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New York Knicks Logo Concept


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I have been sketching a logo for the Knicks which are the team I represent in my sim league that is starting in 1995, I colored it in and was wondering if I could get some C and C. I know its probably not that great but paper and pens are all I have as I can't seem to figure out Photoshop...




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It's a cool idea but you can't really have an orange apple.

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Well colors aren't that big of a deal, I just tried it using the Knicks orange and blue, I'm actually going to try a few different combo's including making the basketball/apple red.


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That's actually a pretty cool idea. Orange for the apple does come up as a concern simply because people typically associate apples with red (green's better by the way). Then again, I can't think of anybody who associates navy blue with the Irish.

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I think its a really cool idea. I'm pretty new to this logo design thing, but would you mind if I took a shot at it? I can't promise spectacular results, but it'd be fun for me to try.

Yeah sure, by all means.

Does anybody know of a good program I can use to make concepts?


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Well I got the inspiration for the skyline from the Mets logo, but I really think that the basketball/apple could turn into something unique.

A user who I think has left the board, ltravisjr, made an alternate logo with a baseball in an Apple for the Mets. I was thinking it was an actual alternate logo, but it was just a concept that really stuck with me.

So, with that being said, getting around the color, it is a good idea in theory.

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Well I got the inspiration for the skyline from the Mets logo, but I really think that the basketball/apple could turn into something unique.

A user who I think has left the board, ltravisjr, made an alternate logo with a baseball in an Apple for the Mets. I was thinking it was an actual alternate logo, but it was just a concept that really stuck with me.

So, with that being said, getting around the color, it is a good idea in theory.

Nah, I'm still around here, just haven't had the time to put out much artwork lately. Yeah, that Mets apple was actually blue and looked decent so I guess its worth experimenting with different colors. Anyway, I think the idea here could work and the renditions above show that. However, I think it would look best if the tallest building were in the middle. I don't know why, but it just seems that would look better to me.


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Here is my finished product of what we went over before.


Just a thought, but the use of the WTC Twin Towers would probably not go over all that well with the general public.


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Here is my finished product of what we went over before.


Just a thought, but the use of the WTC Twin Towers would probably not go over all that well with the general public.

If you had read my original post, I said this was for a sim league based in 1995 before the WTC attack.


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Here is another version:

- I tried a darker blue

- I tried a darker red for the apple

- I tried ltravisjr's suggestion of making the middle building the biggest, although I might want to try it larger.

Tell me what you think.



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I like JayJackson's. Is there a way to put some blue in there?

Thanks, but the design belongs to TheAK47, last night I was showing him the different steps I took based on his drawing. He liked it and that is why I posted it here, so everyone can see what he was trying to do. About the towers, I guess it depends on how you look at it. I was in the Marines for 6 years, and would not dare disrespect the memory of those lost in that tragedy. Look at it as a tribute. Simple as that.

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