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2007-08 NHL Season Thread


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The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette had a special section for the finals in today's issue. As an Indiana Jones fan, Id say they did well with the cover page.


Wow... and I thought his 'stache couldn't look any worse! :D


Because Korbyn Is Colour Blind, My Signature Is Now Idiot Proof - Thanks Again Braden!!

Go Leafs Go!

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Get this. Only EIGHT U.S. daily newspapers -- excluding Detroit and Pittsburgh, obviously -- are sending a writer to cover the Finals.

According to the Toronto Globe and Mail, they are:

National - USA Today

New York - Times, Post

Denver - Post, Rocky Mtn. News

Boston - Globe

Columbus - Dispatch

Los Angeles - Times

That has less to do with the NHL and more to do with the newspaper business basically being in the gutter. I doubt many more will send a writer to the NBA Finals.

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Ok here is a question I pose to all hockey fans,, even all sports fans. I've asked myself this countless times and could not come up with a good enough answer.

Why do we care so much about our team?

My friend asks me this every spring after the Senators usually get eliminated, when I'm all grumpy and upset. I can never seem to get a good answer, I say things like " Well I've followed them all year, and uhh I don't know."

By the way I don't want this turning into a Sens-Leafs thing, by me mentioning the Senators being eliminated.

So why do we get so upset when our teams get eliminated?

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So why do we get so upset when our teams get eliminated?

Isn't is obvious why we get so upset? It's because our team has missed out on an opportunity to win the championship and now we have to wait at least a year. And often it is accompanied by the team we just spent 4-7 games learning to hate continuing their quest to win it now.

Follow me on Twitter if you care: @Animal_Clans.

My opinion may or may not be the same as yours. The choice is up to you.

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So why do we get so upset when our teams get eliminated?

Isn't is obvious why we get so upset? It's because our team has missed out on an opportunity to win the championship and now we have to wait at least a year. And often it is accompanied by the team we just spent 4-7 games learning to hate continuing their quest to win it now.

I guess I always thought there was more to it. Why do we want that Cup so bad, why do we care in general?

The Refs are :censored:ing horrible in this first period.

To: Sidney Crosby

Dear Sidney,

You can have the Stanley Cup, if you want it.


The NHL and it's officials.

Hi, how are you?

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That goaltender interference call on Holmstrom was brutal

Does anyone know who the second commentator is tonight?

That'd be Greg " I Can't Tell My Left Shoe from My Right " Millen

Haha I just heard it on CBC, thanks though.

Honestly he is a massive tool.

Hi, how are you?

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That goaltender interference call on Holmstrom was brutal

Does anyone know who the second commentator is tonight?

That'd be Greg " I Can't Tell My Left Shoe from My Right " Millen

Haha I just heard it on CBC, thanks though.

Honestly he is a massive tool.

I know and he works for LeafsTV. :blink:

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Once again this game proves that the West has more talent. They made the defense the 'best team in the East' used to get to the finals look like a bunch of pylons. The fore-checkers were ineffective against the fast Detroit forwards.

Mind you this was only one game but it really helped show how different the West is from the East in terms of skill and styles. Not only did Detroit smother Pittsburgh's offense like they were the New Jersey Devils but were able to create scoring chances and get into the offensive zone with much ease. If Pittsburgh can't adapt and find a way to stop the Detroit forwards... this series may be done in 4, possibly 5 games.

A very entertaining game with a favourable result (yes I know Detroit will become tied with the Leafs in regards to cups won (11) although Toronto will technically still have two more (through the Arenas' and St. Pats)). I hope the rest of them are just as physical and intense and that Detroit wins the next three. ^_^


Because Korbyn Is Colour Blind, My Signature Is Now Idiot Proof - Thanks Again Braden!!

Go Leafs Go!

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I, as the most homersitic, optomistic, one-sided Pittsburgh fan there is am very worried about this series...

...and I hate how it seems that now Detroit fans are already blaming the refs for fixing the game. Hello, you wont the game 4-0.

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - est. 2006 

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I, as the most homersitic, optomistic, one-sided Pittsburgh fan there is am very worried about this series...

...and I hate how it seems that now Detroit fans are already blaming the refs for fixing the game. Hello, you wont the game 4-0.

They sure did try to. Horrible, horrible officiating.

I'm calling a carbon copy of last years finals.

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I, as the most homersitic, optomistic, one-sided Pittsburgh fan there is am very worried about this series...

...and I hate how it seems that now Detroit fans are already blaming the refs for fixing the game. Hello, you wont the game 4-0.

They sure did try to. Horrible, horrible officiating.

I'm calling a carbon copy of last years finals.

Says the guy who watched his team lose in 5.

Look, I'm sure the NHL would much rather see Pittsburgh win over Detroit but I don't see them "fixing" games through officiating, if they were to do that, then wouldn't they have tried harder to make Pittsburgh beat Ottawa last year in the first round and make them better, earlier?

Detroit is a better team, Anaheim was the better team. Just deal with it. We all (well, most) know that the West is a harder conference which is filled with more balanced teams in regards to skill. There is a reason why in recent years Western teams have been harder to beat as they have gotten bigger, stronger and more skilled and Detroit is proving that. They can play an offensive game but smother the life out of a primarily offensive team which is used to playing teams of a different level and skill set and playing style. It has nothing to do with fixing what so ever. There were bad calls going both ways but we have become used to that during the season and it should come as no surprise that we are seeing it again. No matter the time of year, officiating sucks.

The Ducks did not win last year because of officiating, they won because they were a better team. You'd have to be NUTS to think otherwise.

FYI this is not a Leafs/Sens battle, this is a "pull your head out of your ass reality check" post.


Because Korbyn Is Colour Blind, My Signature Is Now Idiot Proof - Thanks Again Braden!!

Go Leafs Go!

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The officiating was brutal tonight. The way they protect goalies now is a disgrace. I dont care what any of you say, Holmstrom DID NOT interfere with the goalie tonight or against Dallas. Those calls were made because the refs were warned about him, a reputation call. This is the Stanley Cup Finals, and someone should remind those clowns of that. Its sad that in the most important games of the year in the highest level of the sport, that I can predict which team is going to get the next penalty. After Pittsburgh got all those calls in the 1st period, you KNEW it was going to come back the other way. On the flip side, you also knew that the Pens could then get away with things that would be called on Detroit. Im tired of seeing the games being reffed based on the score and the circumstances. These are the 2 best teams, LET THEM PLAY.



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