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White Sox Uniform Changes


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Is it just me, or do the Chicago White Sox need another color in their overall identity? The black and silver while cool in 1990 seems passe' and would suggest adding red or light blue to help give he team more options for merchandise. Any takers?

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The combination of that ballpark, the black merchandise and the dreariness of the South Side makes going to their games more like a wake than a ballgame. Compare to the Angels on TV and it would be cool for the Sox to get a little creative and give us fans some color...

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The combination of that ballpark, the black merchandise and the dreariness of the South Side makes going to their games more like a wake than a ballgame. Compare to the Angels on TV and it would be cool for the Sox to get a little creative and give us fans some color...

You showed your intelligence with that comment, and that is not a good thing.

Before you talking about the "dreariness of the south side", you might want to look at Chicago Police Department crime statistics. There is much more crime in Wrigleyville than Bridgeport. Please, prove me wrong.

Have you ever been to a Sox game, or are you just spouting out more propaganda from the Tribune company?

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I was at a poker table opposite some guy in a white sox jersey / cap, so I was staring at their jersey for several hours.

My problem with the "sox" logo is that it is too much like a logo-patch, and less of a script. The silver outline is too thick, and fills in the gaps completely in some areas, so there is no white jersey behind it. They should either lessen the outline (or eliminate it), or make the letters a little thinner, so the outline will still allow some space in there.

You guys probably have no idea what I'm talking about, but trust me - it would look better.

If they had to add a color, I'd say red. But just as trim.

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There is more "reported" crime in Wrigleyville because people actually go to Cubs games.

The White Sox had to win a World Series to get anyone to travel down to that area. It's boring and full of racists down there. And I've spent enough time at Schaller's Pump to know...

If you try and tell me that Bridgeport is a better neighborhood than Wrigleyville, I opt out of this conversation because it will have no base.

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As a loyal Cubs fan, I love Wrigley, but U.S. Cellular is a great place to watch a game, too. You can see the action even when you're standing in line for concessions in the lower deck. I liked it fine before the changes, but what they've done with it since 2003 makes it that much better. Also, I've had no problems with the neighborhood. Even if there were, you are isolated from it by miles of concrete anyway.

It's a nice modern option for Chicago.

It gets a bad reputation, and I've seen a lot of the envy that Sox fans normally display toward Cubs fans in reverse this year, which is too bad. These arguments are pretty tired, and I wish Cubs fans would stop using attendance numbers as their comeback to "Sox are the champs." Winning is all that matters in my book. Want to see a team that really didn't draw during their title run? Try the 2003 Marlins. And they've got two trophies now.

Until the Cubs do it, I tip my cap.

And I think the Sox unis should stay the way they are.

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There is more "reported" crime in Wrigleyville because people actually go to Cubs games.

The White Sox had to win a World Series to get anyone to travel down to that area. It's boring and full of racists down there. And I've spent enough time at Schaller's Pump to know...

If you try and tell me that Bridgeport is a better neighborhood than Wrigleyville, I opt out of this conversation because it will have no base.

No, there is more "reported" crime in Wrigleyville because there is more real crime there. All year long.

I dont doubt you have been to a lot of Sox games, after all, there are usually many Cubs "fans" at every Sox game, either wearing blue or sporting a brand new shirt and hat for whoever is the road team that day, showing their inferiority complex. Sox fans don't go to Wrigley, and they dont give money to a team they dont like. But the Cubs fans dont obsess over the Sox, right? Haha.

No, the White Sox didn't have to win a World Series to get people to come to games. However, they do have to win games to get people to come. US Cellular Field is not a tourist attraction, and that is a good thing. Busloads of yokels from Iowa are not brought in on a daily basis to see the "mecca" like they are on the northside. The Tribune Company took a falling apart, urine soaked ballpark in a run-down neighborhood with no parking, and made it into mardi gras. They benefited from gentrification of the neighborhood, and brilliant marketing. People go to see "beautiful" Wrigley Field, not a baseball game. More importantly, attendance is not an issue. It is not an issue in any other city. The Tribune makes it an issue. It is a smokescreen to A) make Wrigley seem "cool" because more people go there; and B ) distract the public from the crap the Tribune puts on the field every year. As long as blue sheep like yourself keep on giving money to see "loveable" losers, it will never change.

As for which neighborhood is better, that is objective. Despite what you read in the newspapers, there is no "ghetto" around US Cellular. That is racist propaganda from the Tribune Company. They rely on the casual fan to say "Oh no! There are dark people around the park. That means it is a ghetto and people get killed there!" It is done in the same manner the Trib belittled the original upper deck for being so steep. Actually, it is just as steep as the UD in Camden Yards, and not as steep as the UDs in Jacobs Field and Coors Field. There are multi-million dollar townhomes going up around the park. Paul Konerko lives 4 blocks from the park. The housing projects that used to be a mile away (across the Ryan) were torn down several years ago, and are being replaced with mixed income housing. If you are a yuppy, you would probably prefer Lakeview. If you want to buy a house that is around the same price, but with adequate parking and much less crime, you might go with Bridgeport.

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As a loyal Cubs fan, I love Wrigley, but U.S. Cellular is a great place to watch a game, too. You can see the action even when you're standing in line for concessions in the lower deck. I liked it fine before the changes, but what they've done with it since 2003 makes it that much better. Also, I've had no problems with the neighborhood. Even if there were, you are isolated from it by miles of concrete anyway.

It's a nice modern option for Chicago.

It gets a bad reputation, and I've seen a lot of the envy that Sox fans normally display toward Cubs fans in reverse this year, which is too bad. These arguments are pretty tired, and I wish Cubs fans would stop using attendance numbers as their comeback to "Sox are the champs." Winning is all that matters in my book. Want to see a team that really didn't draw during their title run? Try the 2003 Marlins. And they've got two trophies now.

Until the Cubs do it, I tip my cap.

And I think the Sox unis should stay the way they are.

Thank you. That was an intelligent post, and you are right on all points. US Cellular Field is not a retro stadium. It is not Camden Yards, Coord Field, or PNC. It is what it is. Even the most loyal Sox fan will admit that it isn't the prettiest or most perfect park, but it is still a great place to see a game.

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I go back and forth on the ChiSox look. I liked it when it first came out, and then grew to hate it over the years, and yet as this year creeped along (it would if you were a Dodger fan), I grew to like the look more and more. Simple, and clean, and yet in mlb unique.



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The White Sox' uniforms are fine. And even if they did need any updating, there is no chance the team would change after winning the WS. It's bad luck to change after winning a championship. Just ask the 2000 Rams.

Besides, the team is just now getting a national (and local) identity. No reason to do anything to upset that. (Although an alternate hat with a silver brim would be awesome.)

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White Sox had a lot of bandwagon jumpers in late September...

The ondset was typical Chicago sports fan...

The Sox are gonna choke...

The Sox are gonna choke...

The Sox are gonna choke...

The Sox made the Playoffs???

I knew the Sox would'nt choke...

1972 White Sox road is one the best uniforms in baseball history. Mix that with current and now you've got something specail...

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The White Sox' uniforms are fine. And even if they did need any updating, there is no chance the team would change after winning the WS. It's bad luck to change after winning a championship. Just ask the 2000 Rams.

Besides, the team is just now getting a national (and local) identity. No reason to do anything to upset that. (Although an alternate hat with a silver brim would be awesome.)

I used to think that too, that we needed an alt hat with a silver brim. BTW, we have a batting practice hat like that.

However, over the years I learned to appreciate the Sox uniforms more and more. No franchise has changed their uniforms as much, and no franchise has had such drastic changes. The Sox currently have one of their best logo/unis ever, and it shows with its longevity (entering 16th year in 2006).

The current uniforms have such a timeless, classic look, and the general concensus on the south side is that we hope they will never change it. The hats are a big part of that. They aren't flashy, but they have a powerful look to them. The ensemble just wouldn't look right with a silver brimmed cap. Imagine the Yankees adding a red brim to their cap. Yuck.

Something I have noticed - in general, only solid caps look good with pinstripe unis. Think of all the pinstripe teams - except for that horrible Twins red hat, and ocassionally the Phillies Road/Alt, they all wear solid caps. It just doesnt look right with a different color brim. It also wouldn't look good with the road jerseys, either. A silver brim with grey unis? No thanks.

The only thing I would change - I would redesign the sleeveless jersey. I love it, but it is exactly the same as the regular hom jerseys. I would make them in the same manner as the Rangers' ones: no pinstripes, black piping down the legs and collar, and around the armholes. They could also make a white hat with a black brim to wear with it. Other than that, the jersey are great.

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Joshua Mings Design- Did anyone from the WNBA have concerns about the RFL looking too much like the WNBA logo? The curved shaped triangle and the red and blue with white player in the middle? They police their brands carefully and was just wondering?

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I notived the Sox had a green jersey in late August and was wondering if any Sox fans knew what the motivation was to wear that? I understand the St. Patrick's Day jerseys during Spring Training and was wondering if green was a sign of a change for the distant future?

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