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Warren Sapp retiring

Milo Meningocele

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As a Bucs fan, I loved Sapp and was sad to see him go. I guess the Bucs were right in cutting him based on skills and pay. I heard he's a real tool to meet in person though. Hopefully he'll do a one day Buc retirement thing and get into coaching or something.

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"Don't let the door hit you on SLAM!!!!!........ Damn, I knew I shouldda been paying attention to whats in front of me to avoid getting crushed."

-Chad Clifton

There, fixed it for ya :D As a Bucs fan I've gotta tip my cap to Sapp who was an amazingly hard working and talented player for many years.

Then went to Oakland.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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The lasting image of Warren Sapp in my mind...


Now imagine that in motion, with all that lower fat jiggling and wobbling...-shudders-

Anyways, hats off to him. He's probably going to the HOF.

EDIT: I found the

Click at your own risk.



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The lasting image of Warren Sapp in my mind...


Now imagine that in motion, with all that lower fat jiggling and wobbling...-shudders-

Anyways, hats off to him. He's probably going to the HOF.

EDIT: I found the

Click at your own risk.

The sad part is that wasn't even the only TD catch Sapp had against Atlanta...in Atlanta. I remember there was one he kinda hit with one hand and then almost fell over trying to make sure he snagged. I somehow think he really kinda set a bar as far as being a primarily defensive player getting in on offense. (Unbeknownst to most...this cat also put in more than his fair share of plays as a lead blocker on power running plays...along with Booger McFarland.)

I actually got a chance to joke with this cat a couple times...and man, you wanna talk about a MOUTH? If he and gary Payton were to ever go at it, I ain't sure Payton would be able to hang with this cat for any more than two minutes. Dude has an ENDLESS reserve of s*** talk in him. But he cool as hell. Or was.

Don't expect a Hall of Fame invite anytime soon, though, Warren...at least not from the NFL. He'll more than likely have some sort of special something given to him by the Buccaneers, though. I enjoyed watching you wreak havoc while wearing the Buccaneer getup...'preciate all the memories, man. (And all those epic battles with Brett Favre...)

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

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As a Bucs fan, I loved Sapp and was sad to see him go. I guess the Bucs were right in cutting him based on skills and pay. I heard he's a real tool to meet in person though. Hopefully he'll do a one day Buc retirement thing and get into coaching or something.

Hmmm... I can honestly say he was one of the nicest, most polite people I ever met.

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I thought he was long gone.


I guess the black hole in Oakland wasn't just for the fans...careers too.

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"Don't let the door hit you on SLAM!!!!!........ Damn, I knew I shouldda been paying attention to whats in front of me to avoid getting crushed."

-Chad Clifton

There, fixed it for ya :D As a Bucs fan I've gotta tip my cap to Sapp who was an amazingly hard working and talented player for many years.

Then went to Oakland.

Forgive the Hijacking.

I?ll be the FIRST guy to advocate playing to the whistle and keeping your head on a swivel. Clifton knows he should have done so.

The problem is Sapp a) left his feet and B ) went helmet to helmet on that hit. Watch the video. That is not in dispute.

It was a sucker punch of a hit to make the highlight reels?and it?s not exaggerating to say that could have meant a guy?s career and/or life in the process.

It?s a violent game, I?m not a wuss. But Chad was easily 30 yards from the ball. No one can argue it was anything but headhunting. I?m unclear what the rules were as of that game, but that wouldn?t fly today.

My main problem lies with the NFL for not treating the incident like they would have were Clifton a QB.. and then with the likes of Tom Jackson of ESPN justifying the act and laying the blame at the feet of Mike Sherman for ?challenging an athlete?s manhood?. The last decent ESPN analyst succumbs to ex-jock jock-sniffing.

Sapp proved himself to be a loud-mouthed disgrace during that incident and during that post-game encounter and that?s what he?ll be to me forever. What does ?Put a jersey on? even mean? That any act is justified if you are wearing the right shirt? Would that argument have worked for Marty McSorley? That might makes right and to stretch the definition of fair play to any logical extreme? Or that I?ll punch an old man for disagreeing with me?

Mike Sherman was a middlin? coach and a horrible GM. I?m glad he?s gone. But I?ll always think of that act as the noblest thing he ever did in Green Bay?.even if it played out rather flaccidly. He?s A-OK in my book.

I?m not discounting Sapp?s ability. For a time, he was simply the best defensive lineman, maybe defensive player, in the league. Nearly unblockable, what a tremendous motor.

But I?ve also always felt the Sapp v Favre stuff was ridiculous and overblown. Listen, those encounters don?t glorify Sapp. Only he (and Bucs fans) think that is the case. Those encounters serve Favre?s legend because he wasn?t afraid of that big lard. He went toe to toe, face to face with a fearsome defender in his prime. Sapp pressured and rarely bested??? a quarterback. Big deal. Quarterbacks are supposed to be easy pickins. Nobody looks back and says..?Boy, Goliath put up quite a fight there didn?t he? Against lil Davey? Wow!? Nobody cares. The bully cannot be regarded as brave. No, in all those clashes he was?.just as he was on the field with Clifton that day??a bully and a braggard and found wanting.

The very fact that his retirement is the only newsworthy thing he?s done in 4 years makes me happy. Enjoy your retirement you lump.

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