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If the election was today


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Now, guys... after voting here.. in november, go out and vote for real. Its the only way your opinion counts.

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




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"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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True. I'm usually a no voter, i didn't vote in the last elections, and i wasn't planning on voting in this one. But the Democratic Party has me so psyched up and pumped about voting, i don't think there's a chance i won't vote now. Thank you, democrats, for motavating me to vote for George Bush.

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I think it's quite odd at how vicious the press at the white house are getting regarding questions pertaning to bush, yet for the previous 30 months they would never ask any 'threatening' questions.

Is this evidence of a media bias?


Chris Creamer
Founder/Editor, SportsLogos.Net


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TV leans left. Newspapers don't even lean, they are faaaaaaaaar left....

When people report their own opinions as facts, that's wrong, and NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, they all do it, and it's become so bad that you can't trust anything reported on the news, because they will usually tell you something that isn't fact, and the people who aren't intrepid enough to look up facts on their own, take in this misinformation, and these peoples opinions, as fact, and all it does is make a gigantic mass of stupid people who know no facts. And the Worst is MTV, which corrupts the minds of kids with leftist, almost Marxist propaganda, and they basically feed these kids their own opinions. I wasn't fooled by MTV when i was 15, 16, 17, and i'm not now...

wow.. that was kind of a rant.... sorry about that...

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if you don't vote, you have no right to bitch.

unfortunately, many people either flock like sheep following what they're told, or others think their vote is too minimal to make a difference and stay out of the process altogether.  i've met plenty of both.

i vote and make a point of it.  even if my candidate isn't popular or doesn't seem likely to win.

Carolina Dreamin'


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Yup, I just did a unit in US Govt. about media bias. Unfortunately, being owned by large corporations (ABC - Disney, NBC - General Electric, etc.) causes these companies to have major bias... especially to those who support big business, which I believe are mostly democrats, correct? Thomas Jefferson once said --

The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.

-- Meaning that you're no less educated if you don't read newspapers because you then atleast don't get fed the load of crap these corporations feed you.

I'm in the same boat as you, JQK... the Democrats are the only motivation I need to vote for Bush.


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Media biased to the left......

Clinton lies about an affair (Yes, that's all it was. It wasn't a deal with satan, it wasn't a murder, it was an AFFAIR. )He gets over a year of front page coverage, impeachment hearings, and constant talk.

Bush lies about a war that kills 7,000 innocent Iraqis and accomplishes none of the aims he promised were going to be there. Almost nothing.

The media doesn't lean to one side. It leans to selling newspapers. And headlines involving a president's affair sold many. Why do you think tabloids sell so well?

TV?  Well, you have the entire spectrum there, from Fox News to CBS to ABC.  "Fair and Balenced"  is in the eyes and ears of the beholder.  A conservative show is F&B to a conservative, a liberal show is F&B to a liberal.

Besides, most of Bush's tax cuts are for big business....all politicians are crooks, both of the parites are. If you don't think so, you are in some sort of strange fantasy world. They both give money to corporations.

Vote for beliefs. Not for the party.

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All i know is the Patroit Act is not a good thing for this country. They voted this piece of crap in right after 9-11, and that was simply a knee jerk reaction without looking this thing over. The way they say it's good for the country is scarry. I don't like having my freedoms questioned. I'm not saying we shouldn't protect our country, we just don't need to start taking away from what makes it great. I'm not a fan of Bush and will not be voting for him. That doesn't make me a liberal or a democrat. I'm neither. I just don't like the direction he is taking us. First we say we are removing Saddam because he is linked to 9-11, then we say it's cause of WMD. Then after all that is over, costing us more money BTW, he decides we need to go to the Moon and Mars. That is a very radical change of thinking so fast. I say we send him to the moon with Saddam and Osama, and call it even.

Of course that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.

P.S. I'll vote for Kerry, that damn Chowderhead :D

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President Match

This website allows you to cut through the above BS and decide for yourself whose beliefs match your own.

I, myself, can't vote for a republican candidate because of who they will nominate to the supreme court, and prayer in schools.

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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I hate the frickin party system. It's fine with me if people want to join groups because they have similar beliefs, but for our govt. to officially recognize parties, and the fact that only 2 have a chance ticks me off. Parties result in nothing but brainwashing for peoples oppinions. If someone decides they are a democrat, they don't make up their own oppinion, they wait to see what the head of the party says their oppinion is. This is especially true to all in the govt., but also to a lot of voters. If the Republicans say they are for something, Democrats have to be against it, and vice versa....I hate the freaking party system!
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I hate the frickin party system. It's fine with me if people want to join groups because they have similar beliefs, but for our govt. to officially recognize parties, and the fact that only 2 have a chance ticks me off. Parties result in nothing but brainwashing for peoples oppinions. If someone decides they are a democrat, they don't make up their own oppinion, they wait to see what the head of the party says their oppinion is. This is especially true to all in the govt., but also to a lot of voters. If the Republicans say they are for something, Democrats have to be against it, and vice versa....I hate the freaking party system!

Ah Canada, home to five official parties... I never let the party in brackets next to my choice affect my vote, I pick who's the best guy.  I voted for the Liberal Party in my first election, then the Progressive Conservative Party, and then New Democratic Party...  see what I mean?

With the way a lot of Americans vote, I'm surprised they even have polls, just count up the Republicans, and count up the Democrats whoever has the most still alive every 4 years wins.


Chris Creamer
Founder/Editor, SportsLogos.Net


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I wouldn't say the newspapers lean all to the left. Boston is lucky enough to have 2 good newspapers with opposing views. The Boston Herald is right/conservative, where the Boston Globe is left/liberal. But the Herald is known for it's tabloid-style headlines, just like the NY Post. Plus, to our north, the Manchester Union-Leader is very right-wing. They have a bible quote on the front page of every edition. The former editor hated Clinton so much (because he was left) that she commandeered the paper many times to say "I want you out of office"...not just something for the editorial page, but the front page headline.

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The mainstream media is very liberal that q/a in the White House the other day over Bush's National Guard record is a perfect example.

Also check how many times during a news story the words war hero are used to describe Kerry.

Kerry did a great serivce during Nam but after the war he protested it joing that tratior [lady] Jane Fonda.

Kerry with Fonda

In addition the head of the NVA army credited Kerry with hleping them win the war.


**[brackets] denote Mod Edit

Edited by SyPhi - Feb 12/04 12:36 am



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With the way a lot of Americans vote, I'm surprised they even have polls, just count up the Republicans, and count up the Democrats whoever has the most still alive every 4 years wins.

unfortunatly that's what it comes too, and that's why i have been reluctant to partake in elections. I don't want to be some stooges lackey. But once getting through the bulplop of the politicians and the media, and just looking up cold, hard facts (yes, they still do exist, people), i found it harder to ignore the lies and hate-mongering from the left. It's just so awful, i can't in good conscience stay silent on election day. Will my vote matter? probrally not, but still, i can't let people i don't trust take over my country. If voting is all i can do, then so be it....

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