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Smith out as Islanders GM


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Neil Smith was fired as Islander GM after about a month on the job.

My guess is that there might have already been sometime of power struggle between Nolan and Smith. If there was one it was predictable with the Coach and GM being hired seperatly. Nolan better hope the Islander Job works out because if he did have something to do with this he will never get hired again as he was already labeled a GM killer.

It seems Nolan is back to his old tricks.

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Newsday has a poll on who should be the Next Islanders GM. The coices are as follows

Pat Lafontaine

Byran Trottier

Mike Millbury

Spark the Dragon

Does it Really Matter at this point?

Charles Wang

Ted Nolan


Currently Does it really matter at this point leads with 40% of the vote followed closely by Sparky the Dragon.

Classic Stuff. :D

Right now I think the Islanders are giving the Knicks a run for their money as the worst sports franchise in the New York area.

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Garth Snow? WTF? If I'm going to have a recently retired player as GM, I'd put Steve Yzerman..... heck I'd put Sparky the Dragon in there.....

Yzerman would be a good choice, but he's already got a gig in the Wings front office.

I once had a car but I crashed it. I once had a guitar but I smashed it. I once, wait where am I going with this?

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why is the islanders obsessed over snow? is he holding that team hostage or something?

Jack Bauer may need to investigate the situation. :D

... problem is he needs to find out what to do with the other 23 hours of his day ^_^

I saw, I came, I left.

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I have no idea what the Islanders are doing they have a crowded front office a Goalie as a GM and a Coach that has been in exile for 10 years, and they fired Peter Lavilotte. Heck even LaFontaine would have been a better choice no hes out what a joke.



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I have no idea what the Islanders are doing they have a crowded front office a Goalie as a GM and a Coach that has been in exile for 10 years, and they fired Peter Lavilotte. Heck even LaFontaine would have been a better choice no hes out what a joke.

I have a feeling Lafontaine was never a choice for the GM. It seems as though both him and Smith thought Wang's boardroom idea would be a group of advisors with the GM making the final decision. Smith thought he was the one that would make the decisions and Lafontaine thought he would just be an advisor to Smith. As it turns out Wang's idea was that the board would vote on every move and the GM would carry out that vote.

Here's a thought for Islander fans. The board now consist of just Nolan, Trottier, Wang himself, Mike Millbury, and Garth Snow. It's the Dream Team of Hockey Front Office Execs. :D

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I have no idea what the Islanders are doing they have a crowded front office a Goalie as a GM and a Coach that has been in exile for 10 years, and they fired Peter Lavilotte. Heck even LaFontaine would have been a better choice no hes out what a joke.

I have a feeling Lafontaine was never a choice for the GM. It seems as though both him and Smith thought Wang's boardroom idea would be a group of advisors with the GM making the final decision. Smith thought he was the one that would make the decisions and Lafontaine thought he would just be an advisor to Smith. As it turns out Wang's idea was that the board would vote on every move and the GM would carry out that vote.

Here's a thought for Islander fans. The board now consist of just Nolan, Trottier, Wang himself, Mike Millbury, and Garth Snow. It's the Dream Team of Hockey Front Office Execs. :D

... is there any chance Isiah Thomas can find his way in there? :P

I saw, I came, I left.

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[Croatia National Team Manager Slavan] Bilic then went on to explain how Croatia's success can partially be put down to his progressive man-management techniques. "Sometimes I lie in the bed with my players. I go to the room of Vedran Corluka and Luka Modric when I see they have a problem and I lie in bed with them and we talk for 10 minutes." Maybe Capello could try getting through to his players this way too? Although how far he'd get with Joe Cole jumping up and down on the mattress and Rooney demanding to be read his favourite page from The Very Hungry Caterpillar is open to question. --The Guardian's Fiver, 08 September 2008

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This just seems screwed up. However, Smith knew that it was gonna be more of a committee whenhe took the job. If he didnt want that he shouldnt have taken the job. I just hope the Isles make the playoffs this year so Wang doesnt look like a total fool.

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