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DO you think FOX Sports will again DELIBERATELY omit the broadcasting of the Canadian National Anthem during the All Star Game Tomorrow night?

Well, being this WILL BE the last year FOX will broadcast the All Star Game, maybe there will be a lesson learned. And that is there is ONE Canadain Team- the Blue Jays. Let's Hope Gary Carter, Charlie Bronftmann, and some other investors bring Major League baseball back to Montreal in 2009!!!! :flagcanada:



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Let's Hope Gary Carter, Charlie Bronftmann, and some other investors bring Major League baseball back to Montreal in 2009!!!! :flagcanada:

Is that even a possibility? Is there a viable market for baseball anymore? And what did Gary Carter do to make the kind of Scratch to own a baseball team? I love Montreal and still curse Rick Monday and think MLB F-ed the city over more than once but I don't think Bud and the boys would ever do the noble thing. Sorry about your luck.


Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.

P. J. O'Rourke

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Well, knowing FOX, it's definitely a possibility that they'll omit the Canadian National Anthem. Pricks like the people at FOX, don't care about Canada, and they think that the Blue Jays are a second rate team. How many times have you seen a Blue Jays or Expos telecast on ESPN or FOX. Not many. I can only remember seeing the Phillies play the Expos once on ESPN. I know that the Blue Jays and Expos haven't been the best teams in the MLB in recent memory, but ESPN always had times to do the Tigers when they were bad, Orioles, Devil Rays, or Twins. FOX's coverage is awful and I'm glad that this is the last year of their contract with MLB.

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No they will not show it. I'm surprised they even show the US anthem because that time right before the game is usually valuable commercial time. Then again I rather them not show the US anthem because for the ALL-Star Game they usually have the American Idol winner (who can't sing) sing it as a way for them to promote their show.

They won't show it again it is valuable commercial time. The only reason why they will show the US is because the small minority of people will complain if they don't show it. As FOX is a US Network they don't have to worry about Canadians complaining to them because the game will be on a different channel their. Remember for the Stanley Cup Finals NBC only showed the anthems in Edmonton because of the crowd singing was an amazing moment. The games in Carolina they didn't show either. This isn't a FOX thing any network would do the same.

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Considering the second most voted player this year IS Canadian (Jason Bay) and is a member of the Pittsburgh Pirates, the team whos hosting this event, it would be very disrespectful if they do omit broadcasting the Anthem. 4 Jays players will be there along with one very popular Canadian born player, out of respect they should broadcast it...


Because Korbyn Is Colour Blind, My Signature Is Now Idiot Proof - Thanks Again Braden!!

Go Leafs Go!

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I have never seen the Blue Jays on the fox sports channel. The only way the BLue Jays would be on the fox's channel if they made it to the world series. I cant see them showing the Canadian National Anthem. I give respect for ESPN, cus they show the Blue Jays, and i could see them playing the Canadian National Anthem. Dam you Fox channel. (sorry i get alittle emotional lol)


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I have never seen the Blue Jays on the fox sports channel. The only way the BLue Jays would be on the fox's channel if they made it to the world series. I cant see them showing the Canadian National Anthem. I give respect for ESPN, cus they show the Blue Jays, and i could see them playing the Canadian National Anthem. Dam you Fox channel. (sorry i get alittle emotional lol)

It's not just FOX. ABC, NBC, and CBS would be the same way. The reason Canadian markets don't factor into ratings thus if you showed the Blue Jays the network would be losing a market for ratings. If you notice the Fox games of the week every week is either the Yankees or Mets versus someone, the Cubs or White Sox versus someone, or the Ddgers or Angels versus someone. There is occasionaly a Red Sox, Cardinals or Phillies game. The reason New York, Chicago, and LA are the 3 biggest market thus bringing in biggest ratings. Boston and Philly aren't small markets either and the Cardinals historically have had national appeal.

It's not that they think the Blue Jays are a second rate team it's just that the teams market doesn't count for ratings. How often do you you see Hockey Night in Canada feature a game with 2 US teams? Very rarely for the same reason why the Blue Jays aren't on FOX. You are more likely to a Blue Jays game on ESPN because ESPN is a cable station and is less dependent on Ratings.

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In lieu of O Canada Fox will bring you the Chevrolette song.

I called it I guess Fox thinks

We love Stolen Bases goat cheese Pizza and Chevrolette is more important than Good keep our land glorious and free.



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Just tuned to CHML from Hamilton...Guess What.....NO CANADA!!!!

Plenty of Blue Jays fans are going to call MLB HQ, CHML, and FOX Sports.

Maybe we can wait until 2014 when O Canada is sung again at the All Star Game.

NOT!!!!! :flagcanada:


BTW, Maybe Carrie Underwood should have sang "Jesus Take The Wheel" en Francais!



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Just tuned to CHML from Hamilton...Guess What.....NO CANADA!!!!

Plenty of Blue Jays fans are going to call MLB HQ, CHML, and FOX Sports.

Maybe we can wait until 2014 when O Canada is sung again at the All Star Game.

NOT!!!!! :flagcanada:


Eh, we got to see it on Sportsnet so no biggie.


Chris Creamer
Founder/Editor, SportsLogos.Net


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Just tuned to CHML  from Hamilton...Guess What.....NO CANADA!!!!

Plenty of Blue Jays fans are going to call MLB HQ, CHML, and FOX Sports.

Maybe we can wait until 2014 when O Canada is sung again at the All Star Game.

NOT!!!!! :flagcanada:


Eh, we got to see it on Sportsnet so no biggie.

Who Sang It?



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Just tuned to CHML  from Hamilton...Guess What.....NO CANADA!!!!

Plenty of Blue Jays fans are going to call MLB HQ, CHML, and FOX Sports.

Maybe we can wait until 2014 when O Canada is sung again at the All Star Game.

NOT!!!!! :flagcanada:


Eh, we got to see it on Sportsnet so no biggie.

Who Sang It?

It was not sung, it was played by Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. I guess they couldn't find a Canadian singer this year, but the Orchestra is good enough, they have been a part of Pittsburgh for a long time.

I saw, I came, I left.

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Just tuned to CHML  from Hamilton...Guess What.....NO CANADA!!!!

Plenty of Blue Jays fans are going to call MLB HQ, CHML, and FOX Sports.

Maybe we can wait until 2014 when O Canada is sung again at the All Star Game.

NOT!!!!! :flagcanada:


Eh, we got to see it on Sportsnet so no biggie.

Who Sang It?

No one sang it. It was preformed by some people on brass instraments...it blew...no pun intended.


Because Korbyn Is Colour Blind, My Signature Is Now Idiot Proof - Thanks Again Braden!!

Go Leafs Go!

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Just tuned to CHML  from Hamilton...Guess What.....NO CANADA!!!!

Plenty of Blue Jays fans are going to call MLB HQ, CHML, and FOX Sports.

Maybe we can wait until 2014 when O Canada is sung again at the All Star Game.

NOT!!!!! :flagcanada:


Eh, we got to see it on Sportsnet so no biggie.

Who Sang It?

No one sang it. It was preformed by some people on brass instraments...it blew...no pun intended.

I kind of liked it. It wasn't a spectacle like the US anthem with jets and such. Maybe next year we should bring our jets! Oh wait..

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