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alternate helmets


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yea i no these are a little sloppy, like i said they were done in paint. Its not that easy to do things in paint seeing as the mouse isnt the most steadyest thing to use, and who cares if i used the same template, just because some one else did somthing like this means i cant, who cares if he did it first, there are probly dozens of people on this site that have also done somthing like this and just havnt posted it. its not a big deal get over it. if u think yu can do so much better in paint then do it who. i could care less how good they look itsnot like im sending them in for anything. i made them just to give you an idea of what they could look like. nothing can be perfect.

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Look, no one is asking or requiring you to be perfect. All we do ask is that if you post something; please make sure that it is actually worth us taking our time to look at it. Right now, these are not. These aren't a little sloppy; these are a whole hell of a lot sloppy. As NWTT stated, these are so sloppy that they don't really get the idea across.

When you post something up here, you had better make damn sure that you care how it looks. The parent site to these boards prides itself on presenting quality sports logos. What if Chris Creamer took your especially inappropriate "i could care less how good they look its not like im sending them in for anything" attitude? Sportslogos.net would suck and none of us would be here, that's what.

No matter who you think is going to see this or who you want to see this, you should always strive to do your best if your work is going to be seen in a public forum. You'd be surprised who is a member here. Some of the membership have actually created professional logos or at least know or have worked with some of the guys that have created pro logos.

One more thing, when people do these recolors, which takes negligible forethought and talent, why do they assume that just because they themselves are curious of what teams would look like with x, y, and z colored helmets that anyone else is? And even if we all were, we all probably have the talent and means to do it ourselves.

That's all for now.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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I took arguably your sloppiest one and cleaned it up in paint in 15 mins. It's amazing what the zoom tool can do. I knot it can be time consuming, but don't think it's impossible to make something look decent in paint.


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wow. wayyyy to sloppy. almost to the point where they dont even get the point across. id use another helmet for your original template than the other guy's concept theme your trying to copy. anyways, i like the white and blue pats, thats about it.

I strongly disagree. While they may be a bit sloppy, what don't you understand about them? they are colored helmets. what further, deeper point could there be that he "almost" doesn't make? it comes across to me just fine.

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Paint is no excuse. Many people her, including myself do decent and sometimes amazing work with MS Paint. Work this sloppy is simple unexceptable, especially considering you're bumping much better work down the page.

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Please, dont use paint as an excuse. Many people here {including me} can do pretty good things with paint. Have patience.

Just beause youre not sending it in doesnt mean anything. If it looks crappy, its gonna be treated crappy.

Please dont go down the same route a certain someone here recently did.

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - est. 2006 

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