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yes it is, because you can actually choose the dimensions of the fence pretty intricately. I think they have recreations of each MLB stadium already on the disc too, and you could recreate most any other baseball stadium with the tools provided.

I don't think the ones in Madden or NCAA have ever gone past choosing bowl style and more minor details.

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Madden 07 is a great game. I don't know why it gets the flak it does.

Any NHL game, EA or otherwise, since EA's NHL 2001 has sucked.

EA losing baseball sucks. MVP 2005 was the best baseball game ever.

Those are the only franchises I play, and IMO EA had a decent year. Madden was great, as always, NHL sucked, but I knew that going in, and EA couldn't make a baseball game.

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yep, NHL 07 all thw way it's got the NHL, International, Swedish, Finnish, german and Czech leagues.



[Croatia National Team Manager Slavan] Bilic then went on to explain how Croatia's success can partially be put down to his progressive man-management techniques. "Sometimes I lie in the bed with my players. I go to the room of Vedran Corluka and Luka Modric when I see they have a problem and I lie in bed with them and we talk for 10 minutes." Maybe Capello could try getting through to his players this way too? Although how far he'd get with Joe Cole jumping up and down on the mattress and Rooney demanding to be read his favourite page from The Very Hungry Caterpillar is open to question. --The Guardian's Fiver, 08 September 2008

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Madden 07 is a great game. I don't know why it gets the flak it does.

madden 07 is a great game once you get past the fact that the lead blocker system sucks when your hb doesn't hit the hole you create for him. :cursing:

Well I never use that anyway, so no harm done B)

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Dude, the whole damn first post is a review on NHL 07.


[Croatia National Team Manager Slavan] Bilic then went on to explain how Croatia's success can partially be put down to his progressive man-management techniques. "Sometimes I lie in the bed with my players. I go to the room of Vedran Corluka and Luka Modric when I see they have a problem and I lie in bed with them and we talk for 10 minutes." Maybe Capello could try getting through to his players this way too? Although how far he'd get with Joe Cole jumping up and down on the mattress and Rooney demanding to be read his favourite page from The Very Hungry Caterpillar is open to question. --The Guardian's Fiver, 08 September 2008

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Dude, the whole damn first post is a review on NHL 07.


yah but what does any of that have to due with my post, all i said was it had 4 European leagues and i didn't see anything about that. Also just cause 1 person feels that way doesn't eman anyhting it's an opinion, you have one Fred T Jane has one and so due i so just cause someone post a review doesn't mean it's gonna change my perception of the game, i think it's a great game and ever person in the world saying it sucks isn't gonna change my mind. sure theirs a few things that need fixing but it stil owns 2K7, which i also own also. my only complaints are no new Sabres as many have said, and the fact that the anaheim goaleis equipement hasn't been change, sure the rosters are bad but I change them myself them myself and edit all the players anyways so it's doesn't mean to much to me.

some of the other EA Sports games have been lacking lately but i see no problem with NHl 07 an dgameplay wise it's a big improvement on 06, atleast goalie wise!

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Also just cause 1 person feels that way doesn't eman anyhting it's an opinion, you have one Fred T Jane has one...

Snap, are my multiple personalities showing again?

some of the other EA Sports games have been lacking lately but i see no problem with NHl 07 an dgameplay wise it's a big improvement on 06, atleast goalie wise!

Remind me again how a game with the same defencive AI issues as the previous year's edition (and several years even before then), and serious issues concerning the default style of play that were supposedly corrected in the previous edition can be better "dgameplay wise" (sic) than the previous edition? Sorry, but based on what you say, you're the kind of person who takes flash over substance. Just because the game has the Czech Extraliga doesn't make it better. The gameplay is still broken, the player models still have clipping issues, the animations are still awkward, and the announcing is still as stale as it was in 2003. You overlook all that because they added the Extraliga? I'm speechless. Did you even read the thread I provided? Have you read any reviews from independent sources (Not websites like IGN, whose review for NHL 07 is for the XBOX 360 edition, just copied for the other iterations)? Have you read the official EA forums, where legitimate gripes about the game last about 30 minutes until the moderators delete them? Oh wait, they have the Czech Extraliga, so all's well... :rolleyes:

[Croatia National Team Manager Slavan] Bilic then went on to explain how Croatia's success can partially be put down to his progressive man-management techniques. "Sometimes I lie in the bed with my players. I go to the room of Vedran Corluka and Luka Modric when I see they have a problem and I lie in bed with them and we talk for 10 minutes." Maybe Capello could try getting through to his players this way too? Although how far he'd get with Joe Cole jumping up and down on the mattress and Rooney demanding to be read his favourite page from The Very Hungry Caterpillar is open to question. --The Guardian's Fiver, 08 September 2008

Attention: In order to obtain maximum enjoyment from your stay at the CCSLC, the reader is advised that the above post may contain large amounts of sarcasm, dry humour, or statements which should not be taken in any true sort of seriousness. As a result, the above poster absolves himself of any and all blame in the event that a forum user responds to the aforementioned post without taking the previous notice into account. Thank you for your cooperation, and enjoy your stay at the CCSLC.

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Also just cause 1 person feels that way doesn't eman anyhting it's an opinion, you have one Fred T Jane has one...

Snap, are my multiple personalities showing again?

some of the other EA Sports games have been lacking lately but i see no problem with NHl 07 an dgameplay wise it's a big improvement on 06, atleast goalie wise!

Remind me again how a game with the same defencive AI issues as the previous year's edition (and several years even before then), and serious issues concerning the default style of play that were supposedly corrected in the previous edition can be better "dgameplay wise" (sic) than the previous edition? Sorry, but based on what you say, you're the kind of person who takes flash over substance. Just because the game has the Czech Extraliga doesn't make it better. The gameplay is still broken, the player models still have clipping issues, the animations are still awkward, and the announcing is still as stale as it was in 2003. You overlook all that because they added the Extraliga? I'm speechless. Did you even read the thread I provided? Have you read any reviews from independent sources (Not websites like IGN, whose review for NHL 07 is for the XBOX 360 edition, just copied for the other iterations)? Have you read the official EA forums, where legitimate gripes about the game last about 30 minutes until the moderators delete them? Oh wait, they have the Czech Extraliga, so all's well... :rolleyes:

that's not what i'm saying, the goalies save the puck, now so it's better in that way then last sure it's not great and EA can definatly improve but compared to the toehr game sie. 2K7 it seems a lot better, and i don't notice to much with the AI though it's nothing special, so i agree their is a lot in the game that can be improved, but it isn't as bad as it's played up to be.

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MADDEN 07- This was a good game but it would be better if they used the same graphic as in NCAA FOOTBALL 07.

You're kidding, right? NCAA's graphics are really slow and the crowd is terrible. (On the 360, at least)


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that's not what i'm saying, the goalies save the puck, now so it's better in that way then last sure it's not great and EA can definatly improve but compared to the toehr game sie. 2K7 it seems a lot better, and i don't notice to much with the AI though it's nothing special, so i agree their is a lot in the game that can be improved, but it isn't as bad as it's played up to be.

So how much does the game have to suck in order for you to think it sucks? Colour me picky, but if I'm going to plunk $30 for a game, I don't want to buy a game that's not very good; as it happens, NHL 07 just isn't very good...

[Croatia National Team Manager Slavan] Bilic then went on to explain how Croatia's success can partially be put down to his progressive man-management techniques. "Sometimes I lie in the bed with my players. I go to the room of Vedran Corluka and Luka Modric when I see they have a problem and I lie in bed with them and we talk for 10 minutes." Maybe Capello could try getting through to his players this way too? Although how far he'd get with Joe Cole jumping up and down on the mattress and Rooney demanding to be read his favourite page from The Very Hungry Caterpillar is open to question. --The Guardian's Fiver, 08 September 2008

Attention: In order to obtain maximum enjoyment from your stay at the CCSLC, the reader is advised that the above post may contain large amounts of sarcasm, dry humour, or statements which should not be taken in any true sort of seriousness. As a result, the above poster absolves himself of any and all blame in the event that a forum user responds to the aforementioned post without taking the previous notice into account. Thank you for your cooperation, and enjoy your stay at the CCSLC.

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Anything since EA's NHL 94 is crap.

I almost agree with you. I think Madden 94 was terrific, but I definitely missed the ambulance feature from Madden 92 (which I think was just called Madden NFL Football. Fancy that.)

Also, NHL 98 was AWESOME. It was a radical departure from what EA had previously done with the hockey license, played face, looked terrific (for it's time) and had, at that time, the most realistic and varied commentary.

I have fond, fond memories of that game. Shortly after installing it (I bought it for $5 or so in 1999), I got NHL 2000 for my PC for Christmas. While I was excited about that game, it just couldn't compare to the "wow" factor of the 98 version.

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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