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Cowboys vs Seahawks Final Moments


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That's gotta hurt.

An even crazier finish than Cincinnati at Denver in Week 16.

I had a bad feeling for Dallas as soon as Gramatica came onto the field. Great tackle by Tutopu to stop Romo from running into the endzone.

What a second half.

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What a season of crazy football finishes.

The 4th and goal from the 2 fail, to be followed by a fumble, almost saved incredibly to become a touchdown, but ending up even better as a safety, because the ended up making it a 9 point play...

on the botched hold, he was a FOOT away from netting the first down! And a yard and a half from the TD!

Amazing. Sucks to lose a game like that. Sorry 'Boys fans.

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Seattle didn't deserve to win that game. I told myself after the pass interference penalty that put Seattle at the one, if they can't pound it in here, they don't deserve to win.

Then even after Dallas went down, Julius Jones and Romo took the Cowboys down the field, only to be stopped (apparently) inches short of the first down, and then the collapse by Romo...


Two very sloppy games played today.

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The field goal flub could not happen to a better team. Two things come to mind:

1) Tony Romo a pro bowl QB? Perhaps that was a bit premature. He certainly isn't a pro-bowl kick holder ...

2) The Eagles signing Koy Detmer to take over holding duties for the playoffs may not be as much of a ho-hum transaction as first thought ...

Eagle fans might even see the Romo mishandle as poetic justice for the Tommy Hutton MNF botched FG attempt. Regardless, it all leads to the same answer, already addressed in the signature, but said again for emphasis ...


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I hate to say it but I think this might have crushed Romo's confidence for good. After a great first couple of games he struggled and then to have this. Based on his body language I think this is going to stay with him into next year. If I'm the Cowboys I have a capable back up next year.

Also before anyone mentions it, the Cowboys managed the clock well. You don't kick it on 3rd down there because then you give Seattle close to 2:00 (remember a good amount of time ran off the clock after the third down play) to go down the field to kick a field goal. Saying you would kick on 3rd down is pure hindsight. The only thing you can criticize there is not throwing beyond the first down marker.

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Great tackle by Tutopu to stop Romo from running into the endzone.
Jordan Babineaux made the game-saving tackle of Romo, not Lofa Tatupu.

Fortunately, Babineaux stopped Romo short of the first down, or the Seahawks would have been helpless, with the Cowboys milking clock before Gramatica would kick the game-winner. Then Babineaux would have been second-guessed for not letting Romo get to the end zone so that the Seahawks would have at least gotten the ball back (albeit trailing).

Since Romo didn't make the first down, all of what was just written above is rendered moot.

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I don't know how you can say Seattle deserved to lose. Seems like that with a game like that -- with all of the screwy things going on -- whoever manages to come out on top deserves to have the win.

Both teams had the chance to put it away, Seahawks with the failed fourth and goal and Cowboys with the botched FG, and couldn't convert. It was about as even a game we're likely to see in the playoffs. Definitely beat the pants off the afternoon snoozer.

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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Call it sour grapes....call it whatever you want, but Dallas got jobbed. Before I continue look at my post history. I neither gloat when a team I support wins, or cry about it when one of my teams loses. Until today.

Terrence Newman did not commit pass interference.

Terry Glenn was down.

Jason Witten's end of the game spot was way to close to overrule.

Three phantom defensive holding calls.

Now don't get me wrong. I have no delusions of grandeur. I never thought the Cowboys would make it to the Super Bowl. I did think they were good enough to get past Seattle....I still do. Ironically I feel the same way many Seahawk fans felt after SB XL.

Does anyone outside of the Pacific Northwest honestly feel that Seattle was the better team tonight? It took a legitimate Romo screw-up to seal the deal for the Hawks.


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The Cowboys got away several interference calls.

Those were holding calls and the Cowboys got away with a few others too.

Glenn was not down the ball was slipping out of his hand already when he was hit.

Whitten was too close to overturn I will agree with that one.



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I'm glad that people are finally taking Romo off the HoF ballot :D

And yes Seattle deserved to win. Dallas choked, its as simple as that.

Just further proof that Tony Romo is the most overrated QB ever.

He may of just surpassed Michael Vick.

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The Cowboys got away several interference calls.

Those were holding calls and the Cowboys got away with a few others too.

Glenn was not down the ball was slipping out of his hand already when he was hit.

Whitten was too close to overturn I will agree with that one.

The one they called against Newman was utter b#ll :censored:, and did affect the momentum of the game.

I don't know all the rules, but Terry Glenn's knee and the ball were on the turf at the same time. Down?

The Witten call is the biggest, it cost Dallas the game.


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I don't know all the rules, but Terry Glenn's knee and the ball were on the turf at the same time. Down?

In the NFL, no. No Seahawk touched T. Glenn before the fumble was forced.

The Witten call is the biggest, it cost Dallas the game.

It was premature for the refs to have called first down after the Witten play. He had not made it to the 1-yard line, which was the line needed to be made for there to be a first down. Even without booth review, there would have been a measurement. The booth review was to ensure the ball was being properly spotted. The ref may have erred by saying the ball was being spotted at the 1½ yard line, since it looked like Witten's forward progress stopped between the 1½ and the 1, and not right at the 1½. He definitely never crossed the 1 though, at least from the views that NBC showed.

It would have been a bigger injustice for the first down to have been allowed when Witten did not make the first down.

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