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Nbdl teams to have logos?

Ez Street

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all i know is i was interested but i'd be a little more interested if the D-league came up north, heehee. throw the Ray a team :D (the Ray is a nickname for my city, Racine, Wis.)


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Minor League Basketball, like their logos - yawn :P

You see better pick-up games at the Rec-Center or YMCA.

Kansas-BB-banner.png My-son-Soldier-banner.png

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These looklike cheap clipart from Printshop. The flight and dazzle are WAY too similar. They could have at leat had one come from the other side or used a different color basketball. Man the Flight colors would make Ronald McDonald proud.

Another interesting note is that the NBDL is going to use a ball similar to the ABA ball/3pt contest $$ ball. Surprisingly, when the teams did these logos, they hadn't yet got that memo. I know the teams aren't all red white and blue, but they could've done an alternating pattern of their colors on the ball in their logo.

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The point of the league is development.. it's almost like a PAL house league.....

It's never ment to be big time... they are just doing the little things... and i totally dig that... Yea the logos look bush league... beacuse it's a bush league......

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The idea of a minor league for the NBA is terrific but it needs allot of work they need to get teams involved and posibbly have 2 teams for every NBDL team or maybe go the full boat and have an affiliate for each team especially with all the players leaving college early or jumping from high school. They need to delop better skills becuase right now the NBA is ugbly. Allot of bad basketball each night, and they need to get back to developiong players.

Even a first roudner should be able to play in teh D-League if needed, they can get the same pay, but can benefit from playing.

They should let it work like the AHL, being that when a player is not playing and getting rust y they can send him down or when their are injuries cal them up from the minors.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Good Gravy. Those are some exactly-the-same-as-each-other "logos."

I use quotes around the word "logo" because a real logo distiguishes itself from others of similar service/product. These do not.

I understand the league itself is bush-league, but with all the starving designers out there, they really could have gotten some great concepts, and had some nice logos.

Shame, really.

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