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Mac the Knife

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Know how many NFL games I've attended since 1995? None. Know how many NFL games I've watched on TV since? I can count them on one hand, and not even then did I watch them beginning to end.

this is quite off topic, but this statement makes me wonder why you so badly have wanted to get back into our fantasy football league.

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Quit crying Pirates fans!!!

1908 (Cubs) and 1948 (Indians) are both a lot longer ago then 1979!!!

True. But at least the Indians and Cubs are competitive.

I'm a Cleveland fan.

Being competitive is nice but we did go 41 years between going to the playoffs.

We know it don't mean a thing unless you win a ring!!!

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Quit crying Pirates fans!!!

1908 (Cubs) and 1948 (Indians) are both a lot longer ago then 1979!!!

True. But at least the Indians and Cubs are competitive.

Yea, I have to agree. I'd rather watch 50 years of competitive play with no ring, then 10+ losing seasons. It frustrated to watch the same mistakes year after year. Its frustrating to see young pitchers dominate in other cities (Verlander, Lincecum, etc.) only to see your pitchers lose all control when they reach the bigs (when your supposed to be loaded with pitching prospects). I know very well what Pirates fans are going through and it really sucks. The Orioles are my favorite team and probably always will be. All I try to think about is how happy I'll be when they finally do make it back on top (whenever that may be). One good thing the Pirates don't have to worry about is being in the same division as the Yankees, Red Sox, and now Rays. Its going to be a tough climb back on top.

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Know how many NFL games I've attended since 1995? None. Know how many NFL games I've watched on TV since? I can count them on one hand, and not even then did I watch them beginning to end.

this is quite off topic, but this statement makes me wonder why you so badly have wanted to get back into our fantasy football league.

I have? Seems to me that I co-founded the league then left after a season, then returned for half a season then voluntarily departed again. I suspect if I'd wanted in so badly, I'dve stayed in, no?


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Quit crying Pirates fans!!!

1908 (Cubs) and 1948 (Indians) are both a lot longer ago then 1979!!!

True. But at least the Indians and Cubs are competitive.

I'm a Cleveland fan.

Being competitive is nice but we did go 41 years between going to the playoffs.

We know it don't mean a thing unless you win a ring!!!

Imagine being a Indians fan in 1982 thats what Mac is going through, when the Tribe were laughing stocks, with no memory of success.



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Trust me Mac, you'll enjoy sports a lot more once you get past this. Being a "fan" in this day and age is an interesting adjustment when you grow up in the era we did. It's a different animal now. I gave up being a "hardcore" fan of any pro team a few years ago. Doing so has really enhanced my enjoyment of sports overall.

Actually, I feel the opposite. When I lived on the east coast, I did not get to see much of my teams. Going to games out there was OK, but with no rooting interest, it was just not as enjoyable.

I can sympathize with the original post. Small market MLB fans need to understand that you can't be in the hunt every year. However, if it just looks like there is no committment to EVER winning, that can be frustrating. I get building for the future, but someday it has to not be about rebuilding.

Recently, I've had notions about boycotting the Twins. Not because of any trades or lack of trade deadline movement, but because they are a half game out and they just won't bring up Liriano. He's the best starter in the organization and has been very solid in AAA. And why? To save some money based on his tenure? They have a chance to go to the postseason. We purchase tickets in that dump they (under a different owner) lobbied for 30 years ago. We are buying their ballpark. And they won't even use their existing player resources to try to gain that 1/2 game? If that is not a lacking commitment to winning, I don't know what is. I am definitely not buying any tickets for a while. Unless they bring him up, which I don't think they will. And if they don't, I don't know what would ever justify my ending the boycott.

I don't think I was quite clear in what I meant. I'm not saying I just watch and I don't care who wins. To me not being a "hardcore" fan of any one team has been quite liberating. Now instead of being stuck following my "favorite" teams I am able to follow a whole bunch of favorites without worrying about it. In baseball I'd classify myself as an Indians fan but I also follow The Angels, Dodgers, and Cardinals as well. In short, I don't hitch my wagon to any one team anymore. I simply follow and root for the ones I like.

Example, if The Angels are playing The Red Sox you can bet your ass I am pulling for The Angels all the way. When The Brewers and Cubs played their series last week I was rooting hard for The Brewers. When The Cardinals play The Cubs I'll be rooting for The Cardinals. If The Brewers play The Cardinals I root for St. Louis because I like them better. And so on...

Of course to do this the way I do it really helps to have MLB Extra Innings and NFL Sunday Ticket. :D






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Quit crying Pirates fans!!!

1908 (Cubs) and 1948 (Indians) are both a lot longer ago then 1979!!!

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - 2006  |  New Orleans JazzCats - Major League Hockey (AHL) - 2023

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Quit crying Pirates fans!!!

1908 (Cubs) and 1948 (Indians) are both a lot longer ago then 1979!!!

True. But at least the Indians and Cubs are competitive.

I'm a Cleveland fan.

Being competitive is nice but we did go 41 years between going to the playoffs.

We know it don't mean a thing unless you win a ring!!!

Imagine being a Indians fan in 1982 thats what Mac is going through, when the Tribe were laughing stocks, with no memory of success.

I was a Tribe fan back in 1982.

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Quit crying Pirates fans!!!

1908 (Cubs) and 1948 (Indians) are both a lot longer ago then 1979!!!

True. But at least the Indians and Cubs are competitive.

I'm a Cleveland fan.

Being competitive is nice but we did go 41 years between going to the playoffs.

We know it don't mean a thing unless you win a ring!!!

You know, for such an obvious Pittsburgh hater, its quite funny you actually are trying to prove you Cleveland fans have suffered more than Pittsburgh fans...youre basically trying to prove that your team is better at losing than ours.

Some of you guys are truly unbelievable.

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - 2006  |  New Orleans JazzCats - Major League Hockey (AHL) - 2023

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Quit crying Pirates fans!!!

1908 (Cubs) and 1948 (Indians) are both a lot longer ago then 1979!!!

True. But at least the Indians and Cubs are competitive.

I'm a Cleveland fan.

Being competitive is nice but we did go 41 years between going to the playoffs.

We know it don't mean a thing unless you win a ring!!!

You know, for such an obvious Pittsburgh hater, its quite funny you actually are trying to prove you Cleveland fans have suffered more than Pittsburgh fans...youre basically trying to prove that your team is better at losing than ours.

Some of you guys are truly unbelievable.

Can you explain to me why Clevelanders have such a big sporting chip on their shoulder about Pittsburgh? I have never understood this.

On 8/1/2010 at 4:01 PM, winters in buffalo said:
You manage to balance agitation with just enough salient points to keep things interesting. Kind of a low-rent DG_Now.
On 1/2/2011 at 9:07 PM, Sodboy13 said:
Today, we are all otaku.

"The city of Peoria was once the site of the largest distillery in the world and later became the site for mass production of penicillin. So it is safe to assume that present-day Peorians are descended from syphilitic boozehounds."-Stephen Colbert

POTD: February 15, 2010, June 20, 2010

The Glorious Bloom State Penguins (NCFAF) 2014: 2-9, 2015: 7-5 (L Pineapple Bowl), 2016: 1-0 (NCFAB) 2014-15: 10-8, 2015-16: 14-5 (SMC Champs, L 1st Round February Frenzy)

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Quit crying Pirates fans!!!

1908 (Cubs) and 1948 (Indians) are both a lot longer ago then 1979!!!

True. But at least the Indians and Cubs are competitive.

I'm a Cleveland fan.

Being competitive is nice but we did go 41 years between going to the playoffs.

We know it don't mean a thing unless you win a ring!!!

You know, for such an obvious Pittsburgh hater, its quite funny you actually are trying to prove you Cleveland fans have suffered more than Pittsburgh fans...youre basically trying to prove that your team is better at losing than ours.

Some of you guys are truly unbelievable.

Can you explain to me why Clevelanders have such a big sporting chip on their shoulder about Pittsburgh? I have never understood this.

I truly dont know. I mean, yeah, Pittsburgh fans hate Cleveland for nothing more than the Browns/Steelers rivalry - beyond that, we dont care about Cleveland. We even root for the Cavs, to a point.

The Steelers and Browns are both two of the greatest franchises of all time, and certain times. Browns of the pre-superbowl era, steelers of the current era.

In reality, Steelers/Browns is the only case in which Pittsburgh and Cleveland clash in sports. Any connection a Cleveland fan would make to another sport is beyond me.

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - 2006  |  New Orleans JazzCats - Major League Hockey (AHL) - 2023

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Can you explain to me why Clevelanders have such a big sporting chip on their shoulder about Pittsburgh? I have never understood this.

1. Geography. Our NFL teams are only a couple hours from each other. Eastern Ohio and Western Pennsylvania get a lot of crossover fans so some towns are split down the middle. It's like The NFL version of

Ohio State-Michigan or Auburn-Alabama.

2. In the 70's when The Browns sucked and The Steelers were winning, a lot of people in Ohio jumped on The Steelers bandwagon and have stayed there. Obviously that type of thing led to some bitter feelings amongst the locals. The Steelers are easily the number two team in terms of fan favorites in Ohio. The fans of the number one team (The Browns) don't really care for that. Especially when Steelers fans show up at our local Browns establishments just to cause trouble. (Believe me, it happens all the time.)

3. The AFC North. We play each other twice a year. It's a natural rivalry just like it is with Cincinnati. Bengals fans aren't very big on The Steelers either.

4. Then there's this...


5. And this guy caused his fair share of trouble with The Browns...


6. And we've been playing each other for a very long time. These rivalries just happen and there isn't one simple explanation for how they become as heated as they are.






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Can you explain to me why Clevelanders have such a big sporting chip on their shoulder about Pittsburgh? I have never understood this.

1. Geography. Our NFL teams are only a couple hours from each other. Eastern Ohio and Western Pennsylvania get a lot of crossover fans so some towns are split down the middle. It's like The NFL version of

Ohio State-Michigan or Auburn-Alabama.

2. In the 70's when The Browns sucked and The Steelers were winning, a lot of people in Ohio jumped on The Steelers bandwagon and have stayed there. Obviously that type of thing led to some bitter feelings amongst the locals. The Steelers are easily the number two team in terms of fan favorites in Ohio. The fans of the number one team (The Browns) don't really care for that. Especially when Steelers fans show up at our local Browns establishments just to cause trouble. (Believe me, it happens all the time.)

3. The AFC North. We play each other twice a year. It's a natural rivalry just like it is with Cincinnati. Bengals fans aren't very big on The Steelers either.

4. Then there's this...


5. And this guy caused his fair share of trouble with The Browns...


6. And we've been playing each other for a very long time. These rivalries just happen and there isn't one simple explanation for how they become as heated as they are.

Well said.

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