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Padre concept


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Okay some people were complaining that the new Padres uni's don't convey Padres. Well, I happen to agree there so I came up with this concept. I used the old Padre script with the Friar in it. I also made the colors Maroon and khaki, so it would be less Brewerish.


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the color is the same as the Friar's robe.

You should still darken it into a true maroon (but keep the same color for the Friar's robe), it would work wonders for your scheme ;)


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I think the new Padres unis are ok - I like yours better!!

Very Sharp :D

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A. The Padres had to change their text script...it was just time.

B. "Padres Red" is a horrible color, especially with Khaki or as they'd call it, "Padres Sand". Keep with Blue or Brown (just out of spite to SHB).

C. The swingin friar only belongs on the sleeve.

Check Out My Podcast! Latest Episode 273: The Color Blinky
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Anyone remembers it?

If you have to ask, you don't know what you're getting yourself into around here.

But just for old times sake:


"I still think a tag team of Jimmy B and Melo could kick the :censored: out of Jesus and God."

Syracuse Orangemen

2003 National Champions

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Ahhh...the days when teams had color in the old UNIS!

Same era as the Rainbow Astros...I STILL LOVED THOSE....just can't shell out the 200 bones for one of the Valour Nolan Ryan's yet! haha

how bout the 76 Indians RED uniforms!  Those were pretty sweet!  I think it was Boog Powell said he felt like a giant tomato playing first base in those unis!


Back on Topic, I think this Pads Concept is great....but, I would also go to a darker maroon color as opposed to the redish.

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