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Soccer Stadium Concept


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I've been doodling ideas for stadiums for a long time, and I've finally gotten around to doing one from scratch in Illustrator. What this is, if for some reason you can't guess, is my idea for a proposed new Orange Bowl for a future MLS team(I just picked one of my many MLS Miami concept teams). I'm by no means an architect, so please feel free to shoot holes in the structural integrity of my design. The main idea is to have two bubble-dome things on the sides providing air conditioned areas for those people sitting in the more expensive sideline seats. A/C, even just inside, would bring a lot more people out to a soccer game in South Florida. The stadium opens to the east, showcasing downtown Miami, just like the original OB. Also I came up with the stadium logo too, a soccer ball orange for the 'O' in OB. C&C!


P.S. Please MLS give us a team already so I can stop making MLS Miami stuff!!

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dude... this is actually quite a nice concept! how long did this take you?

the only problem is that detroit deserves a team way before miami does.... you guys have already had your shot!

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dude... this is actually quite a nice concept! how long did this take you?

the only problem is that detroit deserves a team way before miami does.... you guys have already had your shot!

Thanks! It took me about 6-7 hours over a few days, definitely eats up some time.

The main reason MLS is looking into South Florida again is that this time the team would actually be in Miami(some 20 miles north last time, in Ft. Lauderdale, just not the right location. It's a very unique market, there is total urban sprawl and beaches with a lot to do in those 20 miles). Also the owner wasn't very good, he was just trying to make some money when only now MLS teams are starting to turn profits. There are a lot of places that deserve to get in, and for the foreseeable future, only 2-4 will be awarded franchises. I'm just hoping we get lucky.

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First of all, I really admire doing such a concept. Great job!

For the concept:

It's a really good stadium, although it looks a bit small for me as a European... :D

The glass front of the stadium looks amazing. I'm sure it would be an eye-catcher.

The clock at the west end looks a bit out of place. Maybe you could put some sort of advertisement or a screen there.

This clock really reminds me of a train station...

Nonetheless, an outstanding concept.

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I dont think the NCAA would approve of naming it the "Orange Bowl"

Other than that, and the fact that its kinda small, this pwns.

If a soccer stadium is built here, at the OB site, it's gonna be called the Orange Bowl. That's what the city wants. The NCAA and the Hurricanes can shove it for all I care for deciding to leave the original OB. Now the Hurricanes will be mucking up the baseball field at Dolphin Stadium in addition to the Dolphins(the 'Phins wouldn't win without the dirt infield, so they are messing up the Marlins field now).

As for it being small, I'm no good with proportions, but the idea is to have 22-25,000 seats, pretty much standard MLS size. Based on the turnout of over 3,000 for Miami FC's largely unadvertised USL opener last Saturday(I was one of them), I'm confident MLS could draw good crowds in a new stadium at the OB site, especially if they A. got into things like SuperLiga playing Mexican and other International clubs and/or B. signed some big name international guy a la Beckham, only a Latin star.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Wow, very nice, man

Do you have any tips on how to make the stadium look a bit more realistic because I've always tried making some of them in Illustrator, but they look like crap, lol

How would the NCAA have any control over that?


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