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WOW no threads on Clemens Congressional hearing.


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I have been watching the fall out from the Clemens Congressional hearing on ESPN . And I still ask my self the question , WHY SHOULD I CARE THAT PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES TAKE STEROIDS. Oh I know all the arguments , kids will do them to be better athletes. None of the old time guys did them . But why should I care . I don't play against them . I don't know any of them . I'm not friends with any of them. Their steroid use will not cost me any money. So why do we care ? Its sports . It people who get paid to play kids games.

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I have been watching the fall out from the Clemens Congressional hearing on ESPN . And I still ask my self the question , WHY SHOULD I CARE THAT PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES TAKE STEROIDS. Oh I know all the arguments , kids will do them to be better athletes. None of the old time guys did them . But why should I care . I don't play against them . I don't know any of them . I'm not friends with any of them. Their steroid use will not cost me any money. So why do we care ? Its sports . It people who get paid to play kids games.

Perhaps that is why there are no threads on it? *shrug* But kudos to you for not caring and starting one anyway.

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It's one of those cases where most do it, most know it, but most don't care until some politicians or whatever want a good image and go after something. This case it's steroids...which are illegal and have heavy fines/jail time. Say the league was on coke, would people still turn their heads?

The thing with roids is, unless you're caught doing them, what's the point? I'm sure coke, heroin, pot, etc has been used by athletes even if it was their high school days. They can't go back and make claims on those.

I think with a war, rising gas prices, people losing their jobs, an upcoming election, etc, people don't think Roger Clemens taking HGH in 1998 is a top priority for life to go on.

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People certainly cared when it was Barry Lamar Bonds on the steroid train, didn't they?

Would I be an labeled an agitator if I suggested that race might have something to do with that? I bet I would.

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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People certainly cared when it was Barry Lamar Bonds on the steroid train, didn't they?

Would I be an labeled an agitator if I suggested that race might have something to do with that? I bet I would.

Or the fact that Bonds was breaking one of the most (if not the most) hallowed records in all of sports?

I personally think Clemens is just as much of an assclown as Bonds.


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People certainly cared when it was Barry Lamar Bonds on the steroid train, didn't they?

Would I be an labeled an agitator if I suggested that race might have something to do with that? I bet I would.

I think in the Bonds case most people think he is an a$$hole and want to see him go down because of it. Also, it did not sit will with many that an alleged steroid user was about to break the most valued record in sports. But to me, its mostly because the guy is a jackass, black or white.

- Dan

PotD May 11th, 2011
looooooogodud: June 7th 2010 - July 5th 2012


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People certainly cared when it was Barry Lamar Bonds on the steroid train, didn't they?

Would I be an labeled an agitator if I suggested that race might have something to do with that? I bet I would.

I think in the Bonds case most people think he is an a$$hole and want to see him go down because of it. Also, it did not sit will with many that an alleged steroid user was about to break the most valued record in sports. But to me, its mostly because the guy is a jackass, black or white.

- Dan

Because we all know Clemens is the epitome of great sportsmanship...

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People certainly cared when it was Barry Lamar Bonds on the steroid train, didn't they?

Would I be an labeled an agitator if I suggested that race might have something to do with that? I bet I would.

I think in the Bonds case most people think he is an a$$hole and want to see him go down because of it. Also, it did not sit will with many that an alleged steroid user was about to break the most valued record in sports. But to me, its mostly because the guy is a jackass, black or white.

- Dan

Because we all know Clemens is the epitome of great sportsmanship...

Ha, so true.

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Never said that (ah hem... I thought it was the ball...) I just think with Bonds it comes down to the Home Run record and him being an ass in general. I don't buy it as a black/white issue because there are many black players that are loved and many white players that are hated. At least from my perspective, race is not an issue here.

- Dan

PotD May 11th, 2011
looooooogodud: June 7th 2010 - July 5th 2012


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People certainly cared when it was Barry Lamar Bonds on the steroid train, didn't they?

Would I be an labeled an agitator if I suggested that race might have something to do with that? I bet I would.

It doesn't have to do with race, in my opinion. It has to do with timing.

It's mid-February....baseball's not on the forefront of most people's sporting thoughts. If these hearings were taking place in late-May, a lot more people would care.

At this point, most people just want to get past this "Steroid Era" and put this to rest. People know that many players used steroids and other enhancers. We don't need to be continually reminded of this.....

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People certainly cared when it was Barry Lamar Bonds on the steroid train, didn't they?

Would I be an labeled an agitator if I suggested that race might have something to do with that? I bet I would.

It's easy to suggest race. It's what sells newspapers, magazines, and sport shows. Like mentioned, Bonds was just an ahole and that fuels the fire. Last I checked, Hank Aaron was black too. They weren't trying to * him to protect some hallowed white man's record.

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People certainly cared when it was Barry Lamar Bonds on the steroid train, didn't they?

Would I be an labeled an agitator if I suggested that race might have something to do with that? I bet I would.

It's easy to suggest race. It's what sells newspapers, magazines, and sport shows. Like mentioned, Bonds was just an ahole and that fuels the fire. Last I checked, Hank Aaron was black too. They weren't trying to * him to protect some hallowed white man's record.

Are you f***in' serious? The man received death threats during the entire 73-74 offseason...

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Hank Aaron hardly had an easy go of things, and anyway, he wasn't on steroids.

Clemens is as big a superstar as Bonds and apparently, under just as much suspicion. He doesn't hold the greatest pitcher records of all time (would that be strikeouts? or wins?), but he's pretty high up there on a lot of them. And it's not as if Bonds came under scrutiny just because of the Maris/McGwire and Aaron records. He's been the number-one steroid target even since we moved past the McGwire/andro thing.

Anyway, we've all but made confirmed cheaters out of Palmeiro, McGwire, Clemens, and a handful more, yet people are only willing to throw asterisks Bonds' way. Why is that?

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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Damn...it wasn't even the brotha that played the race card. I'm not saying it's race. We already know plenty of other issues where race plays a huge role.

Anywho, Roger Clemens is the ONLY player that could be seen as equal in terms of historic greatness and dominance at such an advanced age to Barry Bonds. Clemens was thought of as washed up in Boston (not that I agree with that) and had a career resurgence in Toronto, on into New York and Houston. Not that Barry was washed up (not until this past season) but he had a historic late career resurgence as well.

All I'm saying is what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Clemens deserves all of the same vile and vehement rhetoric that was thrown toward Bonds. He doesn't deserve ANYONE'S apathy.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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