I am going to be blunt here so I hope I don't offend anyone. This dress code is nothing more than the NBA trying to look less "black." Is it aimed directly at guys like Iverson. Is it racist? Yup. I didn't see any rules against "white" casual clothes. Who is associated with the large chains that were banned or the work boots etc? It ain't the white players folks.

I may be in the minority but I think this new dress code is ridiculous. It is definitely hypocritical. The NBA wants to appeal to the hip-hop culture but they don't want the players looking like the people they are trying to appeal to. The truth is this. If a guy is a "bad seed" putting him in a suit isn't going to change that anymore than Tim Duncan wearing a throwback, large chains, and "work boots" will make him a "thug."

The dress code isn't about being "professional" it's all about control.

Finally, nsentv there's no need to apologize for your original post. You hit the nail on the head. There's no need to soften it up.




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What's so controlling about wanting your employees to look the part of professionals?

Using the logic presented in the post before me as it's being about control, then I guess EVERY place of employment in this country (and in Canada to boot) is just looking to control their employees by having a dress code.

Sorry, not buying this line of logic...there are some certain expectations when it comes to the work place. Looking professional is one of them.


Housatonic U. Dragons (NCFA Basketball): 16-6 (8-4 Conf.)--National Runner-Up

Jersey State U. (NCFA Football): Inaugural Year - 2006

Motor City Silverhawks (WArFL): 9-4 (3rd--National Conf.)

Lehigh Valley Ironmen (WAmFL): Inaugural Season--2006

New England Marauders RFC (RLI): 6-0-7 (6th place)

Detroit Spirit (AA): 3-6 (T-4th--Patriot League)

Brooklyn Atlantics (IBF): 10-5 (1st--Appalachian Conf.)

Boston Mariners RFU (WRU): Coming Soon!

New York Americans (SHL): Inaugural Season - 2006-07

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Using the logic presented in the post before me as it's being about control, then I guess EVERY place of employment in this country (and in Canada to boot) is just looking to control their employees by having a dress code.

Well yeah actually. Who determines what looks professional? You or your boss? Would you wear a suit to work if you didn't have to? Your suit and tie always remind you of what you're doing and for who you're doing it. "Looking professional" means what exactly? What reason is there for "looking professional?" It's simple. It shows your "rank."

I'm not claiming there's some sort of huge conspiracy being led by "the man" to keep us down by making us dress nice. I am simply citing sociology 101. Dress codes are always about control. They show who is in charge. It's not diabolical or anything it's just part of a particular societal model and it works well.

Look at yourself spouting the "company" line. Now take a look at why you feel the way you do about it. Is it really about "looking professional" or is it more about maintaining order? If there were no dress codes how would we know who is in charge?

Companies that have dropped dress codes have shown a marked improvement in performance, employee morale, turnover, etc. I think it's partially due to letting the employees have a little bit of the control. Just by being allowed to choose what they wear to work they feel like they are a bigger part of the overall process and not just some drone worshipping at the altar of conformity.

I am not saying dress codes are evil or wrong. I am saying that dress codes are always about control first and foremost. That's just the way it is.




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Dress codes are control. However, in many cases, is a necessity. Any company needs to keep from offending the people who pay the bills. Here is a for instance. A graphics company is making a presentation to an accounting firm looking for a new identity. The team from the graphics house is dressed in jeans and t-shirts. Although the graphics team's clothing isn't tattered, the accounting firm has it in their heads that they do not take the project seriously. It was a decent proposal, but this preconception lost the job for the graphics house.

Regardless of personal beliefs, it is the customer that has the last say. No one wants to chance losing money over something like questionable attire. No one is offended by business casual. The players make a great deal of money. It is a job requirement. If the players don't like it, they are free to go elsewhere for employment.

Personally, I think dressing professionally gives the wearer a professional mindset. Their focus is on their job. It is true that some productivity increases are realized through laxed dress codes, but it also depends on the industry.


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I don't see the big deal in this. Most companies have Dress codes and other major professional leagues also have dress codes. I know the NHL has had a strict dress code for years (At least over decade). To wear if they were not on the ice the have to be in a suits if they are around fans in a official way. I believe baseball also has a dress code.

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If no one has noticed by now, I am Black. With that said, I do NOT consider the NBA Dress Code to be racist, at all. I do not even mind the dress code really. The NBA is a major industry and each team is a multi-million dollar corporation. I also agree that the business casual or business dress look offers a perception of professionalism that you just cannot get wearing a wife-beater t-shirt, sweatpants, a du-rag, sunglasses, and a medallion the size of the basketball.

However, I disagree with the major premise of most pro-dress code arguments. "Well, I work for XYZ, Inc. and I have a dress code, why shouldn't they? Well, we know who these players are. You are a nobody. Do not compare your situation to theirs. They are an entity, a product, they have endorsements. You are not a product, you are a number. No one?s paying you to drink your yoo-hoo or wear their sneakers. They make hundreds of thousands to several millions of dollars a year, you do not. We pay our money and go see them perform, not you.

Another point people are not bringing up, the NBA Players Association agreed to this in the latest Collective Bargaining Agreement. Notice how Billy Hunter and the boys have not said a word about this? The players should not blame ?the league? or ?the commish.? Blame your union, they agreed to it, and apparently did not inform their constituency. Oops. Now you complainers all look like rubes. Sorry, AI. Love your game, but it is time to look like a grown man and it is time to look like a professional.

Oh, and the title of "The Angry Black Man" is all mine, baby. Especially if NJTank and/or the Kinger are involved?lol. Sig it, homies.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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I'm waiting for the day when something isn't considered racist.... or something a non-white guy does is considered racist.

I'm waiting for the day that people stop making racist remarks or ill informed racial remarks on the boards.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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I'm waiting for the day when something isn't considered racist.... or something a non-white guy does is considered racist.

I'm waiting for the day that people stop making racist remarks or ill informed racial remarks on the boards.



Chris Creamer
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Look at yourself spouting the "company" line. Now take a look at why you feel the way you do about it. Is it really about "looking professional" or is it more about maintaining order? If there were no dress codes how would we know who is in charge?

It's more about wanting to stay employed than anything else, bro....that whole having money so I can pay bills, maintain my car, and keep a fluffing roof over my head wins out 11 times out of 10...therefore, I'll be more than happy to toe the line as long as the pay is good. If it's a form of control, so be it...but I think I can live with a dress code if the alternative is wearing whatever the heck I want, but living in a refrigerator box down by the river.


Housatonic U. Dragons (NCFA Basketball): 16-6 (8-4 Conf.)--National Runner-Up

Jersey State U. (NCFA Football): Inaugural Year - 2006

Motor City Silverhawks (WArFL): 9-4 (3rd--National Conf.)

Lehigh Valley Ironmen (WAmFL): Inaugural Season--2006

New England Marauders RFC (RLI): 6-0-7 (6th place)

Detroit Spirit (AA): 3-6 (T-4th--Patriot League)

Brooklyn Atlantics (IBF): 10-5 (1st--Appalachian Conf.)

Boston Mariners RFU (WRU): Coming Soon!

New York Americans (SHL): Inaugural Season - 2006-07

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I don't see the big deal in this. Most companies have Dress codes and other major professional leagues also have dress codes. I know the NHL has had a strict dress code for years (At least over decade). To wear if they were not on the ice the have to be in a suits if they are around fans in a official way. I believe baseball also has a dress code.

baseball leaves it up to the teams, aside from players and managers having to be in team gear for postgame interviews. as one of the articles I've read on this mentioned, MLB doesn't really see the need for a leaguewide dress code like the NBA's new one...the NFL does have one, though the language is somewhat nebulous to me.

shoot, I would have just left it to the individual teams, but that's just me.


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